全 文 :Advances in Understanding Seed Dormancy at the Whole-seed Level:
An Ecological , Biogeographical and Phylogenetic Perspective
1 , 2
( 1 Department of Biology, University of Kentucky, Lexington , KY 40506 , USA ;
2 Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40546 , USA )
Abstract: Following a brief account of theearly foundations of seedgermination ecology sensu lato, somehistorical andre-
cent developments pertaining to the ecology, biogeography and phylogeny of seed dormancy are discussed .
Key words: Biogeography of seed dormancy; Ecology of seed dormancy; Phylogeny of seed dormancy; Seed dormancy;
Seed germination
CLC number : Q 948 Document Code : A Article ID: 0253 - 2700 (2008) 03 - 279 - 16
A celebration publication (festschrift) is an oppor-
tunity to (1) think about the early work that helped to
establish a particular discipline, (2) reflect on its cur-
rent focal pointsof research activity and (3) contemplate
what thefuturedirectionsmight beas thefield continues
to develop . Here, we wish to celebrate the ecology of
seed dormancy and germination in its broadest sense
( sensu lato) .
Control of seed germination in nature
The date when people first began to make obser-
vations on seed germination phenology and to wonder
why species might have different germination seasons
has not been recorded . However, the Greek philoso-
pher Theophrastus ( ca . 372 - 287 B . C .) had a keen
interest in seeds and commentedon the fact that germi-
nation was influenced by climatic factors ( Evenari ,
1980 - 81 ) . Indeed, one of the major focal points of
early research on germination ecology was trying to ex-
plainwhat controlled the timing of seed germination in
the field, i . e ., under natural habitat conditions . The
work of Went ( 1949 ) in the deserts of southwestern
USA and that of Koller ( 1955) , Evenari ( 1980 - 81)
and Gutterman ( 1981 ) in the deserts of Israel did
much to excite ecologists about trying to understand the
complexities of seedgermination in thenatural environ-
ment . This excitement was further enhanced when ecol-
ogists began to pay attention to datafromstudies onwa-
ter-permeable seeds with physiological dormancy in the
temperate climate of the United Kingdom ( Ratcliffe,
1961; Newman, 1963 ) and those on water-imperme-
able ( physically-dormant) seeds done in thearid region
of Australia byQuinlivan (1961) , all of which showed
that timingof dormancy-break played an important role
in timingof germination in the field .
With recognition that dormancy-break was corre-
lated with certain seasons of the year, e. g ., cold,
wet conditions of winter (cold stratification) , seed ger-
mination ecologists paid increased attention to the work
of seed physiologists who had been investigating the
specific dormancy-breaking requirementsof seeds in the
laboratory?greenhouse for several decades . For exam-
ple , Barton ( 1930 ) was studying the effects of cold
stratification on dormancy break in the early 1930s .
The subsequent“marriage”of ecology and physiology
in studies of seed dormancy break and germination
turned out to be avery productive approach .
One aspect of the control of timingof seed germi-
nation in the field that received considerable early at-
tention was germination of seeds in the soil , especially
weed seeds . It had long been recognized that arable
云 南 植 物 研 究 2008 , 30 (3) : 279~294
Acta Botanica Yunnanica DOI : 10 .3724?SP. J . 1143 .2008.08017
? ?Dedicated to the 30th Anniversary of Acta Botanica Yunnanica
Received date: 2008 - 02 - 15 , Accepted date: 2008 - 02 - 22
soils may contain large numbers of seeds ( Darwin,
1859 [ 1892 ] ) . Further, studies by Brenchley and
Warington ( 1936 ) showed that buried seeds of many
weeds werenot in a constant stateof readiness to germ-
inate . Thus, if seed-containing soil was disturbed in
one season ( e. g ., spring and?or autumn) seeds of a
particular species might germinate; however, if it was
disturbed in another season noseedlings of that species
appeared but thoseof another one might . The first di-
rect evidence that buried seeds of some species undergo
seasonal changes in their dormancy state was obtained
by Courtney ( 1968 ) for seeds of Polygonumaviculare,
and it was confirmed by Schafer and Chilcote ( 1970)
and Taylorson (1970) shortly thereafter . Concern about
buried seeds, especially from a weed-control perspec-
tive, resulted in studies on longevity of seeds in soil
(Telewski and Zeevaart, 2002 ) , development of sim-
ple models of the fate?dynamics of seeds in the soil
(Schafer and Chilcote, 1969 , 1970; Roberts, 1972)
and descriptions of two typesof transient and two types
of persistent seed banks (Thompson and Grime, 1979;
Grime 1981 ) ; the list of persistent seed bank types
subsequently was expanded to seven ( Roberts, 1981;
Baskin and Baskin, 1998) .
