摘 要 :以国家标准或常规测定法为参照方法,应用 NIRDRSA 测定了5种作物不同品种籽粒样品中4种营养成分和小麦的水分及硬度值。两种方法所测各组定标和预测样品数值间回归相关系数均大于0.968,变异系数圴小于3.2%。经 t 检验,NIRDRSA 与参照法之间无显著差异(P<0.05)。NIRDRSA 经定标后,即可快速鉴定和筛选勿需称量和任何化学预处理
Abstract:The values of 4 nutrient ingredients from the seed samples of different varieties of5 cereal crops and the moisture content and hardness of wheat were determined byboth the NIRDRSA method and the state standard(or conventional)methods.Theresults indicated that the Correlated coefficients between the