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New Records of Orchids from Hainan, China (Ⅱ)

海南兰科植物新资料(Ⅱ )

全 文 :海南兰科植物新资料 (Ⅱ ) ?
宋希强1 , 3 , 孟千万2 , 罗毅波3
( 1 海南大学园艺园林学院 , 海南 儋州 571737; 2 上海中医药大学中药学院 , 上海 201203;
3 中国科学院植物研究所系统与进化植物学国家重点实验室 , 北京 100093 )
摘要 : 报道了中国兰科 (Orchidaceae) 植物 3 个中国新记录种 : 三色槌柱兰 ( Malleola insectifera)、腐生齿唇
兰 ( Odontochilus saprophyticus ) 和白花曲唇兰 ( Panisea albiflora)。
关键词 : 三色槌柱兰 ; 腐生齿唇兰 ; 白花曲唇兰 ; 新记录 ; 海南
中图分类号 : Q 949 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 0253 - 2700 (2009) 01 - 032 - 03
New Records of Orchids from Hainan , China (Ⅱ )
SONG Xi-Qiang1 , 3 , MENG Qian-Wan2 , Luo Yi-Bo3 * *
(1 Collegeof Horticultureand LandscapeArchitecture, Hainan University, Danzhou 571737 , China; 2 School of Pharmacy,
Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 201203 , China; 3 State Key Laboratory of Systematic
and Evolutionary Botany, Instituteof Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093 , China)
Abstract: Three species, Malleola insectifera, Odontochilus saprophyticus and Panisea albiflora, are newly recorded in China .
Key words: Malleola insectifera; Odontochilus saprophyticus; Panisea albiflora; Orchidaceae; New record; Hainan
Duringour fieldwork on orchids plants in Hainan,
China, from2005 to 2008 , three species werefound as
new records to China .
Malleola insectifera ( J . J . Sm .) J . J . Sm . &
Schltr . in Fedde Repert . Beih . 1 : 981 . 1913 . ———
Saccolabiuminsectiferum J . J . Sm ., Fl . Buitenz . 6 :
641 , fig . 477 . 1905 . Type: Java . Malang, Verhey
s. n . ( holotype, BO) . 三色槌柱兰 (新拟 )
Epiphytic . Stems erect or climbing, terete, gla-
brous, 10 - 12 cmlong, 3 - 4 mmin diameter; interno-
des short, ca . 5 mmlong . Leaves amplexicaul , disti-
chous, oblong, 4 . 0×1 .0 - 1 .2 cm, blunt, unequally
bilobed . Inflorescences pendulous, arising from leaf
axil , 15 - 18-flowered; rachis deep green, 5 . 5 - 6 cm
long . Individual flower lasting for 3 - 5 days . Floral
bracts deeply green, shortly triangular, less than 0 .5
mmlong . Flowers wide-opening, brownish-yellow, 3 -
4 mmacross; pedicel andovary 5 mmlong; sepals and
petals similar, brownish-yellow with 2 crimson stripes
on each; dorsal sepal hooded, broadly ovateor subor-
bicular, nearly 3 mmlong, ca . 2 mmwide; lateral se-
pals slightly oblique, broadly ovate or suborbicular,
ca . 3 mmlong, ca . 3 mmwide; petals less than 2 mm
wide . Labellum3-lobed, paleyellow except for purple
patches on front edges and baseof lateral lobes; lateral
lobes narrowly triangular, erect, slightly incurved,
truncate at apex, ca . 1 mm high; middle lobe broadly
triangular, 3 - 4 mm long, ca . 1 . 5 mm wide, base
thickened, fleshy, apex caudate, curved outside, ca .
1 . 5 mm long; disc base with irregularly purple papil-
lae . Spur paleyellow, straight, close and nearly paral-
lel to pedicel and ovary, middle inflated, base nar-
云 南 植 物 研 究 2009 , 31 (1) : 32~34
Acta Botanica Yunnanica DOI : 10 .3724?SP. J . 1143 .2009.08155
?? ?Author for correspondence
Received date: 2008 - 08 - 11 , Accepted date: 2008 - 10 - 20
作者简介 : 宋希强 (1972 - ) 男 , 博士 , 主要研究方向 : 生物多样性及其保育。E-mail: song. strong@ 163 . com ?
Foundation item: The National Natural Science Foundation of China ( Grant no . 30660153)
rowed, ca . 4 mmlong, 1 . 5 - 2 mmin diameter . Col-
umnpaleyellow with a brownmedianband, stout, ca .
2 mm long . Fl . Dec . -next Jan .
China . Hainan (海南 ) : Ledong (乐东 ) , J ian-
feng Mountain ( 尖峰岭 ) , 2005 - 05 - 14, X . Q .
Song 061219 ( PE ) . Epiphytic on trees or rocks in
mixed lowland forest; alt . 500 - 600 m .
