摘 要 :Cryptocoryninae have highly Synorganised inflorescence, which exhibit differential odor production. In Lagenandra, the long-distance attracting stench is produced by the upper Part of the spathe. The anthers and the sterile clubs above the female flowers produce a fruity odor filling the lower part of the inflorescence (kettle). The sterile organs on the spadix have speial fea-tures, such as dense, starch containing tissue with high metabolic activity, postive neutral red reachtion, papillae, and rich supplywith vascular bundles. Similar inflorescence architecture and differential odor production are known for other Araceae.
Abstract:Cryptocoryninae have highly Synorganised inflorescence, which exhibit differential odor production. In Lagenandra, the long-distance attracting stench is produced by the upper Part of the spathe. The anthers and the sterile clubs above the female flowers produce a fruity odor filling the lower part of the inflorescence (kettle). The sterile organs on the spadix have speial fea-tures, such as dense, starch containing tissue with high metabolic activity, postive neutral red reachtion, papillae, and rich supplywith vascular bundles. Similar inflorescence architecture and differential odor production are known for other Araceae.