Oneof the products of early studies on control of
timing of germination in the field was the development
of theoretical models, in particular those of Cohen
(1968) . He worked in the randomly varying ( unpre-
dictable rainfall ) environment of the Negev Desert in
Israel . His models identified various ecological situ-
ations that may have lead to the selection of seed
dormancy, and they have served as the foundation for
much additional theoretical thinking about seeds (Ven-
able and Lawlor, 1980; Bulmer, 1984; Philippi and
Seger, 1989; Brown and Venable, 1991) .
Development of a dormancy classification system
Dormancy in seeds is recognized as the failure of
seeds to germinate, being particularly troublesome to
peoplewho may sowseeds that subsequently fail to ger-
minate . On the other hand, nondormant seeds are
those that germinate readily when placed under suitable
temperature, light, moisture andoxygen conditions . As
mentioned above, plant physiologists, e. g ., those at
the Boyce Thompson Institute in Yonkers [ now at
Ithaca] , NewYork (USA) , investigated thedormancy-
breaking requirements of seeds of many economically-
important species in the 1920s and 1930s ( Crocker and
Barton, 1957 ) . Much research was done in various
laboratories to determine ( 1 ) the best techniques for
making seed coats permeable in species with physical
dormancy, (2) theminimumlength of the cold stratifi-
cation period require to break dormancy and ( 3 ) the
optimal period of dry storage at roomtemperatures ( af-
terripening) required to break dormancy ( see Crocker
and Barton, 1957) . Crocker ( 1916 ) developed oneof
the first dormancy classification systems, in which he
distinguished seven kinds of dormancy with regard to
their cause: (1 ) underdevelopment of the embryo, (2)
water-impermeable seed or fruit coat, ( 3 ) mechanical
resistanceof seed covering layers, (4 ) low gas perme-
ability of seed covers, ( 5 ) metabolic ( physiological )
block in the embryo, (6) combined dormancy and (7)
secondary dormancy .
When Nikolaeva began her Ph . D . dissertation
researchon the“physiology of deep dormancy in seeds”
( translated into English in 1969 ) at the Komarov Bo-
tanical Institute in St . Petersburg, Russia, she knew
about Crocker′s classificationsystemand thework done
on seeds in various laboratories around the world ( see
references cited in Nikolaeva, 1969 ) . Using her
knowledge of theliterature andher vast experiencewith
seed dormancy, Nikolaevadevised themost logical and
detailed seed dormancy classification systemyet devel-
oped (Nikolaeva, 1969) , which she subsequently re-
vised slightly (Nikolaeva, 1977 , 2001 ) . Her systemis
based on seed internal structure ( e. g ., fully-devel-
oped vs . underdeveloped embryo) , role of seed cover-
ing layers ( i . e ., impermeability to water, mechanical
restriction to radicle emergence, presence of chemical
inhibitors) ; physiological requirements for dormancy-
break ( cold stratification and?or warm stratification) ;
and effectsof plant growth regulators on breaking phys-
iological dormancy .
In her systemof dormancy classification, Nikolae-
va gave both aname and a letter?number formula to the
seven types and various subtypes of dormancy she rec-
082 云 南 植 物 研 究 30 卷
ognized: three types of exogenous ( physical , chemical
and mechanical ) , three types of endogenous ( physio-
logical , morphological and morphophysiological ) and
many types of combinational ( exogenous plus endoge-
nous) dormancy . For example, deep simple epicotyl
dormancywas representedby the formulaB-C3
, where
B refers anunderdeveloped embryo, C3 to deep physio-
logical dormancy and superscript e to epicotyl ( Niko-
laeva, 1977 ) . After surveying available evidence,
Baskin and Baskin ( 1998 ) proposed that chemical and
mechanical dormancy be recognized only as a part of
physiological dormancy, and Nikolaeva (2004) agreed
with this conclusion .Later, Baskin andBaskin (2004)
published amodified version of Nikolaeva′s systemthat
included three hierarchical layers of classification:
class, level and type . In the modified version, Niko-
laeva′s physical , physiological , morphological , mor-
phophysiological and one type of combinational ( physi-
cal plus physiological ) dormancy are“ classes of
dormancy”(Baskin and Baskin, 2004) .
