全 文 :中国横断山的地衣研究 (6): 灰梅属地衣修订∗
刘 栋1ꎬ2ꎬ 王欣宇2ꎬ 李建文1ꎬ2ꎬ 钱子刚1ꎬ 王立松2∗∗
(1 云南中医学院ꎬ 云南 昆明 650500ꎻ 2 中国科学院昆明植物研究所生物多样性
与生物地理学重点实验室ꎬ 云南 昆明 650201)
摘要: 通过对灰梅属 (Canoparmelia) 表型与基因型相结合的研究ꎬ 澄清了云南南部报道的珊瑚大叶梅
(Parmotrema conformatum) 是裂芽灰梅 (C ecaperata) 的错误鉴定ꎮ 由于珊瑚大叶梅和裂芽灰梅在经典分
类鉴别上容易混淆ꎬ 通过 rDNA ITS序列的系统发育分析ꎬ 证明了裂芽灰梅与粉芽灰梅 (C texana) 及同
心灰梅 (C concrescens) 有较近的亲缘关系ꎻ 首次记录了粉芽灰梅在云南的分布范围ꎻ 文中对两个新记录
种进行了详细描述和讨论ꎬ 并给出了中国已知灰梅属的检索表ꎮ
关键词: 灰梅属ꎻ 新记录ꎻ 地理分布ꎻ 分子系统学
中图分类号: Q 949 34 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 2095-0845(2014)06-781-07
Contributions to the Lichen Flora of the Hengduan Mountainsꎬ
China (6): Revisional Study of the Genus Canoparmelia
(Lichenized Ascomycotaꎬ Parmeliacaea)∗
LIU Dong1ꎬ2ꎬ WANG Xin ̄Yu2ꎬ LI Jian ̄Wen1ꎬ2ꎬ QIAN Zi ̄Gang1ꎬ WANG Li ̄Song2∗∗
(1 Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicineꎬ Kunming 650500ꎬ Chinaꎻ 2 Key Laboratory of Biodiversity and
Biogeographyꎬ Kunming Institute of Botanyꎬ Chinese Academy of Sciencesꎬ Kunming 650201ꎬ China)
Abstract: A revision of Canoparmelia from the Hengduan Mountains (Yunnanꎬ China) revealed the occurrence of
C ecaperataꎬ based on specimens previously identified as Parmotrema conformatum. C ecaperata is hereby reported
as new to the flora of China. The study also led to the identification of C texana as a component of the flora of Yun ̄
nan. In order to make sure the systematic position of these speciesꎬ a phylogenetic analysis of rDNA ITS sequence
was also carried out in this paperꎬ indicating that C ecaperata is closely related to C texana and C concrescens. De ̄
tailed information and discussion of these two new records are providedꎬ together with a key to all the known taxa of
Canoparmelia recorded from China. Following our revisionꎬ Parmotrema conformatum should be excluded from the
flora of China.
Key words: Canoparmeliaꎻ New recordꎻ Geographic distributionꎻ Molecular phylogeny
Canoparmelia Elix & Hale (Parmeliaceaeꎬ Le ̄
canoralesꎬ Ascomycota) comprises ca. 40 species
(Hawksworth et al.ꎬ 1995ꎻ Thell et al.ꎬ 2012) and
is typified by C texana (Tuck.) Elix & Hale. It was
segregated by Elix and Hale from Pseudoparmelia on
the basis of morphologicalꎬ geographicꎬ ecologicalꎬ
and chemical characters (Elix et al.ꎬ 1986). Four
species of Canoparmelia were previously known from
植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报 2014ꎬ 36 (6): 781~787
Plant Diversity and Resources DOI: 10.7677 / ynzwyj201413154
Funding: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 31170023ꎬ Y3216111W1)ꎬ Foundation of Key Laboratoryꎬ CAS (KLBB ̄
201210) and Flora Lichenum Sinicorum (KSCX2 ̄EW ̄Z ̄9)
Author for correspondenceꎻ E ̄mail: wanglisong@mail kib ac cn
Received date: 2013-07-22ꎬ Accepted date: 2013-08-05
作者简介: 刘 栋 (1988-) 男ꎬ 硕士ꎬ 主要从事地衣分类学研究ꎮ E ̄mail: liudong@mail kib ac cn
China: two from Taiwan (Weiꎬ 1991ꎻ Laiꎬ 2000)ꎬ
and three from mainland China ( Jia et al.ꎬ 2008).
