全 文 :关于兰科盆距兰属与囊唇兰属的混淆问题?
陈心启 , 罗毅波
(中国科学院植物研究所系统与进化植物学国家重点实验室 , 北京 100093)
摘要 : 回顾盆距兰属 ( Gastrochilus) 与囊唇兰属 ( Saccolabium) 两个混淆属的简史。它们为彼此明显不同
的独立属。盆距兰属的唇瓣为半球形囊状 , 侧裂片不明显 , 中裂片甚大 ; 蕊柱无足 ; 花粉团具孔隙。囊唇
兰属的唇瓣为圆筒状距形 , 侧裂片明显 , 中裂片很小 ; 蕊柱有短足 ; 花粉团实心。前者广泛分布于亚洲热
带与亚热带地区 ; 后者则只局限于印度尼西亚的爪哇与苏门答腊。因此 , 建议在国际命名法规中取消保留
名 Saccolabium以及作为其异名的废弃名 Gastrochilus (1822 号)。
关键词 : 盆距兰属 ; 襄唇兰属 ; 混淆 ; 建议
中图分类号 : Q 949 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 0253 - 2700 (2007) 02 - 167 - 02
Notes on Two Confused Genera : Gastrochilus and
Saccolabium (Orchidaceae)
CHEN Sing-Chi , LUO Yi-Bo
( State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, Institute of Botany,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093 , China)
Abstract: Taxonomic history of two confused genera, Gastrochilus and Saccolabium, is briefly reviewed . It is concluded
that they are distinct from each other . In Gastrochilus the lip is semiglobose-saccatewith indistinct side-lobes and amuch
larger mid-lobe, the column is footless andthe polliniaare porate, while in Saccolabiumthe lip is cylindrical-spurred with
indistinct side-lobes and a small mid- lobe, thecolumn has ashort foot andthe pollinia are solid . Theformer iswidelydis-
tributed in tropical and subtropical Asia and the latter is restrictedtoJavaandSumatraof Indonesia . As a result, a propos-
al is made to modify the conserved name Saccolabiumandto excludethe previously listed synonymor rejected name Gas-
trochilus in the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (No . 1822 .) .
Key words: Gastrochilus; Saccolabium; Confusion; Nomenclatural proposal
In thecourse of our workingonthe orchid genus Gastrochi-
lus for the Flora of China, we were puzzled by the reduction of
this genus to synonymy of Saccolabium in the International Code
of Botanical Nomenclature from 1935 ( Cambridge Rules) until
recently (Greuter et al . 2000) .
Gastrochilus is a genus published by D . Don in 1825
(Feb .) based on a Nepal plant, AeridescalceolarisBuch .-Ham .
ex J . E . Smith . A short time after K . L . Blume described an-
other orchid genus Saccolabiumbased on aJavaplant called S. -
pusillum (Sep-Dec, 1825 ) . They both belong to the subtribe
Sarcanthinae, an advanced group of rich generic inclusion but
poor generic definition in the Orchidaceae .
Thegenus Saccolabiumwas first recognized by J . Lindley,
who, in his Generaand Species of Orchidaceous Plants (1833) ,
enumerated 29 Saccolabium species including many new species
and new combinations, and reduced Gastrochilus aswell as Ro-
biquetia and Rhynchostylis to synonymyof it . After that someau-
thors continued to utilize the generic name Saccolabium, though
therewere different views onthe generic circumscription, such as
G . Bentham & J . D . Hooker ( 1883 ) and J . D . Hooker
(1890) . In 1891 , however, O . Kuntze transferred all the Sac-
colabiumtaxa to Gastrochilus on the basis of the priority of Gas-
trochilus over Saccolabiumrather than a revisional study on them
(Kuntze, 1891) . The transfer was evidently unprofitable for the
solution of the taxonomic problems in these two genera . It
seemedto lead afterwards to the proposal of the conservation of
Saccolabiumover Gastrochilus in the International Code of Bo-
tanical Nomenclasure form 1935 ( Combridge Rules) until re-
云 南 植 物 研 究 2007 , 29 (2) : 167~168
Acta Botanica Yunnanica
? ?Received date: 2006 - 05 - 10 , Accepted date: 2006 - 10 - 12
作者简介 : 陈心启 , 男 , 研究员 , 主要从事植物分类学研究。
cently (Greuter et al . 2000 ) .
