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Study on Genetic Characters and Fertility Restoration of the Hybrid between Leymus chinensis and Leymus cinereus


全 文 :文章编号: 1007-0435( 2005) 01-0082-02 ·博士论文摘要·
博士生:侯建华1 导师:云锦凤2
( 1.内蒙古农业大学农学院, 内蒙古呼和浩特 010019; 2.内蒙古农业大学生态环境学院 ,内蒙古呼和浩特 010019)
  从形态学、细胞学及分子标记 3个不同层次
对羊草( L eymus chinensis )、灰色赖草 ( L eymus
cinereus)及其杂种 F 1的生物学特性、遗传特性、
了研究, 主要结果如下:
1. 杂种 F1与其双亲相比具有植株高大、叶
2. 杂种 F1 在生产性能上, 特别是在叶面
优势,超亲优势率分别为 50. 0%、30. 7% (或 27.
8% )和 20. 9%。在分蘖能力上具有负向超亲优
势,负向超亲优势率为5. 7%。杂种 F1 的耐盐性
偏向于灰色赖草, 而高于羊草。
3. 杂种 F1 在粗蛋白、无氮浸出物、粗灰分
和 Ca 等营养成分上表现出超亲优势,超亲优势
率分别是0. 71%、1. 00%、22. 72%和 10. 00%。
4. 根尖细胞染色体数目鉴定表明,两亲本
及杂种 F 1染色体数均为 28条。两亲本的 PMC
M I减数分裂正常,其中亲本羊草 PMC M I 染色
体构型为 0. 24I+ 13. 85II,灰色赖草的 PMC M I
染色体构型为 0. 14I+ 13. 90II。杂种 F1的 PMC
M I 染色体构型为 2. 29 I+ 12. 39II,并以环状二
价体占优势,单价体出现频率为 2. 29Ⅰ/细胞,
的较高同源性和杂种 F 1花粉及胚囊的败育表明
杂种 F1不育的遗传原因很可能是基因作用导致
5. 杂种 F 1花粉和胚囊的大量败育是造成
6. 利用秋水仙碱直接加倍愈伤组织, 加倍
效率较高, 为 5. 0%, 且易于获得倍性纯合的异
7. 微卫星引物( SSR)扩增出的杂交种带型
均表现为父母本条带的“互补型”, SSR 标记是
相对较大, 杂种 F1偏向于母本遗传。4株回交株
之间遗传相似系数在 0. 27~0. 75之间,表明遗
关键词: 羊草;灰色赖草; 种间杂种;遗传学;育性恢复; SSR分析
中图分类号: S812; S330   文献标识码: A
论文完成时间: 2004年 5月
收稿时期: 2005-03-09; 修回时期: 2005-03-14
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目“小麦族内多年生禾草远缘杂种的育性恢复”( 39970536)
作者简介:侯建华( 1962-) ,女,内蒙古呼和浩特人, 博士,教授,主要从事饲用植物遗传育种及分子生物学方面的研究, 已发表论文
30多篇,参编著作 5部, E -mail : Houjh68@ 163. com
导师简介: 云锦凤( 1941-) ,女,蒙古族,内蒙古土默特旗人,教授,主要从事牧草遗传育和种质资源研究,发表论文 70余篇, 专著 4
部,编写教材 2部, E-mail: csgrass@ public. hh. nm . cn
第 13卷 第 1期
 Vo l. 13  No. 1
草 地 学 报
  2005年  3 月
 M arch  2005
Study on Genetic Characters and Fertility Restoration of the Hybrid
between Leymus chinensis and Leymus cinereus
Candidate: HOU Jian-hua
1 Adv isor : YUN Jin-feng2
( 1. Co lleg e of Ag ronomy , Inner M ongolia Ag ricultur al U niversity , Huhho t , Inner M ongo lia 010019, China;
2. Co lleg e of Ecolog y and Env ir onment , Inner M ongolia Agricultural
U niversity , Huhho t , Inner Mongolia, 010019, China)
The biolog ical characters, genet ic character s, cytolog ical basis o f sterility and fer tility restor ation
to hybrid F 1 betw een leymus chinensis and Leymus ciner eus w ere studied by means o f morpho logy ,
cy to logy and SSR markers. T he main results w ere as follow :
1. In comparison w ith par ents, the hybrid F1 had super io rity in grow th vigour , leaf w idth and
leng th, spike w idth and leng th. T his mor pholog ical characters and glume shape of hybr id F1 can be
used as morpho logy mar ker to identify hybr id.
2. The heterosis o f the hybrid F1 was st ronger in leaf area, the rat io of stem w eight and leaf
w eight and fr esh g rass yield, and over-high parent hetero sis w as 50. 0% , 30. 7%(或 27. 8) and 20.
9% , respect ively. Over-low parent heterosis w as 5. 7% in tillering ability . Salt tolerance of the
hybrid F 1 was similar to Leymus cinereus, but it w as st ronger than Leymus chinensis.
3. The heterosis of the hybr id F 1 was st ronger in crude protein, nit ro gen free ex tr act , crude ash
and Ca element , and over -high parent hetero sis w as 0. 71%, 1. 0% , 22. 72% and 10. 00% ,
respect iv ely .
4. Test of chromosome number by roo t-t ip cell show ed that parents and its hybrid F 1 was 2n= 4x
= 28. The PMC MⅠ chr omosome pairing configurat ion of L . chinensis, L . cinereus and its hybrid F 1
wer e 0. 24Ⅰ+ 13. 85Ⅱ, 0. 14Ⅰ+ 13. 90Ⅱ, and 2. 29Ⅰ+ 12. 39Ⅱ, respect ively. Furthermo re, the
ring biv alents in hybrid F 1 were dom inant , f requency of univalents w as 2. 29 per cell, and no trivalents
or quadrivalents w ere observed. T he abort ion o f pollen and embryo sac, and close genom ic homology
in the hybrid indicate that it s sterility may be genic rather than genome.
5. The abo rtion o f F1 po llen and embryo sac is one of main facto r, w hich result in sterility of
hybrid F 1 , and pollen abort ion occured mainly at the 2-nucleated stage; embryo sac abor tion were
init iated at stag e after the megaspor e mother cells developing dichod.
6. It has the higher ef ficiency of chromosome doubling to t reat callus w ith co lchicines and easily
has pure allopolyploide.
7. T he amplificat ion bends of hybrid with SSR markers w ere complementary w ith that of
parents. SSR technique is the reasonable method f or ident ificat ion o f hybrid. Genet ic sim ilar ity ( GS
= 0. 36) show ed that genet ic distance betw een L . chinensis and L . cinereus is relat ive higher. Gene of
hybrid F1 tended tow ard L . chinensis. Genetic similarity is f rom 0. 27 to 0. 75 among 4 backcross
plants, w hich show that g enet ic distance is also higher among backcross plants.
Key words : L eymus chinensis; Leymus cinereus; Inter specific hybrid; Genet ics; Fert ility
restorat ion; SSR.
83第 1期 侯建华:羊草与灰色赖草杂交后代遗传学特性及育性恢复的研究