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A New Record of The Genus Neurotoma (Hymenoptera,Pamphiliidae) to China


全 文 :林业科学研究 2005 ,18 (1) :84~85
Forest Research
  文章编号 :100121498 (2005) 0120084202
中国纽扁叶蜂属一新纪录种 (膜翅目 ,扁叶蜂科)
萧刚柔1 , 陈天林2
(11 中国林业科学研究院森林生态环境与保护研究所 ,北京 ,100091 ; 21 辽宁省海城市森林保护站 ,辽宁 海城 114200)
摘要 :本文记述纽扁叶蜂属中国一新纪录种 ———珍珠梅纽扁叶蜂 Neurotoma sibirica Gussakovskij。其中卵、幼虫及蛹
关键词 :膜翅目 ;扁叶蜂科 ;纽扁叶蜂属 ;叶蜂 ;珍珠梅
中图分类号 :S763131      文献标识码 :A
收稿日期 : 2004207209
作者简介 : 萧刚柔 (1918 —) ,男 ,湖南洞口人 ,研究员.
A Ne w Record of The Genus Neurotoma ( Hymenoptera , Pamphiliidae) to China
XIAO Gang2rou1 , CHEN Tian2lin2
(11Research Institute of Forest Ecology ,Environment and Protection ,CAF ,Beijing  100091 ,China ;
21Station Forest Protection ,Haicheng County of Liaoning Province ,Haicheng  114200 ,Liaoning ,China)
Abstract :A new record of the genus Neurotoma , Neurotoma sibirica Gussakovskij to China was reported in this paper. The exter2
nal morphology of the egg ,larva and pupa was recorded for the first time.
Neurotoma sibirica Gussakovskij ,1935 , a new record to China
Female :body black , shinning ; the following areas pale yellowish2white : a spot near the top of inner2orbit , tegula , spots near two
sides of posterior margins of abdominal terga 4~6 ,central part of posterior margin of sternum 6 , basal half of anal vein (A1) of
forewing , apical part of trocantor and femur , posterior part of tibia ; anterior parts of fore legs and middle legs and posterior part
of tarsus brown , tarsi of hind legs blackish brown ; teeth of mandible deep brown ; pterostigma and veins except the basal half of
1A of forewing black , shinning ; wing subhyaline ; wing membrane grayish , outer margin , anterior part of posterior margin gray.
Head behind eyes almost not constricted ; clypeus with anterior margin truncate , central part convex , both sides concave ; frontal
carina sharp ; median fovea round , deep ; lateral sutures and transverse suture distinct ; length of postocellar area about as long as
its width ; postgenal carina distinct ; scutum of mesothorax roundly convex ; mesoscutellum deeply concave ; cell C of forewing pi2
lose. Punctures on clypeus and frons rather dense ; distance between punctures greater than diameter of an ocellus ; paraantennal
fields shinning ; punctures of temple and postocellar field larger and rare , distance between punctures greater than diameter of an
ocellus ; punctures of tergum of mesothorox rare , punctures of mesepisterum dense ; abdominal terga with very fine punctures.
Apex of sawsheath see fig. 1.
Body length about 11 mm;forewing length about 8 mm; antenna 222segmented , attaining only to abdomen.
Male :the male is similar to the female in coloration , structure (except external genitalia) and puncture. External genitalia see fig.
2 ,9th abdominal sternum see fig. 3. body length about 7 mm;forewing length about 5 mm; antenna 222segmented ,attaining only to
Egg :oblong ,yellowish white ,length about 4 mm ,width about 2 mm.
Larva :head brownish ; thorax and abdomen yellow ; anterior part of antenna , coxa of thoracic leg , anterior part of trochanter , an2
terior part of subanal appendage , convex line of suranal plate black ; prothoracic shield brownish black ; apex of lacinia with 5 se2
tae ; second segment of subanal appendage with 4 setae at anterior ventral surface ; apical part of suranal plate with hairs ; body
length about 15 mm.
Pupa : yellowish white ; compound eye and ocellus black ; antenna extending to 2nd segment of abdomen ; length of female pupa
about 15 mm , of male pupa about 9 mm.
Distribution : Haicheng County , Liaoning Province , China ; Korea ( GW , HB) ; E. Siberia , Sakalin ; Japan ( Hokkaido) ; Kurile
Is ; (Shikotan Is) .