Malleola insectifera ( J . J . Sm .) J . J . Sm . &
Schltr . is distributed through Thailand, Malaya, Java
toAmbon (Seidenfaden& Wood, 1995) before its dis-
covery in Hainan, China in 2005 . It is different from
M. dentifera J . J . Sm ., the other species of Malleola
occurring in Hainan Island, by having brownish-yellow
sepals and petals with 2 crimson stripes on each, trun-
cate apex of lateral lobes of labellum, and spur close
andnearly parallel to pedicel and ovary . The latter spe-
cies is characterized by its whitish-yellow sepals and pet-
als with 2 red stripes on each, triangular teethed apex of
lateral lobesof labellum, spur far fromand nearly verti-
cal to pedicel and ovary (Seidenfaden, 1988) .
Odontochilus saprophyticus (Aver .) Ormerod in
Taiwania 48 ( 3) : 141 . 2003; ——— Pristiglottis sapro-
phytica Aver ., Updated Checkl . Orch . Viet .: 90 ,
91 , fig . 9 . 2003 . Type: Vietnam . LamDong Prov .,
Lac Duong Distr ., Averyanov et al . VH 3977a ( holo-
type, HN; isotype, LE) . 腐生齿唇兰 (新拟 )
Saprophytic . Rhizome tuberous, usually 3-tu-
bered, tubers worm-like, 2 - 4 .5 cm long, 0 . 5 - 2 .0
cm in diameter . Scape 15 - 18 cm long, with 6 - 7
sheath scales broadly acuminate and hairy outside, 1 -
1 .5 cm long, 0 . 4 - 0 .5 cm in diameter . Inflorescence
12 - 13-flowered; rachis 7 .5 cm long; floral bracts el-
liptic-ovate, concave, hairy outside, acuminate at
apex, 0 . 8 - 1 .0×0 .4 - 0 .5 cm . Flowers white, resu-
pinate, 1 . 0 - 1 .2 cm across, with reflexed lateral se-
pals and labellum, petals and dorsal sepal adnate to
hood . Pedicel and ovary hairy, 1 . 0 - 1 .1 cmlong . Se-
pals outside hairy, dorsal sepal ovate, concave, 0 . 45
- 0 .5 cm×0 .3 cm, 1-veined, lateral sepals obliquely
oblong, 0 .8 - 0 .9×0 .25 - 0 .3 cm, 1-veined; petals
pubescent, narrowly oblong, 0 . 4 - 0 .5×0 .15 - 0 .2
cm, 1-veined; labellum hairless, 2-lobed, jointed to
thebase of the column, 1 . 1 - 1 .2×0 .45 - 0 .5 cm,
hypochile saccate, with 2 short ligulate glabrous 1 mm
tall calli on both sides ., mesochile forming narrow
claw 0.4 - 0 .5×0 .15 - 0 .2 cm, with numerous fat
warts and papillae on flanges, epichile broadly 2-
lobed, lobes subquadrate to lunglike, 0 . 4 - 0 .5 ×
0 .35 - 0 .4 cm . Column short, ca . 1 . 5 mm tall , at
front with two parallel semi-circular to cordate wings;
anther dorsal , anther cap narrowly ovate, ca . 2 mm
long, 1 . 5 mmwide, 2-locular; pollinia 2 , with a nar-
row stipe hooked at apex, stipe ca . 1 mmlong; rostel-
lumlong andnarrow, slightly asymmetric twisted, stig-
ma 1 , large, elliptic . Fl . May-June .
China . Hainan (海南) : Qiongzhong (琼中 ) , Li-
mushan (黎母山 ) ; 2008 - 05 - 30, X . Q . Song 08016
(PE) , alt . 900 - 1 100 m . In a thick litter-fall layer with
rich organic matter under mountain tropical forest .
This species was firstly issued as a new taxon of
Pristiglottis Cretz . & J . J . Sm ., Pristiglottis P . -
saprophytica Aver . (Averyanoy and Averyanova , 2003) .
ThenOrmerod (2003) placed it in OdontochilusBlumeby
Ormerod (2003) andsuggestedit isprobably closelyrelat-
ed to O. poilanei (Gagnep .) Ormerod, anothermycopara-
sitic (or“saprophytic”) species in thisgenus .
Panisea albiflora ( Ridl .) Seidenf ., Contr .
Orch . Fl . Camb ., Laos & Vietn .: 87 , fig . 13 .
1975 . Type: Vietnam, Langbian, Boden Kloss s.n .
( holotype, BM) . 白花曲唇兰 (新拟 )
Pseudobulbs congested, ovoid or narrowly ovoid,
ca . 1 . 5 cmlong, 5 - 7 mm in diameter, with 2 leaves
at apex on each pseudobulb . Leaf blade narrowly ellip-
tic to lanceolate, 4 - 6×0 .8 - 1 .2 cm, apex acumi-
nate . Scapeglabrous, 2 - 2 .2 cmlong . Inflorescence a
raceme, 2 - 4-flowered flowers laxly alongthemarginof
rachis in two rows; rachis short, 8 - 10 mmlong . Flo-
ral bracts scarious, broadly ovate, acute at apex, ca .
