Abstract:The regeneration ability for 8 pagoda tree varieties of Papilionoideae in the plant tissue culture were compared with different genotypes. The result shows that the buds differentiation rate of leaves varied much with a descending order var. japonica Jinye ( 79.03% ) , var japonica golden ( 41.46%) , Cladrastis sinensis (36.2% ) , Robinia psudoacian L. ( 34.2% ) , Cassia suffruticasa ( 25% ) , Sophora japonica L. (22.7% ) , var. robinia tetrap loid (21% ) and Robinia hispida L. (18% ) ; The descending order of induction rate, differentiation rate of cullas and rooting rate was the alide with the bud differentiation rate of leaves. The regulatory effects and traits of genotype on plant regeneration abilitywas discussed respectively by this experiment system. There were indications that the demand for basic medium and foreign hormone was similar between different genotypes of pagoda tree; the regulation of genotype on dedifferentiation and redifferentiation of pagoda trees was identical; the regulation of genotype had identity on regeneration ability of plant tissues and organs, but there still existed specificities in different tissues and organs of different genotypes as well as the same genotype.