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A New Species of the Genus Cephalcia (Hymenoptera:Pamphiliidae) from China


全 文 :  1998—01—17收稿。
萧刚柔研究员(中国林业科学研究院森林保护研究所 北京 100091) ;曾垂惠(重庆市永川市森林病虫防治试验站)。
萧刚柔 曾垂惠
  摘要 本文记述腮扁叶蜂属一新种即马尾松腮扁叶蜂( Cep halcia p inivora)。本种在重庆市永
  关键词 膜翅目 广腰亚目 扁叶蜂科 腮扁叶蜂属
图1 马尾松腮扁叶蜂
1.握器及副阳茎, 2.阳茎瓣, 3.雄虫第9节腹板
  马尾松腮扁叶蜂( Cep halcia p inivora Xiao
et Zeng )新种
雌虫 黄褐色, 具光泽。头部及须黄褐;触
角深黄, 尖端5节黑; 单眼三角及眼黑。胸部黄
中胸后背片,中胸前侧片下端, 中胸后侧片,中
明;翅痣黑; 翅脉深黄; 翅痣基部下面有一近长
方形灰黑色斑。足黄褐, 转节腹面部分黑。腹部
黄褐,三角区黑。唇基中央隆起, 两侧凹下; 额隆
起,非结节状;中窝卵圆形; 侧缝及横缝明显,冠
缝隐晦; OOLPOLOCL= 1. 7 1 1. 7; 单眼后
区长宽= 1. 11; 无后颊脊。单眼后区及眼后区
刻点较密, 中等大小, 点间距约等于点本身直
径;触角侧区刻点粗稀, 呈皱纹状; 中胸背面刻
点较稀; 中胸前侧片刻点较密;腹部背板无刻
点。头部及前胸背板细毛黄色, 中等长。体长14
mm ;触角29节。
雄虫 黑色,具光泽。头部及胸部黑;中胸
基腹板黄。翅痣黑褐; 翅脉除前缘脉为黄黑色
色。唇基中央微隆起,成结节状; 中窝不明显; OOLPOLOCL= 2. 513. 3。体长13 mm ;触角
林业科学研究 1998, 11( 5) : 488~490
Forest Research     
  正模, ♀,重庆市大竹县, 1997.Ⅴ. 10,杨兴伟采。副模: 4♀♀, 5, 同正模;重庆市永川
市, 1996.Ⅴ. 17, 4♀♀, 6,陈松采。
寄主:马尾松( Pinus massoniana Lamb. )
本新种与昆嵛山腮扁叶蜂( Cep halcia kunyushanica Xiao )近似 [ 1, 2] , 但前者雌虫单眼三角
参 考 文 献
  1 萧刚柔.中国腮扁叶蜂亚科四新种(膜翅目:扁叶蜂科) .林业科学, 1987, (昆虫专辑) : 1~4.
  2 萧刚柔,黄孝运,周淑芷,等.中国经济叶蜂志(Ⅰ) .陕西杨陵:天则出版社, 1992. 23~24.
A New Species of the Genus Cephalcia
(Hymenoptera: Pamphiliidae) from China
X iao Gangrou  Zeng Chuihui
  Abstract In this paper a new species of the genus Cep halcia is described. Cephalcia
p inivora is a serious pest of Pinus massoniana Lamb. in Yongchuan and Dazu Count ies,
Chongqing M unicipality .
Cephalcia p inivor a Xiao et Zeng new species
Female——Yellow ish brow n, shining . Head and palpi y ellow ish brow n; antennae deep
yellow w ith apical f ive segments black; ocellar t riang le and eyes black. Thorax yellow ish
brow n; prescutum , most of mesoscutum , mesoscutel lum , post tergite, basal par t of mesoepis-
ternum adjacent to mesobasister num, mesoepimeron, mesobasisternum black; metascutellum,
po stnotum black. Wings hyaline; st igma black; veins deep yellow ; below base of stigma a
nearly oblong g rey black patch present . Legs yellowish br ow n, v entral part of t rochanter s
part ly black. A bdomen yellow ish brown; tr iangular area black. Clypeus sw ollen in middle,
concave in lateral parts; f rons sw ollen, not tuberculate; median fov ea oval ; lateral sutures and
transverse suture distinct , coronal surture obsolete; OOL POLOCL= 1. 71 1. 7; leng th o f
po stocellar ar ea  it s w idth = 1. 1 1; postgenal carina absent . Punctures on po stocellar ar ea
and posto cular area denser , moder ate sized, distance betw een punctures about equal to diame-
ter of a punctur e; paraantennal f ields w ith coarse punctures; punctures on back of mesonotum
sparser and those on mesoepisternum finer and denser; terga w ithout punctures. Head and
pr otho rax with yellowish moderate long pubescence. Body length 14 mm; antenna 29 seg-
M ale—— Black, shining . Head and tho rax black; mesobasisternum yellow . St igma
4895期        萧刚柔等: 危害马尾松的一种新叶蜂(膜翅目: 扁叶蜂科)
blackish brow n; veins black except for costa w hich is yellow ish black. Abdominal terga black
w ith lateral parts yellow ; po ster io r marg ins o f sterna yellow . Clypeus slightly sw ollen in
middle; frons swo llen, tuberculate; median fo vea indist inct ; OOL  POL OCL = 2. 5 1 3. 3.
Body length 13 mm ; antenna 29 segments. Harpes and parapenis as in fig . 1-1; penis valve as
in fig . 1-2; ninth sternum as in fig 1-3. Other characters the same as for female.
Hollo type, ♀, Dazu County , Chongqing Municipality, 1997. Ⅴ. 10, Xingw ei Yang leg .
Paratypes: 4♀♀, 5, same as fo r hollo type; Yongchuan County , Chongqing M unicipality,
1996.Ⅴ. 17, 4♀♀, 6, Song Chen leg .
Host plant : Pinus massoniana Lamb.
Remarks: T he new species resembles Cephalcia kunyushanica Xiao, but dif fers from the
lat ter in female w ith ocel lar t riangle black, below base of stigma a near ly oblong gr ey black
patch present , about apical half o f fo re and hind w ings not infuscated.
All the type specimens ar e deposited in the Insect Collect ion of the Inst itute o f Forest
Pro tection, the Chinese Academy of Forest ry .
Key words Hymenoptera Symphy ta Pamphil iidae Cephalcia
  Xiao Gangrou , Professor ( The Research In st itute of Forest Protection ,CAF  Beijing 100091) ; Zeng Chuih ui ( Experi-
men t Stat ion of Forest Insect and Dis ease C on tr ol , Yon gchu an City) .
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