As part of an inventory of the lichen flora of the
Hengduan Mountains (Yunnanꎬ China) several spe ̄
cimens of Canoparmelia were collected. These be ̄
long to C ecaperata Elix & Haleꎬ which is a new re ̄
cord to the flora of Chinaꎬ and to C texanaꎬ which
is new to Yunnan Province. All specimens of Par ̄
motrema conformatumꎬ previously reported from Yun ̄
nan were misidentified and belong to C ecaperata.
1 Materials and Methods
The specimens were mainly collected from Yun ̄
nan Provinceꎬ and were deposited in KUN (Herbar ̄
ium of Kunming Institute of Botany). External mor ̄
phological descriptions were based on air ̄dried ma ̄
terialsꎬ and observation under stereomicroscopy (Don ̄
gwon OSM ̄1). Chemical characteristics were exami ̄
ned by medullary color reactionꎬ with the solution
for the color reaction following the methods described
by Yoshimura (1974): K (10% aqueous KOH so ̄
lution)ꎬ C (NaClO solution)ꎬ KC (10% KOH fol ̄
lowed by C solution)ꎬ P (5% alcoholic P ̄pheny ̄
lenediamine). Thin layer chromatography (TLC) of
acetone extracts was also carried out to further char ̄
acterize the chemical profile of the specimensꎬ using
solvent systems C and G ( Culberson and Hör ̄Durꎬ
1970ꎻ Orange et al.ꎬ 2001) and Lethariella cla ̄
donioides (Nyl.) Krog as control sample.
DNA was extracted from freshly collected and
frozen herbarium specimens grinded to a fine pow ̄
derꎬ using Axyprep Multisource Genomic DNA Mini ̄
prep Kit following the manufacturer’ s instructions.
The nuclear ITS (rDNA repeat) was amplified using
primers ITS1 and ITS4 (Whiteꎬ 1990ꎻ Gardes and
Brunsꎬ 1993) in 25 μL reaction volume composed of
2 μL DNAꎬ 1 μL of each primerꎬ 12 5 μL 2 × Taq
PCR Mastermix (Aidlab) (contain Taq DNA Polymer ̄
ase: 0 1 unitμL-1ꎻ MgCl2: 4 mmolL
-1ꎻ dNTPs:
0 4 mmolL-1)ꎬ 8 5 μL dH2O. Amplifications were
carried out in an automatic thermocycler (C 1000TM)ꎬ
with the following profile: initial denaturation at 94 ℃
for 5 minꎬ followed by 30 cyclesꎬ each of three steps
(94 ℃ for 1 minꎬ 56℃ for 1 minꎬ 72℃ for 1 5 min)ꎬ
and a final extension at 72 ℃ for 7 min.
Twenty ̄seven sequences (18 retrieved from Gen ̄
Bank and 9 obtained by authorsꎬ Table 1) were as ̄
sembled into a matrix for phylogenetic analyses. The
sequence database was subjected to automated align ̄
ment and then manually inspected in BioEdit. Hypo ̄
trachynia adducta was set as the outgroup. Ambigu ̄
ous regions were deleted. Bayesian inference of phy ̄
logeny was performed with in MrBayes v3 1 2. Mod ̄
elTest 3 7 was used to estimate separate best ̄fit
models of evolution for ITS. Bayesian analyses were
carried out using the Metropoliscoupled Markov
chain Monte Carlo method (MCMCMC). Analyses
were run under the GTR model using a gamma ̄dis ̄
tributed rate parameter and a proportion of invariable
sites. Two parallel MCMCMC runs were performedꎬ
each using four chains and 1 million generationsꎬ
sampling trees of every 100th generation. The initial
burn ̄in was set to 50%. A 50% majority ̄rule con ̄
sensus cladogram was computed from the remaining
treesꎻ the proportions of this tree correspond to
Bayesian posterior probabilities (BPP)ꎬ and clades
with PP≥0 95 were considered to be significantly
supported. The phylogenic trees are shown in Fig 1.