Variation in dormancy and germination
Within-in species variation in seed dormancy and
germination characteristics has great economic as well
as ecological importance . Thus, it isnot surprisingthat
inheritance of seed dormancy has been under almost
continuous investigation since the early 1900s, e. g .,
studies on peanut by Stokes and Hull ( 1930 ) . Fur-
ther, various aspects of seed dormancy and germina-
tion, including degree of dormancy ( Adkins et al. ,
1986) , rate of dormancy loss ( Jana et al. , 1979) and
germination requirements ( Whittington et al. , 1970 ) ,
are at least partly controlled by genetics . Seed poly-
morphism has a genetic component ( Antonovics and
Schmitt, 1986) , and the consequences of seed size on
germination (Harper and Obeid, 1967 ) and on subse-
quent sizeof seedlings (Wulff and Bazzaz, 1992) have
been studied in a number of species .
Another sourceof variation in seed dormancy and
germination characteristics is the environment experi-
enced by the mother plant while seeds are maturing .
This type of variation is called preconditioning or ma-
ternal effects, and some of the many factors causing it
include age of plant (Olson, 1932) , day length (Gut-
terman and Porath, 1975) , light quality ( McCullough
and Shropshire, 1970 ) , mineral nutrition ( Thurston,
1951) , position on mother plant (Negbi and Tamari ,
1963) , soil moisture ( Pallas et al. , 1977 ) and tem-
perature ( Junttila ( 1971 ) . Plants of the same species
growing in sites varying with respect to elevation (Mey-
er, 1990) , latitude (Wilcox, 1968) , salinity (Sands,
1981) and soil moisture (Youngberg, 1952 ) also vary
in seed dormancy and germination characteristics . One
of the challenges has been to decide if the observed
variation is due to genetics and?or preconditioning .
Thus, a number of common garden studies have been
done, and genetic (Hacker and Ratcliffe, 1989) , pre-
conditioning?environmental ( Nelson et al. , 1970 ) and
genetic x environmental (Quinn and Colosi , 1977) ef-
fects have been found .
Phylogenetic relationships
Martin′s ( 1946 ) family tree of seed phylogeny
and the accompanying body of work on embryo mor-
phology of 1287 generaof plantswas an important start-
ing point for considerations of the phylogenetic relation-
ships of seed dormancy . He placed seeds with small ,
underdeveloped embryos ( i . e ., they must grow inside
the seed before germination can occur) at the base of
the tree . Subsequent work in Russia by Grushvitzky
(1967 ) , analysesof taxonomic position [using Takhta-
jan′s ( 1986 , 1987) plant taxonomic classification sys-
tem] and seed characters by Nikolaeva ( 1999) and an
evaluation of evolution of embryo size in seed plants by
Forbis et al. (2002) supported the idea that underde-
veloped embryos areprimitive . However, it is well rec-
ognized that underdeveloped embryos also are present in
seeds of some advancedgroups of plants (Grushvitzky,
1967; Nikolaeva, 1999 ) . The first attempt to map
kinds of dormancy onto phylogenetic charts was by
Baskin and Baskin ( 1998 ) , who placed classes of
dormancyonto Takhtajan′s (1980) diagramfor showing
the evolutionary relationships within the angiosperms .
Recent ( 1980 - 2008) and on-going research
Research on the ecology of seed dormancy and
germination in the last part of the 20th century and be-
ginning of the 21st century has added significantly to the
1823 期 BASKIN and BASKIN: Advances in Understanding Seed Dormancy at theWhole-seedLevel : An . . .
strong early foundation of knowledge . In some cases,
work on previously-studied topics such as classes of
dormancy and soil seed banks has continued, but some
new fields of investigation such as the world biogeogra-
phy of seed dormancy and evolution of seed dormancy
in closely-related taxa has emerged . We will briefly
survey achievements in thesevarious research areas .
