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A New Species and a New Variety of Porella (Porellaceae, Marchantiophyta) from China


全 文 :中国光萼苔属一新种和一新变种∗
贾  渝ꎬ 何  强
(中国科学院植物研究所系统与进化植物学国家重点实验室ꎬ 北京  100093)
摘要: 描述了光萼苔属的一个新种和一个新变种: 卷瓣光萼苔 Porella recurve ̄loba 和多齿光萼苔全缘变种
P􀆰 campylophylla (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Trev. var. integraꎬ 它们分别采自中国甘肃和云南ꎮ 提供了上述新分类
群的描述和线条图ꎬ 并且讨论了与它们形态相似种类之间的区别特征ꎮ
关键词: 光萼苔属ꎻ 卷瓣光萼苔ꎻ 多齿光萼苔全缘变种ꎻ 中国
中图分类号: Q 949􀆰 35          文献标志码: A              文章编号: 2095-0845(2015)06-741-05
A New Species and a New Variety of Porella (Porellaceaeꎬ
Marchantiophyta) from China
JIA Yuꎬ HE Qiang
(State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botanyꎬ Institute of Botanyꎬ Chinese Academy of Sciencesꎬ Beijing 100093ꎬ China)
Abstract: A new speciesꎬ Porella recurve ̄loba Y. Jia & Qiang Heꎬ and a new varietyꎬ Porella campylophylla (Lehm.
& Lindenb.) Trev. var. integra Y. Jia & Qiang Heꎬ are described and illustrated. Both taxa are from Chinaꎬ found in
Gansu and Yunnan Provinces respectively.
Key words: Porellaꎻ Porella recurve ̄lobaꎻ P􀆰 campylophylla var. integraꎻ China
  The genus Porellaꎬ including about 80 species
(Frey and Stechꎬ 2009)ꎬ is widely distributed all over
the world except for the Arctic and Anarctic regions.
According to literatureꎬ there were 90 taxa (51 spe ̄
ciesꎬ 30 varietiesꎬ 6 subspecies and 3 forms) in east ̄
ern Asia. The center of speciation appears to be in
this region. The genus is taxonomically difficult spe ̄
cially at the species level. Schuster (1980) stated
the Porella might be in an active state of evolution
with species boundaries ill ̄defined and its species
showing phenomenal plasticity. For exampleꎬ the
characters for separation of P􀆰 densifoliaꎬ P􀆰 stephani ̄
ana and P􀆰 oblongifolia were confirmed to be often
unreliable (Boisselier ̄Dubayle and Bischlerꎬ 1994ꎻ
Bischler et al.ꎬ 2006). Recent phylogenetic study on
Porella ( Hentschel et al.ꎬ 2007) also showed all
sections represented by Schuster ( 1980) were not
supported by molecular data. Thereforeꎬ the investi ̄
gation for sporophyte variation in Porella should be a
worthwhile undertaking (Hentschel et al.ꎬ 2007).
Various bryologists (Hattoriꎬ 1970ꎻ Gao and Aurꎬ
1978ꎻ Luo and Wuꎬ 1980ꎻ Luoꎬ 1987ꎬ 2000ꎻ Baiꎬ
2000) have studied the Chinese Porella. Forty spe ̄
cies of the genus have been recorded in China (Piip ̄
poꎬ 1990ꎻ Luoꎬ 2000ꎻ Gao and Wuꎬ 2010ꎻ Jia and
Heꎬ 2013). Howeverꎬ many specimens of Porella
have not been identified in herbaria yet. The investi ̄
gation of Porella for some regions is very poor. For
exampleꎬ Porella in Ningxia and Qinghai have not
been reported yet and only one species of Porella was
植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报  2015ꎬ 37 (6): 741~745
Plant Diversity and Resources                                    DOI: 10.7677 / ynzwyj201515054
∗ Funding: National Natural Science Foundation of China (31170188): Taxonomic study on Hepaticae and Anthoceros of Mts. Qinlingꎬ China
Received date: 2015-03-27ꎬ Accepted date: 2015-06-23
作者简介: 贾渝 (1966-) 男ꎬ 研究员ꎬ 从事苔藓植物分类学研究ꎮ E ̄mail: yjia@ibcas􀆰 ac􀆰 cn
reported from Xijiang (Piippoꎬ 1990ꎻ Jia and Heꎬ
2013). Thereforeꎬ the Porella flora of China is still
insufficiently known. Some new or new record spe ̄
cies might be found there if more extensive investiga ̄
tions are made. In this articleꎬ we describe two new
taxa of Porella from Gansu and Yunnanꎬ China.
