摘 要 :在我国长江以南杉木产区的一种织叶蛾危害杉木的球果和种子。经研究为Macrobathra属一新种,命名为杉木球果织蛾Macrobathra flavidus Qian et Liu.这个种与日本产木包树织蛾Macrobathra quercea Moriuti,1973相似[1],但在雌,雄外生殖器上却有着明显的差异。
Abstract:A oecophorid pest boring into cone and seed of the China Fir[(Cunninghama lanceolata (Lamb.)Hook has recently been found in the southern part of China.As a result of examination,we have concluded that this insect represents a new species of Macrobathra.We give the specific name Macrobathra flavidus Q Jan et Liu,sp.n.This species resembles Macrobathra quercea Moriuti,l973,but it distinctly differs from the latter in the male and female genitalia.