摘 要 :陆马蜂Polistes (Megapostes) rothneyi grahami van der Vecht在我国分布面积广,捕食性强,在北京一年可发生三代,以受精雌蜂越冬,翌年4月雌蜂出蛰,开起建巢、产卵,5月初出现第一代幼虫,5月末化蛹,6月上中旬羽化第一代成蜂,分成雌性职蜂和雄蜂,这些职蜂行建巢哺育幼虫,保卫蜂巢之职,部分雌职蜂也进行交配产卵,由此分巢。也有一巢中有几代蜂的。这些职蜂可以大量捕食油松毛虫幼虫。由试验证实马蜂的发育时期与油松毛虫的发育时期是同步的,特别是8月中旬至9月上旬,油松毛虫幼虫为3-5龄时,是马蜂最好的捕食对象,也是油松毛虫危害最严重时期。但马蜂对1-2、7-8龄油松毛虫幼虫不易捕食。
Abstract:Polistes (Megapostes) rothneyi grahami van der Vecht is one Species of social wasps which occurs in abundance and is distributed over a large area of China.The wasps has three generations per year.The overwintered adult begins to build new nests and lay eggs in spring.Its first generation appears in June,the second one in July and third one in August.The development of the wasp and pine caterpillar can be found concurrently.The period between mid-August and the beginning of September is the best to control the caterpillar,because there are a lot of third to fifth-instar pine caterpillars.According to observations,It was found that applying the wasp to control first to second-instar or seventh to eighth-instar caterpillars is not effective.Finally their attack patterns have been Studied by releasing differellt numbers of nests of the wasp on Miyun Reservior Tree Farm.