2 Result
2 1 Key to the species of known Canoparmelia
in China
1. Thallus without soredia or isidia C subtiliacea
1. Thallus sorediate or isidiate
2. Thallus sorediate
3. Medulla P+ yellowꎬ containing stictic and constictic acid
acid C crozalsiana
3. Medulla P-ꎬ containing divaricatic acid
C texana
2. Thallus isidiate
4. Medulla P+ redꎬ containing protocetraric acid
C amazonica
4. Medulla P-ꎬ containing divaricatic and usnic acid
C ecaperata
287 植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报 第 36卷
Table 1 Species and specimens of Parmeliaceae analyzed
Species name AccessionNO. Location Source Species name
NO. Location Source
Canoparmelia concrescens GU994543 Kenya GenBank F papillosa HM010936 Uruguay GenBank
C ecaperata KC978843 China 10 ̄31934 F soredians AY586562 Spain GenBank
C ecaperata KC978844 China 12 ̄33440 F springtonensis EF042907 Australia GenBank
C ecaperata KC978845 China 12 ̄33611 F subambigua GU994551 Argentina GenBank
C ecaperata KC978846 China 12 ̄34474 F subambigua JN943839 Argentina GenBank
C nairobiensis GU994545 Kenya GenBank Hypotrachynia adducta KC978855 China 12 ̄34288
C texana KC978847 China 12 ̄37655 Parmotrema subtinctorium KC978853 China 12 ̄35202
C texana KC978848 China 12 ̄37665 P norsticticatum GU994577 South Africa GenBank
C texana GU994547 Kenya GenBank P reticulatum AY586579 Portugal GenBank
Flavoparmelia baltimorensis AY586559 USA GenBank P subcaperatum AY586557 Australia GenBank
F caperata AY581059 Spain GenBank P subtinctorium GU593037 China GenBank
F citrinescens GU994550 Argentina GenBank P tinctorum AY586570 Australia GenBank
F haywardiana HM010933 New Zealand GenBank P tinctorun KC978854 China 12 ̄33444
F marchantii JN943840 — GenBank
Fig 1 Phylogenic construction of the systematic position of C ecaperata based on rDNA sequence date.
▲ Sequences obtained by author
3876期 LIU Dong et al.: Contributions to the Lichen Flora of the Hengduan Mountainsꎬ China (6): Revisional
2 2 Taxonomy
Canoparmelia ecaperata Elix & Hale in Mycotaxon
27: 277ꎬ 1986. ———Parmelia ecaperata Müll. Arg. in
Floraꎬ Jena 74: 378. 1891. ———Pseudoparmelia ecape ̄
rata (Müll. Arg.) Hale in Phytologia 29: 190ꎬ 1974.
Diagnostic characters: Thallus folioseꎬ adnate
on barkꎬ grayish yellow to yellow ̄greenꎬ 4-14 cm in
diam.ꎻ lobes irregularly sublinearꎬ 1 - 3 mm wideꎬ
without ciliaꎻ upper surface planeꎬ continuousꎬ some ̄
times cracked on the old partꎻ covered with dense
isidiaꎬ simple and shortꎬ 0 1-1 mm longꎬ cylindri ̄
cal or clavateꎬ mature ones with brown to black tipsꎻ
medulla whiteꎬ 62 5 - 75 μm thickꎻ lower surface
blackꎬ turning brownish near the marginꎬ rhizines
rareꎬ simple and blackꎬ 0 5 - 1 5 mm longꎻ lower
cortex 25-75 μm thickꎬ Apothecia not seen (Fig 2).
Chemistry: Cortex K ̄ꎬ medulla K ̄ꎬ C ̄ (pink)ꎬ
KC ̄ꎬ P ̄ꎻ atranorinꎬ divaricatic acidꎬ usnic acid and an
unknown compound (Rf value between classes 4 and 5).
