Abstract:This paper deals with 4 species of the Triozidae from Liaoning province of China, all of which are described as new to science. Type specimens are deposited in the Insect Collection of Beijing Agricultural University.1 Trioza celastrae Li, sp. n. (fig. 1 )Holotype ♀, Qingyuan Co. (County) (270m) Liaoning, Prov. (Province),1992-V-12) paratypes 1, 1♀, same data as holotype.Host plant: Celastrae orbiculatus Tunb. (Celastraceae)This new species‘ genitalia resembles Trioza obional Loginova 1964, but differs from the latter in venation and appearance of wings; it also differs from T.nigra Kuwayama, 1910, in genal cones yellow-brown and length of genal cones as long as vertex.2 Trioza rhamnisuga Li, sp. n. (fig. 2)Holotype ♀, Qingyuan Co. (270m) Liaoning prov., 1992-VI-5.Host pjant: Rhamnus davurica Pall. (Rhamuaceae)This new species is similar to Trioza atkasookensis Hodkinson, 1978, but distinguished from it by the tibia with 4 spur at apex and by different body colour.3 Eubactericera tiliae Li, sp.n. (fig. 3)Holotype , Xifeng Co. (240m) Liaoning Prov., 1992-V-5.Host plant: Tilia mandschurica Rupr. et Maxim. (Tiliaceae). This new species‘ parameres in caudal view resembles Eubactcricera salicigra Li (in press), but is well separable from it by parameres‘ difference in lateral view and meracanthus finger-like.,4 Eubactericera curroata Li et Sun, sp. n. (fig. 4)Holotype , Qingyuan Co. (270m) Liaoning Prov., 1991-VⅧ-2.Host plant: Rhamnus davuricae Pall.This species is similar to Trioza arctica Hodkinson, 1978, but differs clearly in genitalia‘ features and Rs longer and sinuation.