Abstract:The paper deals with two new species of the genus Baculum collected from Zhejiang Province. The type specimens are preserved in the institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica. The measurements are all in millimeters.Baculum tianmushanense sp. Nov. (figs. 1-3)This new species is similar to B. asaphum Chen et He, but differs in: 1.Median carina of body distinct;2. Front femur without serrations and four posterior femora with 1-2 teeth on the apical portion of the inferior median carina;3. Posterior margin of anal segment emarginate deeply.♀ (mm) ♂(mm)Body 74.0 68.0Pronotum 2.8 2.2Mesonotum 14.6 14.2Metanotum 9.8 9.6.Median segment 2.2 1.8Front femur 22.6 29.0Middle femur 14.6 20.5Hind femur 18.0 23.5Abdomen 40.4 38.0Holotype ♀, allotype♂, paratype 1 ♂. Mt. Tianmu,Zhejiang Province. 1947.Ⅷ. 26-31. collected by the institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica.Baculum brachycerum sp. Nov. (figs. 4-5)This new species is allied to B. intersulcatum Chen et He,but differs in:1. body without light patches;2. two spines of head short obviously; 3. externoinferior carina of front femur with 3 broad teeth, and middle femur with 3-4 teeth on the apical portion of the inferior median carina;4. hind margin of anal segment truncate obliquely. Body 95.0mm; pronotum 3.2mm; mesonotum 19.0mm; metanotum (with median segment) 15.8mm; median segment 3.0mm; front femur 34.0mm; middle femur 21.0mm. Male: unknown.Holotype ♀, Mt. Tianmu, Zhejiang Province. 1981. Ⅸ. 6. collected by Zhang Bao-lin.
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