In fact, Saccolabium and Gastrochilus are quite distinct
from each other, as indicated by R . Schlechter . He, in hisDie
Gattungen Gastrochilus Don and Gastrochilus Wall . , noted that
Gastrochiluswas different from Saccolabiumby having a lip com-
posed of a semiglobose-saccate hypochile and a triangular,
toothed- or lacerate-margined epichile . As a result of his study,
16 speciesof Gastrochiluswere recognizedbyhim, including some
new combinations and new species . Meanwhile he proposedto re-
ject the later homonyn GastrochilusWall . (1829) of theZingiber-
aceae and transferred its taxa to Boesenbergia . Almost all of his
Gastrochilus species, including the Chineseand Japanese ones he
treated in another work were generally accepted ( Schlechter,
1919b) . Gastrochilus is a natural genus of some50 specieswide-
ly found in tropical and subtropical Asia with its distributional
center in southwest China to Tailand (Tsi , 1982 , 1999) .
Compared to the genus Gastrochilus, Saccolabium s . lat . is
muchmore confused . Many names have been added to it since it
was established . The inflation of thisgenuswas begun by J .Lindley
(1833) , andcontinuedbymany authors, suchasG . Bentham& J .
D . Hooker (1883) , J . J . Smith (1905, 1908) and H . N . Ridley
(1907) . The specific names of Saccolabiumhave once reached as
many as over 300, representing nearly 50 genera ( Christenson,
1986) . Obviously Saccolabiums . lat . is unnatural and unaccept-
able . Its taxonomic problems remained unresolved until 1985 when
E . A . Christenson presented an historical review of Saccolabium .
Christenson is a specialist in the monopodial orchids and published
manyworks in this field recently (Christenson, 1985 a, b ) . As a
result of his investigation, four specieswere recognized belongingto
this genus .
Saccolabium Blume, Bijdr . 292 , 1825 ( Sep-Dec ) ;
Christenson, Kew Bull . 41 (4 ) : 835 . 1986 . Lectotype: S. -
pusillumBlume .
S. pusillum Blume, Bidjr . 292 , t . 50 . 1825 . ( Java,
S. rantii J . J . Smith, Bull . Jard . Bot . Buitenz, II , 9 :
124 . 1913 . ( Java)
S. sigmoideum J . J . Smith, Bull . Jard . Bot . Buitenz . II ,
14 : 45 . 1914 . ( Java)
S. longicaule J . J . Smith, Bull . Jard . Bot . Buitenz . III ,
2 : 114 . 1920 . (Sumatra)
Saccolabiums . str . is a small genus restricted to Java and
Sumatra of Indonesia . It shows no close relationship with Gastro-
chilus . The differences in morphological characters between Sac-
colabium and Gastrochilus are shown in Table 1 .
Christenson′s treatment has been generally accepted until
currenty (Dressler, 1993 ; Comber, 2001) . It is quite distinct
from Gastrochilus either taxonomically or phytogeographically .
Thereforewe propose here to modify the conserved name Sacco-
labiumand to exclude the previously listed synonym or rejected
name Gastrochilus in the International Code of Botanical Nomen-
cluture (No . 1822) .
Table 1 Comparison of some morphological characters between Saccolabium and Gastrochilus
Genus Lip Column Pollinia
Saccolabium Cylindrical-spurred, with distinct side- lobes and a small mid- lobe usually as With a short but distinct foot 2 ?, solid
large as side- lobes
Gastrochilus Semiglobose-saccate, with indistinct side- lobes and a much larger, colored, Footless 2 ?, porate
tooth- or lacerate-margined mid- lobe
Acknowledgements : We are grateful to the curators and librari-
ans of AMES, BM , E , K , KUN, MO, P, PE for making the
specimens and literature available for this study .
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861 云 南 植 物 研 究 29 卷