Classes of seed dormancy
Physiological dormancy ( PD) . For seeds with
nondeep PD, it has been known for many years that,
depending on the species, cold stratification ( Carpita
et al. , 1983) , GA3 ( Baskin and Baskin 1971 ) , in-
cubation temperatures (J unttila, 1973) , light (Scheibe
and Lang, 1965 ) or darkness ( Chen, 1968 ) may in-
crease growth potential of the embryo enough for the
radicle to emerge through the seed coat, and any other
covering layer ( s) that might be present, and thus
germinate . However, for endospermous seeds it has
been found that the endosperm becomes less restrictive
for growth, just prior to emergence of the radicle .
Breakdown of the endosperm cap over the tip of the
radicle is correlated with production of GA (Groot and
Karssen, 1987) and with activities of various enzymes
( e. g ., Toorop et al. , 2000) and expansins (Chen et
al. , 2001) . This is an on-going area of research, and
thegenes responsible for the various aspects of endo-
sperm cap weakening are being determined (Mella et
al. , 2004) .
In temperate regions, seeds with deep PD require
several weeks to a few months of cold stratification to
becomenondormant (ND) , at which timeseeds usually
germinate best at low temperatures; sometimes germi-
nating at the cold-stratifying temperature ( Baskin and
Baskin, 1998) . Deep PD that is broken only by sever-
al months of warm ( 25?15℃ ) stratification has been
found in seeds ( actually drupelets) of Leptecophylla
tameiameiae ( Ericaceae) from the tropical montane
zone of Hawaii ( Baskin et al. , 2005 ) . After dormancy
break, 25?15℃ was the optimum temperature regime
for germination . Future research may prove that mem-
bers of the Burseraceae, Clusiaceae, Combretaceae,
Euphorbiaceae, Fagaceae, Flacourtiaceae, Hernandi-
aceae, Lecythidaceae, Meliaceae, Menispermaceae,
Myrtaceae, Rhizophoraceae, Rubiaceae, Rutaceae,
Symplocaceae and Verbenaceae that did not germinate
until after 90 days in Ng′s ( 1991 , 1992 ) germination
phenology studies of Malaysian forest trees also have
deep PD .
Physical dormancy ( PY ) . Since 1980 , several
significant advances have been made with regard to
seeds with PY . First, the list of families with one or
more specieswithwater-impermeable seedor fruit coats
has been refined and now includes Anacardiaceae,
Bixaceae, Cannaceae, Cistaceae, Cochlospermaceae,
Convolvulaceae ( including Cuscutaceae) , Curcurbita-
ceae ( Sicyos) , Dipterocarpaceae ( subfamilies Mon-
toideae and Pakaraimoideae, but not Diptero-
carpoideae) , Fabaceae ( subfamilies Caesalpinioideae,
Mimosoideae and Papilionoideae) , Geraniaceae, Mal-
vaceae ( including Bombacacaceae, Sterculiaceae, and
Tiliaceae, sensu APG, 2003) , Nelumbonaceae, Rham-
naceae, Sapindaceae, Sarcolaenaceae ( Baskin et al. ,
2000) and Surianaceae ( Baskin et al. , 2006 ) . Also,
the specialized structure for entry of water (water gap)
has been identified in five additional families: Anacar-
diaceae, carpellary micropyle (Li et al. , 1999 ) ; Can-
naceae, imbibition lid (Grootjen andBouman, 1988) ;
Cistaceae, bixoid chalazal plug ( Thanos and
Georghiou, 1988; Nandi , 1998 ) ; Convolvulaceae,
bulges near hilum in most genera ( Jayasuriya et al. ,
2007) but hilum in Cuscuta ( Jayasuriya et al. , un-
publ .) and Dipterocarpaceae, bixoid chalazal plug
(Nandi , 1998 ) . Although fungi and?or soil abrasion
have received some attention as the agents that made
seeds water permeable; still , little, or no, experimen-
tal evidence has been produced to support these ideas
( Baskin and Baskin, 2000) . However, there is an in-
creasing body of data indicating that the water gap
opens in response to changes in environmental condi-
tions, in particular temperature ( see below) ; thus,
these structures serve as environmental sensors .