Distribution: China: Yunnan Provinceꎬ Nanjian
Co. (Fig 3)ꎻ Africaꎬ Nepalꎬ Indiaꎬ Thailand (Hale
and Masonꎬ 1976ꎻ Singh and Sinhaꎬ 2010ꎻ Swins ̄
cow et al.ꎬ 1988ꎻ Wolseley et al.ꎬ 2002).
Habitat and ecology: This species grows on the
bark of Pinus yunnanensis from 1 300 m to 2 100 m
in Nanjian Co.ꎬ Yunnan.
Fig 2 Canoparmelia ecaperata. A. Habitatꎻ B. Cylindrical laminal isidia. C. Narrow and sublinear lobes.
(All based on Li S. Wang 12-37823)
487 植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报 第 36卷
Fig 3 Distribution map of C ecaperata (left) and C texana (right) from Hengduan Mountains
Remarks: Canoparmelia ecaperata is similar to
Parmotrema conformatum and Flavoparmelia caperata.
The former differs from C ecaperata in the presence
of fumarprotocetraric and protocetraric acids ( P +
red)ꎬ ciliate lobes (Chen et al.ꎬ 2005ꎻ Benatti and
Marcelliꎬ 2009). Moreoverꎬ C ecaperata occurs mainly
in the tropical area of the Southern Hemisphere (El ̄
ix and McCarthyꎬ 1998ꎻ Nöske and Sipmanꎬ 2004)ꎬ
whereas C ecaperata has been reported from India
and Thailand (Haleꎬ 1976). Flavoparmelia caperata
differs in the sorediate rather than isidiate lobesꎬ and
the presence of protocetraric acid rather than atra ̄
norin as the main compound. Canoparmelia concres ̄
cens might be confused with C ecaperata but is dis ̄
tinguished by the bright yellow thallus ( containing
usnic acid in the cortex)ꎬ and its distribution only in
Africa. Finally C amazonicaꎬ which also has isidia
can be easily distinguished by the lack of usnic acid
and spare rhizines.
Specimens examined: Yunnan Province: Nan ̄
jian Co.: Leqiu Villageꎬ N: 25°00′25 29″ꎬ E: 100°
21′43 50″ꎬ alt. 2 060 mꎬ on Pinus yunnanensis barkꎬ
Wang Lisong & Wang Xinyu 12-37814ꎬ 12-37820ꎬ
12- 37822ꎬ 12 - 37823ꎬ 21 Dec. 2012ꎻ Gonglang
Villageꎬ N: 24°43 103′ꎬ E: 100°25 514′ꎬ alt. 1 840mꎬ
on Pinus yunnanensis barkꎬ Wang Lisong et al. 12-
33611ꎬ 25 March 2012. Longling Co.ꎬ Songshan
Mt.ꎬ N: 24°44 672′ꎬ E: 98°54 281′ꎬ alt. 2 000 mꎬ
on Pinusꎬ Wang Lisong et al. 12-33440ꎬ 30 March
2012ꎻ Langcang Co.ꎬ Mengla Villageꎬ on Pinusꎬ
alt. 1 100 mꎬ Wang Lisong 10 - 31934ꎬ 11 Dec.
2010ꎻ Pu’er Cityꎬ Ning’er Co.ꎬ nearby road 213ꎬ
N: 22°53′55 44″ꎬ E: 101°02′28 41″ꎬ alt. 1 334 mꎬ
on barkꎬ Wang Lisong et al. 12 - 34474ꎬ 21 June
2012ꎻ Pu’er Cityꎬ N: 22 48°ꎬ E: 100 58°ꎬ Zhao
Ji ̄ding & Chen Yu ̄ben 2942ꎬ HMAS 100308ꎬ 18
Nov. 1960ꎻ Kunming Cityꎬ Heilongtanꎬ N: 25 04°ꎬ
E: 102 42°ꎬ Zhao Ji ̄ding & Chen Yu ̄ben 4748ꎬ
HMAS 100307ꎬ 16 Dec. 1960.
Canoparmelia texana (Tuck.) Elix & Hale in Myco ̄
taxon 27: 278ꎬ 1986. ———Parmelia texana Tucker ̄
man in American Journal of Science and Arts series
2 (253): 424ꎬ 1858. ———Pseudoparmelia texana
(Tuckerman) Hale in Phytologia 28: 191ꎬ 1974.
