作 者 :陆阳
期 刊 :武汉植物学研究 1987年 5卷 4期 页码:359-371
Keywords:Pattern analysis, Assocition analysis, Spectral analysis, Mt.Dinghu, Patchiness, Mosaic,
摘 要 :分布格局分析与联结分析是研究植物群落空间分布及结构的重要方法。本文以鼎湖山自然保护区马尾松群落,马尾松阔叶树混交林群落和厚壳桂森林群落为对象,选择22个主要的乔木、灌木、藤本种群,应用 Greig-Smith 分布格局分析、Kershaw 强度分析。Hill 二项局部方差分析和谱分析等四个分布格局分析方法及结合分析、协方差分析和相关分析等三个联结分析方法,描述和指示了植物种群水平分布的斑块性及种群之间在空间分布上的相互关系;并进一步从统计处理和实用范围等方面比较了各方法的合理性及有效性。研究表明,分布格局分析对于南亚热带森林植物种群分布格局强度与规模的分离是有效的。其中 Greig-Smith 方法有一定的适应性,并可通过与 Hill 方法的结合应用使其缺陷得以补偿;而谱分析方法更适用于大样本的分析。联结分析中,只有少数种间发生正或负的联结;三个方法各具特点,尤以结合分析在计算上和图示上为佳。
Abstract:The data of density and abundanceof the plant species from three communities in Dinghu Shan forest were used as the ecological information for the pattern analysis and the association analysis. The four methods of pattern analysis, Greig-Smith‘s(1952) pattern analysis, Kershaw‘s (1970) intensity analysis, Hill‘s(1973)two-term local variance analysis, and spectral analysis, were applied to describe and indicate the population pattern of the tree, shrub species. The other three methods of association analysis, joint analysis and covariance analysis(Kershaw, 1900), correlation analysis(Austin, 1968)were utilized to explore the interspecific association of the representative species in three communities. The comparisons between the methods that had been used were made in this paper. The pattern analysis are very useful for separating the intensity, scale and grain of the pattern and indicating the patchiness of horizontal dispersion of plant population. Of the four methods, the Greig-Smith‘s and the Hill‘s are appropriate for the utility in the lower subtropical forest, especialy being applied cooperatively. It had been found from the analysis graphs that Kershaw‘s not only has no suitable statistics-test but also reduces the peak values. The spectral analysis has some advantages of describing the pattern, but no enough evidence to prove its efficiency for a small number of the samples. The association analysis gave some interesting results from which the reasons of interspecific association could be deduced. The positive association is the fruit either of the similar responses of two species to the environmental factors or of the dominants pattern being exerted on another species. The negative association is the consequence either of the variant responses of two species to the environmental factors or of the automatic division of the horizontal spaces occupied by two high density species, The appearances of the association between plant species could not be restricted by the block size and the type of pattern. Among the three methods that had been used the joint analysis is the best one not only for its clear graph but also for its statistical significance. Doubulessly, all the analyzing methods used in this paper, have played the important role on the advance researches of the plant species space distribution, in particular, on showing the patchiness and the mosaic of the plant population individuals.
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