Three New Recorded Species of Orchidaceae from China
全 文 :中国兰科植物三个新记录种?
金效华?? , 陈心启
(中国科学院植物研究所 , 北京 100093)
摘要 : 报道了中国兰科植物的三个新记录种 , 裂唇卷瓣兰 ( Bulbophyllumpicturatum) , 长柄虾脊兰 ( Calan-
theallizettei ) 和绿花毛兰 ( Eria lanigera)。裂唇卷瓣兰的中萼片全缘前部具一粒状附属物 , 唇瓣基部两侧具
耳。长柄虾脊兰的中裂片非常小并具三条褶片。黄花毛兰的花黄绿色 , 唇瓣不裂。
关键词 : 裂唇卷瓣兰 ; 长柄虾脊兰 ; 绿花毛兰 ; 兰科 ; 新记录 ; 中国
中图分类号 : Q 949 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 0253 - 2700 (2007) 02 - 169 - 02
Three New Recorded Species of Orchidaceae from China
J IN Xiao-Hua** , CHEN Sing-Chi
( Instituteof Botany, ChineseAcademy of Sciences, Beijing 100093 , China)
Abstract: Bulbophyllumpicturatum, Calanthe allizettei and Eria lanigera, three Chinese new recorded species of Orchi-
daceae are reported . B. picturatumis characterized by its entire dorsal sepal with a setaand lip with two auricles at base .
Calanthe allizettei can beeasilydistinguished fromits relatives by its lip with three lamella and small midlobe . Eria lanig-
era is characterized by its entire lip and yellowish green flowers .
Key words: Bulbophyllumpicturatum; Calanthe allizettei ; Eria lanigera; Orchidaceae; New record; China
During our fieldwork in southern Yunnan from March to
April 2006 , three new recorded Orchidaceae species from China
were discovered and here reported .
Bulbophyllum picturatum ( Lodd .) Reichenb . f . in
Walp. Ann . 6 : 262 . 1861 , Seidenf . in Dansk Bot . Arkiv .
Bind . 33 . Nr . 3 . 1979 . ——— Cirrhopetalumpicturatum Lodd .
in Bot . Reg . Misc . 49 . 1840 . 裂唇卷瓣兰 (新拟 )
China . Yunnan (云南) : Menglian (孟连 ) , alt . 1 100
m, epiphytic on trunks in limestoneareas forest, 2006 - 03 - 13 ,
X . H . J in 8087 (PE) .
Epiphytic on trunk . Rhizome creeping, 3 mmin diam . Ro-
ots from nodeswith pseudobulbs . Pseudobulbs narrow conical, 3
- 5 cm long, 1 .5 cm in diam ., 2 - 3 cm far away each other .
Leaf one on each pseudobulbs, linear, 25 cmlong, 3 cmwide .
Umbellate inflorescences arisingfrombase of pseudobulbs, 15 cm
long, infertile sheathed bracts 2 - 3 , fertile bracts lanceolate, 7
mmlong, 1 . 5 mmwide, 5 - 10-flowered . Ovary withpedicel 1 .6
cm long . Flowers yellow, purple dotted . Dorsal sepal concave,
entire, tip with a 7 mm long seta, ovate, 6 mm long, 6 mm
wide, densely purple potted . Lateral sepals long lanceolate, 3 .5
cm long, 0 . 6 cm wide, acute, twisted, adnate at upper part
about 2 cm, apart only at base and apex . Petals ovate, densely
purple potted, dentate . Lip lingulate, movable, with two round-
edauricles at base, 5 mm long, 1 . 5 mmwide, fleshy . Column
yellow, 3 mm long, enlarged at base . Anther cap dentate in
front, pale purple .
Calanthe allizettei Gagnep . inBull . Mus . Hist . Nat . Par-
is, Ser . 2 , xxii . 508 . 1950 . Seidenf . in OperaBot . 141 : 177 .