One of the most exciting discoveries about seeds
with PY is that, at least in some species, dormancy-
break innature involves twosteps: ( 1) seeds aremade
sensitive but remain impermeable, and ( 2 ) sensitive
seeds respond to certain environmental conditions and
282 云 南 植 物 研 究 30 卷
thus become water-permeable and germinate . Depend-
ing on the species, seeds may become sensitive if
stored moist (or at high RH) at high, e. g ., Trifoli-
um subterraneum ( Taylor, 1981 , 2005 ) , Ornithopus
compressus (Taylor and Revell , 1999 ) and Ipomoea la-
cunosa ( Jayasuriya et al. , 2008 ) , or at low, e. g .,
Melilotus albus, Medicago lupulina, Lotus cornicula-
tus and Trifoliumrepens (Van Assche et al. , 2003 ) ,
temperatures . Although seeds are exposed to the first
step and become sensitive to dormancy break, they do
not germinate unless step 2 occurs . In fact, seeds of
I . lacunosa can cycle between sensitive and insensitive
states . Thus, if sensitiveseeds of I . lacunosa aredried
at high temperatures ( instead of being on moist sand)
they become insensitive and will not respond to the
treatment ( 35℃ on wet sand for ≥ 2 h) that breaks
dormancy, i . e ., causeswater gap to open (Jayasuriya
et al. , 2008 ) . Seeds made insensitive can again be
made sensitive .
Morphophysiological dormancy ( MPD ) . To
break MPD, seeds must be exposed to appropriate en-
vironmental conditions to break PD and to promote
growth of the embryo ( break MD) . Seven levels of
MPD were distinguished by Nikolaeva ( 1977 ) , and
they can be divided into two general categories: sim-
ple, embryo grows at relatively high ( > 10℃ , i . e .
temperatures too high for cold stratification) ; and com-
plex, embryo grows during cold stratification . Nondeep
simpleMPD was not mentioned by Nikolaeva ( 1977 ) ,
and it was first described in seeds of thewinter annual
Chaerophyllum tainturieri ( Baskin and Baskin,
1990) . Thus, eight levels of MPD now are known . In
seeds of C. tainturieri , PD is broken during summer,
and embryo growth occurs in autumn if seeds are ex-
posed to light . In some seeds with nondeep simple
MPD, however, PD is broken during cold stratifica-
tion, and embryogrowth andgermination occur in spri-
ng (Walck et al. , 1999) .
Another interesting discovery related to MPD is
that some of Martin′s ( 1946)“dwarf seeds”, e. g .,
Campanulaceae andGentianaceae (Baskin and Baskin,
2005) , have small underdeveloped embryos . Underde-
veloped embryos also occurred in seeds of six endemic
Hawaiian lobelioid shrubs ( Baskin et al. , 2005 ) .
However, although seeds of Drosera anglica, which
Martin considered to be dwarf, have small embryos in
relation to size of endosperm, embryos did not grow
prior to radicle emergence ( Baskin and Baskin,
2005) .
With regard to Martin′s ( 1946) classification sys-
temof seeds, there are 10 types based on embryo and
endosperm characteristics and two additional types
basedon seed size: dwarf , 0 . 3 - 2 .0 mm and micro,
≤0 .2 mm . However, his“dwarf seed families”could
not be distinguished from his other small-seeded non-
dwarf families on the basis of endosperm texture, seed
coat anatomy, embryo morphology, class of dormancy
or phylogenetic position . Consequently, Martin′s key
has been revised to place all seeds into categoriesbased
on embryo and endosperm characteristics ( Baskin and
Baskin, 2007) .
Seed banks
Worldwide, theone topic related to the ecology of
seed dormancy and germination that has received the
most attention from 1980 to present is seed banks .
