摘 要 :通过野外标本采集、鉴定和对国内标本馆大量标本的观察研究,在国内文献中首次报道了科布尔黄耆(Astragalus koburensis Bunge);纠正了之前国内几个标本馆将科布尔黄耆鉴定为乳白花黄耆(A.galactites Pall.)的错误;同时将宁夏黄耆(A.ningxiaensis Podlech et L.R.Xu)处理为科布尔黄耆的一个异名;并对科布尔黄耆在中国的分布范围和生态地理特征进行了讨论。
Abstract:Based on specimen collection and identification as well as studies of many other specimens in several major herbaria of China,this paper firstly reported the species Astragalus koburensis Bunge in domestic literature.The previous mistake which identify A.koburensis Bunge with A.galactites Pall.has been corrected.And a species A.ningxiaensis Podlech et L.R.Xu,was reduced to a new synonym of A.koburensis Bunge.Distribution range and eco-geographical characteristics of A.koburensis Bunge in China have also been discussed in this paper.