    卷瓣光萼苔  Juan ̄Ban ̄Guang ̄E ̄Tai
Porella recurve ̄loba Y. Jia & Qiang He sp. nov.
Fig􀆰 1.
Plants medium ̄sizedꎬ greenish yellow or yellowish
brown in herbarium materialꎻ stems 3 - 5 cm longꎬ
0􀆰 3-0􀆰 4 mm in diam.ꎬ with leaves 3-4 mm wideꎬ
irregularly branchedꎬ branches obliquely spreadingꎬ
2􀆰 0- 3􀆰 5 cm long. Leaves densely imbricateꎬ keel
very shortꎻ dorsal leaf ̄lobe widely spreadingꎬ oblong ̄
ovateꎬ 1􀆰 5-2􀆰 0 mm longꎬ 0􀆰 75-1􀆰 0 mm wideꎬ the
apex rounded or obtuseꎬ entire. Median cells 12􀆰 5-
Fig􀆰 1  Porella recurve ̄loba Y. Jia & Q. He
1. A portion of branch with perianthꎻ 2. Part of stemꎬ dorsal viewꎬ showing the insertion of dorsal leaf ̄lobe to the stemꎻ 3-5. Leavesꎻ 6-8. Under ̄
leavesꎻ 9. Median cells of the dorsal leaf ̄lobeꎻ 10. Basal cells of the dorsal leaf ̄lobeꎻ 11. Perianthꎻ 12. Innermost bractꎻ 13-14. Innermost bracte ̄
olesꎻ 15. cells of lobes of perianth ̄mouths. Drawn from L􀆰 Y. Pei 1205 (China: Gansuꎬ Wenxian Co.ꎬ on treeꎬ 1 190-1 660 mꎬ July 5. 2006ꎬ in
PE). (Scale = 0􀆰 4 mmꎬ for 1ꎻ Scale = 0􀆰 3 mmꎬ for 2ꎻ Scale = 0􀆰 25 mmꎬ for 3-8ꎬ 11-14ꎻ Scale = 25 μmꎬ for 9-10ꎬ 15) . (Drawn by Qiang He)
247                                  植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报                            第 37卷
25 × 12􀆰 5-17􀆰 5 μmꎬ with thin walls and small tri ̄
gonesꎬ basal cells 22􀆰 5 - 35 × 20 - 22􀆰 5 μmꎬ with
thin wallsꎬ trigones very small or absenceꎬ trigones
gradually become smaller towards baseꎻ ventral leaf ̄
lobe oblique or nearly parallel to the stemꎬ rectan ̄
gleꎬ 0􀆰 5-0􀆰 75 mm longꎬ 0􀆰 2-0􀆰 3 mm wide at mid ̄
dleꎬ lateral margins entireꎬ sometimes 1-2 small ad ̄
ditional teeth at nearly baseꎬ and often strongly re ̄
curved from middle to baseꎬ sometimes extend to a ̄
pexꎬ base not decurrent. Underleaves imbricateꎬ
rectangularꎬ 0􀆰 4 - 0􀆰 6 mm longꎬ 0􀆰 35 - 0􀆰 50 mm
wideꎬ the apex some times recurvedꎬ retuseꎬ mar ̄
gins entireꎬ lateral margins sometimes narrowly re ̄
curvedꎬ but sometimes angulate ̄toothed at baseꎬ the
base not or very shortly decurrent. Leaves and un ̄
derleaves of the primary branch similar to those on
the stemꎬ but more or less narrower. Gynoecia lateral
on the secondary or primary branchesꎬ very shortly
pedicellateꎻ perianth campanulateꎬ ventral plica wide
and indistinctꎬ the mounth with 12 short lobesꎬ lobes
triangular ̄lanecolateꎬ with a single apical tooth and
2-3 lateral teeth consisted of 2-6 cells. Bracts in 1
parisꎻ dorsal lobe of the inner bract oblong with sub ̄
acute apexꎬ basal margins few toothꎬ ventral lobe of
the inner bract toothed along the margins. Sporo ̄
phyte capsules sphericalꎬ 4 ridges. Spores not seen.