Much of the work is related to soil seed banks, but
considerable effort has been devoted to aerial seed
banks, especially serotiny ( Cowling et al. , 1987;
Lamont et al. , 1991 ) . The suggested minimum period
of time for seeds to live in soil and be called a persis-
tent seed bank has been expanded from ≥ 1 year
(Thompson and Grime, 1979) to the second germina-
tion season ( Walck et al. , 2005 ) to accommodate
seeds that are in the dormant phase of the annual
dormancy?nondormancy cycle at the end of 1 year and
those that requiremore than 1 year to become nondor-
mant . It has been made emphatically clear that seeds
do not have to be dormant to remain ungerminated and
viable in thesoil for longperiodsof time (Thompson et
al. , 2003; Fenner and Thompson, 2005) .
Studies to determine the species represented in
persistent seedbanks andnumber of seedsof thesespe-
cies have been ( and continue to be) done in various
habitats around the globe . Many aspects of soil seed
banks are being studied, and all we can do in a brief
review is to list someof them: (1) shapes and sizesof
3823 期 BASKIN and BASKIN: Advances in Understanding Seed Dormancy at theWhole-seedLevel : An . . .
seeds with a high probably of forming a persistent seed
bank ( Thompson et al. , 1993; Funes et al. , 1999 ) ;
(2) reasons for spatial heterogeneity ( Fernandez et
al. , 2002 ) ; (3) causes of seed death includingpreda-
tion ( Honek et al. , 2003 ) , solarization ( Mas and
Verdu, 2002 ) and flooding ( Voesenek and Blom,
1992) ; ( 4 ) comparison of seed rain and seed bank
(Pakeman and Small , 2005) ; ( 5) dynamics of buried
seeds of individual species ( Wilson and Witkowski ,
2003; Shimono and Washitani , 2004 ) ; (6 ) longevity
of seeds in soil ( Bekker et al. , 1998; Arroyo et al. ,
2004) ; (7 ) maximum number of seeds in arable soils
(D′Angela et al. , 1988 ) ; ( 8 ) maximum depth of
seedling emergence ( Benvenuti et al. , 2001; Grundy
et al. , 2003) ; (9 ) weed seed emergencemodels ( Col-
bach et al. , 2005; Wang et al. , 2006 ) ; ( 10 ) seed
bank management to facilitate restoration of plant com-
munities ( Hoelzel and Otte, 2003; Mengistu et al. ,
2005) ; and ( 11 ) potential of seed bank for restora-
tion, including good species representation ( Kalamees
and Zobel , 2002; Sakai et al. , 2005 ) , some species
not in seed bank ( Senbeta and Teketay , 2002; Ro-
drigues and Matos, 2006 ) , weed seeds present ( Bid-
well et al. , 2006; Roovers et al. , 2006 ) , seeds of
aliens present (Shen et al. , 2004; Yakimowski et al. ,
2005) and seeds of rare species present ( Auld and
Scott, 2004 ) .
Dormancy cycling
Annual dormancy?nondormancy or conditional
dormancy?nondormancy cycles have been documented
in buried seeds of various winter annuals, summer an-
nuals and perennials exposed to the temperate-zone an-
nual temperature cycle ( Khan and Karssen, 1980;
Baskin and Baskin 1998) . However, some seeds come
out of dormancy and remain nondormant during burial
for many years ( Baskin and Baskin, 1985a) . Under-
standing why buried seeds can undergo changes in their
dormancy statehas been enhanced by experimental data
showing that lowwinter temperatures break PD in seeds
of many summer annuals and can induce nondormant
seeds of winter annuals into dormancy . On the other
hand, high summer temperatures can induce nondor-
mant seeds of summer annuals into dormancy and can
break dormancy in seeds of winter annuals (Baskin and
Baskin, 1998) . Further, asmany seedswith PD come
out of dormancy the range of temperatures over which
they germinate increases, and as they enter dormancy
the rangeof temperaturesover which theygerminatede-
creases; this is called thedormancy continuum ( Baskin
and Baskin, 1985b) . Models of the seasonal dynamics
of buriedseeds includeseasonal changes in temperature
rangefor germination (Vleeshouwers andBouwmeester,
2001) , as well as changes in sensitivity to light (Batlla
and Benech-Arnold, 2005 ) and hydrothermal time
(Ekeleme et al. , 2005) . Seeds also change in sensi-
tivity to other factors, e. g ., plant growth regulators
and substrate moisture during the dormancy cycle
( Baskin and Baskin, 1998) .
