Abstract:Mole percent of G + C in DNA of Bacillus thuringiensis seven subspcies were determinated by means of thermal denaturation method of nucleic acid. The result showed that:B, t. Subsp, thuringiensis(H1)" G+C% =32.5t B.t.subsp. finitimus (H2) G+C%=31.0; B.t. Subsp, alesti(H3a) G+C%=30.0; B.t. Subsp, Kurstaki(H3a3b) G + C% = 30.03 B.t. Subsp, kenyae (H4a4c) G + C% = 29.5; B.t. Subsp, galleriae(H5a5b) G+C%=32.0; B.t. Subsp, wenquanensis G+C%=31.5.