Diagnostic characters: Thallus grayꎬ upper sur ̄
face covered with dense soraliaꎬ punctiform or capi ̄
tateꎻ lower surface blackꎻ moderately rhizinateꎬ rhiz ̄
ines simpleꎻ containing atranorin and divaricatic acid.
Distribution: Pantemperate outside of Europe
and pantropical at higher elevations. Shandong and
Taiwan Province in China (Jiaꎬ 2008ꎻ Laiꎬ 2000)ꎻ
New to Yunnan Province (Fig 3).
Specimens examined: Yunnan Provinceꎬ Nan ̄
jian Co.: Leqiu Village. N: 25°00′25 29″ꎬ E: 100°
21′43 50″ꎬ alt. 2 060 mꎬ on Pinus yunnanensis barkꎬ
5876期 LIU Dong et al.: Contributions to the Lichen Flora of the Hengduan Mountainsꎬ China (6): Revisional
Wang Lisong & Wang Xinyu 12-37805ꎬ 12-37810ꎬ
12-37889ꎬ 21 Dec. 2012ꎻ Wuliang Medicine Valleyꎬ
N: 24°52′2 76″ꎻ E: 100°34′51 39″ꎬ alt. 2 345 mꎬ
on Pinus amandii barkꎬ Wang Lisong & Wang Xinyu
12-37655ꎬ 19 Dec. 2012ꎻ Hongxing Villageꎬ Wu ̄
liang Medicine Valleyꎬ N: 24°50′40 41″ꎬ E: 100°
38′4 52″ꎬ alt. 2 341 mꎬ on barkꎬ Wang Lisong &
Wang Xinyu 12 - 36923ꎬ 16 Oct. 2012ꎻ Gonglang
Countryꎬ Jinguo Villageꎬ N: 24°48 557′ꎬ E: 100°
24 839′ꎬ alt. 2 270 mꎬ on barkꎬ Wang Lisong et al.
12- 33742ꎬ 25 March 2012ꎻ Ziqiang Villageꎬ N:
24°46′10 55″ꎻ E: 100°25′08 13″ꎬ alt. 1 640 mꎬ on
barkꎬ Wang Lisong & Wang Xinyu 12-37674ꎬ 19
Dec. 2012ꎻ Ziqiang Villageꎬ N: 24°47′21 60″ꎻ E:
100°25′07 78″ꎬ alt. 1 740 mꎬ on barkꎬ Wang Li ̄
song & Wang Xinyu 12-37665ꎬ 19 Dec. 2012ꎻ Da ̄
dianshan Mt.ꎬ N: 24°51′48″ꎬ E: 100°34′39″ꎬ alt.
2 543 mꎬ on branchꎬ Wang Lisong et al. 12-32957ꎬ
21 March 2012.
Canoparmelia amazonica ( Nyl.) Elix & Hale in
Mycotaxon 27: 278ꎬ 1986
Thallus greyꎬ upper surface covered with rare
branched isidiaꎬ rhizines dense. Containing atranorin
and protocetraric acid (Haleꎬ 1976).
Canoparmelia crozalsiana (Bouly de Lesdain) Elix
& Hale in Mycotaxon 27: 278ꎬ 1986
Thallus greenish or grayꎬ sorediateꎬ moderately
rhizinate. Containing atranorinꎬ stictic acidꎬ constic ̄
tic acid (Haleꎬ 1976).
Canoparmelia subtiliacea ( Nyl.) Elix & Hale in
Mycotaxon 27: 279ꎬ 1986
Thallus greyꎬ upper surface without soredia or
isidiaꎬ rhizines rare. Containing atranorin and caper ̄
atic acid (Haleꎬ 1976).
3 Discussion
Since the genera Flavoparmeliaꎬ Pamotremaꎬ
and Canoparmelia are similar in external morphology
(Table 2) and therefore hard to distinguish from
each otherꎬ the phylogenetic method was applied in
this study to verify the systematic position of these
taxa and validate the morphological identification.