Type: China. Gansuꎬ Wenxian Co.ꎬ Bikou townꎬ
Shilonggouꎬ on tree trunkꎬ 1 190-1 660 mꎬ July 5.
2006ꎬ Collector. Pei Lin ̄Ying 1205 (holotype: PE).
This species is related to Porella obtusiloba Hatt.ꎬ
which endemic to Chinaꎬ but it differs from the latter
species in entire leavesꎬ retuseꎬ underleaves being no
or very shortly decurrentꎬ lateral margins of under ̄
leaves sometimes having angulate ̄toothed at baseꎬ
and median cells of perianths having no trigones.
This species is also similar to P􀆰 chinese in ven ̄
tral ̄lobes being narrowly recurved in lowerꎬ but the
latter differs from the new species in the ventral ̄lobes
and underleaves having long ̄decurrent.
In the previous studies (Anꎬ 2002ꎻ Wu et al.ꎬ
2002ꎬ 2009)ꎬ 13 species and 2 varieties of Porella
were reported in Gansu. This new species was col ̄
lected from Wenxian Co.ꎬ Gansuꎬ located in the
western Qinling Mountains in China.
Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the ven ̄
tral lobe of the lateral leaves be strongly recurved.
多齿光萼苔全缘变种  Duo ̄Chi ̄Guang ̄E ̄Tai ̄
Quan ̄Yuan ̄Bian ̄Zhong
Porella campylophylla (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Trev.
var. integra Y. Jia & Qiang He var. nov. Fig􀆰 2.
Plants medium ̄sizedꎬ in matsꎬ flaccid and yel ̄
lowish brown in herbarium material. Stem 4 - 6 cm
longꎬ rarely bipinnately branchedꎬ branches 5-15 mm
longꎬ slightly obliquely spreading. Leaves densely
imbricateꎬ keel shortꎻ dorsal ̄lobe widely spreadingꎬ
flatꎬ ovate ̄oblongꎬ 1􀆰 4-1􀆰 7 mm longꎬ 1􀆰 0-1􀆰 2 mm
wideꎬ apex obtuse or more or less acuteꎬ strongly 4-
10 toothed consisted of 1 - 4 cellsꎬ lateral margins
entireꎬ dorsal lobe base slightly arching beyond the
stemꎻ apical and median cells 20-25 × 15-20 μmꎬ
walls thickenedꎬ basal cells 20 - 32 × 15 - 20 μmꎬ
walls thickenedꎬ trigones largeꎬ noduloseꎬ and more
or less confluentꎻ ventral lobe of leaf rectangle ̄ob ̄
long when flattenedꎬ with obtuse apexꎬ entireꎬ occa ̄
sionally retuse at apexꎬ lateral base strongly long ̄
decurrent. Underleaves more than twice as wide as
the stemꎬ when flattenedꎬ oblongꎬ margins flat ̄
tenedꎬ entireꎬ the insertion deeply sinuateꎬ the base
very long ̄decurrentꎻ apical and median cells 12􀆰 5-
25 × 10 - 20 μmꎬ thick ̄walledꎬ basal cells 17􀆰 5 -
42􀆰 5 × 12􀆰 5-17􀆰 5 μmꎬ walls strongly thickened.
Sporophytes not seen.
Type: China. Yunnanꎬ Weixi Co.ꎬ Yezhi townꎬ
2 800 mꎬ May 8 1982ꎬ X􀆰 J. Li 123a (holotype: KUN).
Etymology. The variety epithet refers to the en ̄
tire underleaves and ventral lobe of leaves.
P􀆰 campylophylla somewhat is similar to P􀆰 caes ̄
pitans in the apex with the teethꎬ but P􀆰 campylophy ̄
lla has more strong teethꎬ usually 4-6 toothedꎬ but
P􀆰 caespitans often has 1-2 smallꎬ additional teeth.
The relationship among P􀆰 campylophyllaꎬ P􀆰 caespitans
and P􀆰 acutifolia should be further clarified by mo ̄
lecular data and the characters of sporophyte in the
3476期      JIA and HE: A New Species and a New Variety of Porella (Porellaceaeꎬ Marchantiophyta) from China     
future study.
P􀆰 campylophylla is a highly variable species.