Germination requirements of nondormant seeds
After seeds, especially those with PD, become
nondormant various environmental factors may play a
role in determining if they germinate (Vleeshouwers et
al. , 1995 ) . It has long been known that seeds may
require light for germination, and this is an important
reason why nondormant seeds in the soil do not germi-
nate (Fenner and Thompson, 2005) . For nondormant
seeds on the soil surface, there arevarious factors that
may play a role in controllinggermination, i . e ., pro-
vide a signal that conditions are suitable for seedling
establishment . For example, light filtered through
green leaves (Teketay, 1998) or constant temperatures
(Pons and Schroder, 1986) may reduceor prevent ger-
mination of nondormant seeds, depending on the spe-
cies . For some species, there are chemical cues from
the environment that promote germination of nondor-
mant seeds . One example is seeds of Schoenoplectus
hallii which germinate in shallowpools of water in spri-
ng . Seeds must be cold stratified ( under moist but not
flooded conditions) to break PD, after which they
require flooding, exposure to high (30?15℃ ) tempera-
tures, light and ethylene to germinate ( Baskin et al. ,
2003) .
The many observationsof appearanceof thousands
of seedlings following fire, especially inmatorral vege-
tation, have prompted research to determine the effects
of heat and chemicals from fire on germination . de-
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Lange and Boucher ( 1990) were the first to find that
smoke fromburningplant material wouldpromotegerm-
ination, and subsequently smoke and smoke-water have
been used to promote seed germinationof many species
(Stevens et al. , 2007 ) . However, smoke or smoke-
water often is more effective in promoting germination
after seeds have been given a treatment to break PD,
e. g ., burial in soil and thus exposure to summer field
temperatures ( Baker et al. , 2005 ) , indicating that at
least in some species smoke promotes germination of
nondormant seeds and is a cue that the area has been
burned . The compound in smoke that promotes germi-
nation has been identified ( Flematti et al. , 2004 ) ,
and it is a butenolide which more specifically is known
as karrikinolide (Flematti et al. , 2007) .
Effects of animals
In addition to studies on seed predation and seed
dispersal by animals, much attention has been given to
effects of animals on germination of seeds that have
been regurgitated or passed through the digestive sys-
tem . The assumption often is made that seeds with PY
must pass through the digestive system of an animal to
germinate in nature . However, careful studies show
that dependingon plant species and on kindof animal ,
seeds with PY may ( 1) be digested, i . e ., destroyed
(Smit and Rethman, 1996 ) , ( 2 ) become permeable
and germinate in the digestive system and thus die
(Gardener et al. , 1993) , (3 ) germinateto higher per-
centages after they have been defecated than the non-
ingested controls (Shiferaw et al. , 2004 ) and (4 ) ex-
hibit no increase in germination after defecation ( Orte-
ga-Baes et al. , 2001) . The story for water-permeable
seeds that are eaten by animals is about the same . That
is, passage through the digestive system may increase
( Serio-Silva and Rico-Gray, 2002 ) , decrease
( Charalambidou et al. , 2005 ) or have no effect
(Figueroa and Castro, 2002 ) on germination percent-
ages, compared to those of control seeds . For many
species, however, removal of fruit material fromaround
seeds significantly increases germination ( Burrows,
1993) . Thus, in addition to seed dispersal , oneof the
big effectsof animals, especially birds, on seedgermi-
nation is that they remove fruit materials that may con-
tain germination inhibitors ( Traveset and Verdu,
2002) .
Desiccation sensitive seeds
All desiccation sensitive (recalcitrant) seeds have
a highmoisture content (30 - 70% ) at timeof dispers-
al , and they die if moisture content declines to < 15 -
40% , depending on the species . Also, seeds are sen-
sitive to low temperatures and die if frozen . In cont-
rast, orthodox seeds have a moisture content of 15 -
20% at maturity, can be dried to 6 - 12% and most
tolerate freezing ( Baskin and Baskin, 1998 ) . Desicca-
tion sensitive seeds are more likely to be found in spe-
cies living in moist, aseasonal habitats than in those
living in arid, seasonal habitats, but some arid-zone
species do havedesiccation sensitive seeds (Tweddle et
al. , 2003 ) . Overall , seeds of only a relatively small
proportion ( ca . 10% ) of seed plants are recalcitrant .