1992 . 长柄虾脊兰 (新拟 )
China . Yunnan (云南) : Malipo (麻栗坡 ) , alt . 1 684
m, terrestrial in limestone areas forest, 2006 - 04 - 10 , X . H .
J in 8139 (PE) .
Terrestrial . Pseudobulb conical , 1 cm tall , 1 cm in diam .
Leaves basal , 2 - 4 on each pseudobulb, full developed at anthe-
sis, 45 cmlong, formedthe pseudo-stemabout 20 cmlong; peti-
ole 25 cmlong; blade lanceolate, 20 cmlong, 6 cmwide, acu-
minate . Inflorescence10 cm long, 3 - 10-flowered . Bracts trian-
gular, acuminate, 2 - 4 mmlong, 1 mmwide . Pedicel withovary
云 南 植 物 研 究 2007 , 29 (2) : 169~170
Acta Botanica Yunnanica
?? ?Author for correspondence
Received date: 2006 - 06 - 13 , Accepted date: 2006 - 09 - 19
作者简介 : 金效华 (1975 - ) 男 , 博士 , 主要从事兰科植物的分类研究。 ?
Foundation item: This researchwas funded by Shenzhen Fairy Lake Botanic Garden and the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2005DKA21006)
1 .5 cmlong . Flowers purplish white . Dorsal sepal elliptic, 1 .8
cm long, 0 .7 cmwide, acuminate, 5-veined . Lateral sepals ob-
lique elliptic, 1 . 6 cmlong, 0 . 7 cmwide, 5-veined, acuminate .
Petals oblanceolate, 1 .6 cmlong, 0. 4 cmwide, acuminate . Lip
elliptic, 3- lobed, basecombinedwithcolumn, 0 . 7 cmlong, 1 .2
cm wide, disc with 3 lamella extending from column; lateral
lobes semi-elliptic, 0 . 7 cm long, 0 . 5 cm wide; middle lobe
rhombic with apiculus, 2 mm long, 4 mm wide; lamella 3 , ex-
tending from column to base of middle lobe, constricted in the
middle; spur conical , 3. 5 cm long, 2 mm in diam . in base .
Column 0 .5 cm long, totally combined with lip . Pollinia 8
brownish .
Eria lanigera Seidenf . in OperaBot . 141: 177 . 1992 . 绿
花毛兰 (新拟 )
China . Yunnan (云南 ) : Mengliang (孟连 ) , alt . 1 100
m, Epiphytic in limestone forest, 2006 - 03 - 13 , X . H . J in
8088 (PE) ; Mengla (勐腊 ) , alt . 1 200 m, 2006 - 03 - 04 , X .
H . Jin 8057 (PE) .
Epiphytic on tree or limestone . Rhizomecreeping, 4 mmin
diam . Roots fromall nodes . Pseudobulbs fleshy, ovoid, 2 - 5 cm
far from each other . Leaves usually 3 on each pseudobulbs,
leathery, lanceolate, 15 - 20 cmlong, 2 cmwide . Inflorescences
erect from young pseudobulb with leaves undeveloped, white
hairy, 4 - 5 cmlong, 3 - 6-flowered . Infertile bracts 3 - 5 , clus-
tered at base of inflorescence . Fertile bracts oblong, acute,
membranous . Pedicel with ovary 1 cmlong, white hairy . Flowers
yellowish green . Sepalswhitehairyoutside; dorsal sepal elliptic,
0 . 8 cmlong, 0 . 4 cmwide, acuminate; lateral sepals obliquetri-
angular, reflexed, 0 . 6 cmlong, 0 .6 cmwide; petalsspathulate,
0 . 5 cmlong, 0 .2 cmwide; lip trumpet-shaped, entire, 0 . 5 cm
long, 0 .6 cmlong, disc with a bifurcate callus . Column 0 .3 cm
long, column foot 0 .5 cm long . Mentum 0 .3 cm long, 0. 3 cm
wide . Pollinia 8 in two pairs, oblong .
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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