It occurs in Chinaꎬ India ( Hattoriꎬ 1969ꎬ 1975ꎻ
Shaheen and Srivastavaꎬ 1989)ꎬ Nepal ( Hattoriꎬ
1969ꎻ Hattoriꎬ 1975)ꎬ Bhutan (Longꎬ 1979)ꎬ Viet
Nam ( Pócsꎬ 1968ꎬ as P􀆰 plumosa var. gollanii).
Hattori ( 1978) described P􀆰 campylophylla with a
varietyꎬ P􀆰 campylophylla var. ligulifera and a sub ̄
species P􀆰 campylophylla subsp. lancistipula. Shaheen
and Srivastava (1989) studied Porella campylophyl ̄
la complex in Indiaꎬ published a new varietyꎬ
P􀆰 campylophylla var. ptychantha. Hattori ( 1970)
made a new combination: Porella campylophylla
subsp. tosanaꎬ but Hattori ( 1978) changed it as
Porella acutifolia subsp. tosana. Our new variety dif ̄
fers from the other members of P􀆰 campylophylla
complex in having entire underleaves and ventral
lobes of leaves.
Fig􀆰 2  Porella campylophylla (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Trev. var. integra Y. Jia & Q. He
1. A portion of plantꎻ 2. A portion of branchꎻ 3. Part of stemꎬ dorsal viewꎬ showing the insertion of dorsal leaf ̄lobe to the stemꎻ 4-5.
Leavesꎻ 6 ̄7. Underleavesꎻ 8. Apical leaf cells of the dorsal leaf ̄lobeꎻ 9. Basal leaf cells of the dorsal leaf ̄lobeꎻ 10. Apical leaf cells of
underlaefꎻ 11. Basal leaf cells of underleaf. Drawn from X􀆰 J. Li 123a (China: Yunnanꎬ Weixi Co.ꎬ 2 800 mꎬ May 8. 1982ꎬ in KUN).
(Scale = 0􀆰 5 cmꎬ for 1ꎻ Scale = 0􀆰 45 mmꎬ for 2ꎻ Scale = 0􀆰 25 mmꎬ for 3-7ꎻ Scale = 25 μmꎬ for 8-11) . (Drawn by Qiang He)
447                                  植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报                            第 37卷
  Up to dateꎬ P􀆰 campylophylla includes P􀆰 campy ̄
lophylla subsp. lancistipula ( Stephani ) S. Hatt.ꎬ
P􀆰 campylophylla var. ligulifera S. Hatt.ꎬ P􀆰 campy ̄
lophylla var. ptychantha (Mitt.) Shaheen & S􀆰 C.
Srivast.ꎬ P􀆰 campylophylla var. tixieri (Pócs) S. Hatt.
In Chinaꎬ Porella campylophylla var. campylophylla
and P􀆰 campylophylla var. ligulifera (Tayl.) S. Hatt.
were recorded (Piippoꎬ 1990ꎻ Jia and Heꎬ 2013).
Hereꎬ we provide a key to the infraspecific taxa of
Porella campylophylla.
Key to the infraspecific taxa of Porella campylophylla
1. Under ̄leaves entire 2􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺
1. Under ̄leaves 3 ̄10 toothed at apex 3􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺
2. Ventral leaf ̄lobes and underleaves acuminate
P􀆰 campylophylla subsp. lancistipula􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺
2. Ventral leaf ̄lobes and underleaves obtuse to subtruncate
P􀆰 campylophylla var. integra􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺
3. Under ̄leaves not or slightly decurrent
P􀆰 campylophylla var. tixieri􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺
3. Under ̄leaves decurrent 4􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺
4. Leaf ̄lobes ovate ̄oblong with obtuse or subtruncate apicesꎬ
reduced and blunt teeth at apex
P􀆰 campylophylla var. ptychantha􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺
4. Leaf ̄lobes triangular ̄ovate with acute to acuminate apicesꎬ
3-8 sharp teeth at apex
P􀆰 campylophylla var. ligulifera􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺􀆺
Acknowledgments: We thank the curator of KUN for the
loan of specimens. Special thanks are due to Dr. He Xiao ̄Lan
for reading and reviewing the manuscript.
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5476期      JIA and HE: A New Species and a New Variety of Porella (Porellaceaeꎬ Marchantiophyta) from China     

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