7×4 mm . Flowers white, less than 1 cmacross; pedi-
cel and ovary 8 - 10 mm long, ovary shortly fusiform,
winged, ca . 3 mm long; sepals similar, keeled at the
middle of abaxial surface, dorsal sepal elliptic to
ovate, ca . 8× 3 .5 - 4 mm, 3-veined, acuminate at
apex; lateral sepals slightly obliquely elliptic, ca . 8×
331 期 SONG Xi-Qiang et al. : New Records of Orchids fromHainan, China (Ⅱ )
3 .5 - 4 mm, 3-veined, acuminate at apex; petals
slightly shorter and narrower than sepals, ellliptic, ca .
7 × 3 mm; labellum subentire or 3-lobed nearly to
base, ovate-oblong, ca . 6×3 .5 mm, apex mucronu-
late, margins repand or more or less crisped, with 2
short, deepgreen lamellaeat subapex of disc, lamellae
ca . 1 mm long . Column ca . 3 mmlong; column wings
narrow in lower part, upper part wider, apex surround-
ing the column and slightly irregularly denticulate .
China . Hainan ( 海南 ) : Changjiang ( 昌江 ) ,
2008 - 03 - 29 , X . Q . Song 08003 ( PE) , alt . 1 356
m . Epiphytic on the trunk of Distylium rigidifolium
Chang in upland montane forest .
This species was recorded as endemic in Vietnam
(Seidenfaden, 1992) before its discovery in Hainan Island .
Acknowledgements: We are grateful to Prof . Qin-Er Yang for
his critical reading of themanuscript . We thank Mr . J ing-Qiang
Wang and Mr . Chen Qing for their assistance in thefieldwork at
Bawang Ling National Nature Reserve .
Aver ?yanoy LV , Averyanova AL , 2003 . Updated checklist of the orchids
of Vietnam [ M ] . Hanoi : Vietnam National University Publishing
House, 90—92
Orme ?rod P, 2003 . Orchidaceousadditions to the florasof China andViet-
nam [ J ] . Taiwania, 48 ( 3) : 141
Seid ?enfaden G, 1988 . Orchid Genera in Thailand XIV . Fifty-nine van-
doid Genera [ J ] . Opera Botanica, 95 : 333—338
Seid ?enfaden G, 1992 . The Orchids of Indochina [ J ] . Opera Botanica,
114: 105—107
Seid ?enfaden G, Wood JJ , 1992 . The Orchids of Peninsular Malaysia and
Singapore [M ] . Fredenborg: Olsen & Olsen, 703—704
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
新 书 介 绍
由中国科学院昆明植物研究所木全章研究员编著的 《具有生理活性和治疗作用的植物药》 一书 , 由云南出版集团
本书包括三个部分 : 第一部分 : 作用于神经系统的植物药 ; 第二部分 : 抗艾滋病植物药 ; 第三部分 : 有用植物的
改造等穿插其中 , 向读者立体展现了植物资源研究与开发的全过程 , 具有较高的学术价值。
在第一部分中 , 对人类误食会引起幻视、幻听、妄想的 62 种植物的 30 多个成分进行分析 , 并对作用于神经系统
氏综合症及儿童多动症有较好的疗效 , 为我国首次发现。在第二部分中对抗艾滋病植物药的研究状况进行分析 , 对作
者筛选出的具有较强抗 HIV 活性的植物药进行了初步探讨。第三部分则对在工业和食品方面有重要用途的植物的化学
成分进行了详细的论述 , 如牛肚子果的桑色素 , 梅果、竹叶菜的食用成分 , 治疗哮喘药的毛喉鞘蕊花的有效成分及栽
培等 , 对这些植物的开发利用有较大的指导作用。
作者木全章研究员是云南纳西族人 , 1957 年大学毕业分配到中科院昆明植物研究所后 , 一直从事植物资源开发利
用和植物化学成分研究工作 , 历任教授 , 硕士生导师。1986 年获云南省劳动模范称号 , 1991 年应邀赴美 NCI 参加研究
工作 , 1993 年获国务院政府津贴 , 1999 年获“东方之子”称号。成功研制了抗癫痫药青阳参片 , 抗艾滋病药 M-36Na,
治疗哮喘药鞘蕊苏 , 冶金试剂桑色素等 4 项产品。获专利 6 项和省级及省级以上科技奖 6 项。2008 年 10 月 , 书中汇编
奖”, 本人获得了“中国专家学者杰出贡献奖”。
作者在研究中善于将传统药用植物化学成分的研究与其生理活性研究紧密相连 , 尤其在对萝?科植物被人称为
“神经甾体”的 C-21 甾体及其配糖体的研究中 , 将系列的新结构与生理活性的研究相结合 , 开拓了一条植物化学成分
研究与资源开发利用的新路 , 为青阳参药物的产业化打下坚实基础。本书的内容是作者 50 年心血的结晶 , 凝聚着作
本书 ISBN: 978-7-5416-2965-5 , 大 16 开本 , 定价 : 158 .00 元。
全书 262 码 , 另收载有野生药用植物彩图 , 致幻植物的彩图及作者的获奖证书等照片的彩色插图 40 码 , 具较好的参考价值。
有需要的读者请与中国科学院昆明植物研究所博达科技公司 郑树萍 联系。 电话 : 0871 - 5223023
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