The genus Parmotrema is characterized by broad
lobes (usually more than 5 mm) and rareꎬ simple
rhizines in the central part of the lower surfaceꎬ up ̄
per surface grayish greenꎬ without usnic acid (Chen
et al.ꎬ 2005)ꎻ Flavoparmelia is characterized by
broad and roundish lobesꎬ containing usnic acid on
the upper surface so that the color is yellow ̄green
(Haleꎬ 1986 )ꎻ Canoparmelia has sublinear and
rather narrow lobesꎬ closely attached to the sub ̄
strateꎬ has a subtropical to tropical distributionꎬ and
always contains atranorin as the main compound
(Elix et al.ꎬ 1986).
Parmotrema conformatum was previously repor ̄
ted from Yunnan Province by Zhao et al. (1982)ꎬ
basedꎬ howeverꎬ on two specimens (HMAS 100307
100308) that lacked cilia and had P ̄ medullary re ̄
action. Careful examination of the two specimens re ̄
vealed that they belong to C ecaperata according to
morphologicalꎬ chemicalꎬ and distributional charac ̄
ters. This is further supported by inferences from mo ̄
lecular data whereby both specimens belong to Cano ̄
parmelia and to C ecaperata in particular.
Table 2 Key differences among Canoparmeliaꎬ Flavoparmelia and Parmotrema
Flavoparmelia Parmotrema Canoparmelia
Thallus color Yellowish ̄green Grey to greenish Grey to yellowish
Lobes Broad (2-6 mm) Rather broad (5-10 mm) Medium (0 5-5 mm)
Lower surface Blackꎬ with a narrowꎬ brownꎬnaked marginal zone
Brown to blackꎬ with broad
naked zone.
Blackꎬ narrowꎬ brownꎬ marginal
zone (<1 mm)
Rhizines Sparse to moderateꎬ simple orbranched
Sparse and simpleꎬ in the
thallus center
Moderate to denseꎬ Simple or
Characteristic compounds Usnic acid Atranorin Atranorinꎬ usnic acid
Distribution Temperate Temperate to tropical Subtropical to tropical
687 植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报 第 36卷
The phylogenetic tree showed a final alignment
consisting of 480 charactersꎬ of which 281 characters
are constantꎬ 31 variable parsimony ̄uninformativeꎬ
and 168 parsimony ̄informative. All characters have
equal weight. Gaps are treated as missing. The GC
content of C ecaperata is 54 7%ꎬ lower than C texana
(56 2%). The molecular data showed that the phy ̄
logenetic relationship of C ecaperata is closer to
Canoparmeliaꎬ which is in accord with our morpho ̄
logical identification. The final result confirms the
placement of this species in the Canoparmelia clade. In
this analysisꎬ C ecaperata is recovered as sister group
of C texana and C concrescens with high support.
In conclusionꎬ the presence of two taxa of Canop ̄
armelia has been confirmed from the Hengduan
Mountains based on morphologicalꎬ chemical and phy ̄
logenetic study: C ecaperata is reported as new to Chi ̄
na and C texana as new to Yunnan. The previous re ̄
cord of Parmotrema conformatum from China is based
on misidentification ( = C ecaperata) which implies
that the species should be deleted from the flora of
China. The study added to the lichen biodiversity of the
Hengduan Mountainsꎬ and also showed that there is
still a high potential for new discoveries in this region.
Acknowledgment: We are grateful to Prof. Bernard Goffinet
(University of Connecticutꎬ USA) and Prof. Schmidt ̄Vogt Di ̄
etrich (KIB) for reviewing the manuscriptꎬ Ms. Deng Hong for
helping with the original specimens studyꎬ Dr. Li Guodongꎬ
Dr. Yu Wenbinꎬ Tang Kemin and Liang Mengmeng for their
help with the molecular analysisꎬ Dr. Ma Wenzhang for his as ̄
sistance during our field workꎬ Prof. Du Zhizhi and Zhang
Hongxia for their support with the chemical analysis. We would
also like to thank Yunnan Wei ̄he Pharmaceutical Co.ꎬ Ltd.
(云南维和药业股份有限公司) for the financial support.
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7876期 LIU Dong et al.: Contributions to the Lichen Flora of the Hengduan Mountainsꎬ China (6): Revisional