Host plant : Sorbaria sorbifolia (L. ) A. Br. ; Sorbaria sorbifolia var. stillipila Maxim. (Shinohara , 1980) ;Rosaceae.
Chinese material examined : 8 ♀♀12 ♂♂,2003. Ⅴ. 08 ,Chen Tianlin leg ;14 ♀♀4 ♂♂,2004. Ⅳ. 23 ,Chen Tianlin leg ;
Haicheng County , Liaoning Province ,China.
Key words :Hymenoptera ;Pamphiliidae ; Neurotoma ;Sawfly ; Sorbaria sorbifolia (L. ) A. Br.
纽扁叶蜂属 Neurotoma Konow 1897 全世界已知
20 种 ;中国已知 2 种 ,本种是第 3 种 ,是中国一新纪
录种。以下成虫形态是根据 Gussakovskij 的俄文描
述 ,查对中国标本并补充一些特征 ,而加以报道
的[1~7 ] 。
珍珠梅纽扁叶蜂 Neurotoma sibirica Gussakovskij ,
1935 ,中国新纪录种
雌虫 :体黑色 ,具光泽 ;以下各部分淡黄白色 :近
内眼眶顶端斑点 ,翅基片 ,腹部背板 4~6 近后缘两
端斑点 ,腹板 6 后缘中央部分 ,前翅臀脉 1 (1A) 基半
部 ,转节及腿节前端 ,胫节后端 ;前足及中足胫节前
端以及跗节后端褐色 ,后足跗节黑褐色 ;上颚齿深褐
色 ;翅痣及翅脉 (除前翅 1A 基半部)黑色 ,具光泽 ;翅
半透明 ,翅膜带灰色 ,外缘及后缘前半部灰色。眼后
头部几乎不收缩 ;唇基前缘截形 ,中央隆起 ,两侧凹
下 ;额脊尖削 ;中窝圆形 ,深 ;侧缝及横缝明显 ;单眼
后区长与宽约相等 ;后颊脊明显 ;中胸盾片呈圆形隆
起 ,中胸小盾片凹入较深 ;前翅前缘室具细毛。唇基
及额刻点较密 ,刻点间距不及一个单眼直径长 ;触角
侧区光滑 ;眼上区及单眼后区刻点稀疏而较大 ,刻点
间距大于一个单眼直径长 ;中胸背板刻点稀疏 ,中胸
前侧片刻点稠密 ;腹部背板具很细刻点。锯鞘尖端
见图 121。
11 雌虫锯鞘尖端 21 雄虫外生殖器背面观 31 雄虫第 9 节腹板
图 1  珍珠梅纽扁叶蜂 Neurotoma sibirica Guss.
体长约 11 mm ;前翅长约 8 mm ;触角 22 节 ,长仅
雄虫 :体色 ,结构 (除外生殖器) ,刻点一如雌虫。
外生殖器见图 122 ;第 9 节腹板见图 123。体长约 7
mm ;前翅长约 5 mm ;触角 22 节 ,长仅达腹部。
卵 :椭圆形 ,黄白色 ,长约 4 mm ,宽约 2 mm。
幼虫 :头浅褐色 ;胸部及腹部黄色 ;触角前端 ,胸
足基节 ,转节前端 ,肛下附器前端 ,肛上叶隆起线黑
色 ;前胸背板斑点褐黑色 ;内颚叶外端具 5 根较粗而
直刚毛 ;肛下附器第 2 节前端腹面具 4 根刚毛。肛
上叶末端具细毛 ;体长约 15 mm。
蛹 :黄白色 ;复眼及单眼黑色 ;触角达于腹部第
2 节 ; ♀蛹体长约 15 mm , ♂蛹体长约 9 mm。
分布 :中国辽宁省海城市 ;俄罗斯远东地区 ,日
本北海道 ,千岛群岛 ,韩国。
寄主 :珍珠梅 Sorbaria sorbifolia (L1) A1 Br1 ;国外
记载为 Sorbaria sorbifolia var1 stillipila Maxim1 ;属蔷
薇科 Rosaceae。
中国检验标本 :8 ♀♀12 ♂♂,2003205208 ,陈天
林采 ; 14 ♀♀4 ♂♂,2004204223 ,陈天林采 ;中国辽
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58第 1 期 萧刚柔等 :中国纽扁叶蜂属一新纪录种