Somewhat surprising is that more than 90% of aquatic
and marsh species have orthodox seeds ( Dickie and
Pritchard, 2002) . However, due to thebigproblemof
trying to store recalcitrant seeds of economically-valu-
able species, especially trees, much ecological , bio-
chemical and ultrastructure research has been done on
themin the last 30 years .
Metabolism is continuous in recalcitrant seeds,
which helps to explain why they need to be continuous-
ly hydrated to prevent DNA damage and possible death
(Boubriak et al. , 2000 ) . In fact, some recalcitrant
seeds are dormant when they are dispersed and thus
must bekeptmoist during the timerequired for dorman-
cy break and for germination (Flores, 1996 ) . In Pana-
ma, desiccation-tolerant seeds aremore likely to bedis-
persed in thedry season, anddesiccation sensitiveseeds
are more likely to bedispersed in the wet season (Daws
et al. , 2005 ) . Attempts to store recalcitrant seeds for
extended periodsof time at highmoisture levels havenot
beenvery successful due to high susceptibility of seeds
to attack byfungi (Berjak et al. , 2004) , ineffectivemi-
crobial defense systems in the seeds (Anguelova-Merhar
et al. , 2003) and high possibility of seeds germinating
(Corbineau and Come, 1986) . At present, cryopreser-
vation ( < - 130℃ ) of seeds and zygotic embryos of re-
calcitrant species is receiving much attention . Methods
5823 期 BASKIN and BASKIN: Advances in Understanding Seed Dormancy at theWhole-seedLevel : An . . .
to dehydrate tissues to theglassy state usingvitrification
solutions (Fahy et al. , 2004) or to rapidly super-cool
them ( Wesley-Smith et al. , 2004) arebeing developed
as ways to safely cryopreserve recalcitrant seeds .
An important discoverywith regard to seed storage
is that some seeds are intermediate between orthodox
and recalcitrant in terms of tolerance to low moisture
levels and low temperatures ( Ellis et al. , 1991 ) . A
number of Citrus (Hong and Ellis, 1995) and Coffea
(Dussert et al. , 1999 ) species have seeds with inter-
mediate storage behavior . Berjak and Pammenter
( 2001) emphasizethat there is a continuumof sensitiv-
ities to dehydration between recalcitrant and orthodox
seeds, and even within seeds with intermediate storage
behavior there is a continuum .
The inheritance of seed dormancy has received
much attention, especially with regard to rice ( Oryza
sativa) (Oard et al. , 2000; Gu et al. , 2004 ) but also
many other species ( Leon et al. , 2006a) . Quantitative
trait loci are thesubjectof intensestudy invarious spe-
cies ( Gu et al. , 2006; Bettey et al. , 2000 ) , while
genes that control various aspects of seed dormancy and
germination (FukuharaandBohnert, 2000) , especially
for Arabidopsis thaliana ( Chiwocha et al. , 2005;
Gonzalez et al. , 2004; Salaita et al. , 2005; Cadman
et al. , 2006; Finch-Savage et al. , 2007 ) are being
identified in other species . On the other hand, some
work is being done on the effects of the mother plant
( preconditioning) on dormancy and germination of
seeds, with particular focus on effects of precondition-
ing on characteristicsof the resulting seeds such as col-
or ( Luzuriaga et al. , 2006 ) , mass ( Luzuriaga et al. ,
2006; McPeek and Wang, 2007 ) , thickness of fruit?
seed (Qaderi et al. , 2003) and concentration of UV-
absorbing compounds (Griffen et al. , 2004) .
Inbreeding depression in plants is a topic of much
interest, and several hundred papers have been pub-
lished on thesubject in the last30 years . Froma seed-
germination perspective, if seeds resulting from selfed
flowers have lower germination than those from crossed
flowers this is interpreted to be evidence of inbreeding
depression . Although many cases of inbreedingdepres-
sion ( with respect to germination) have been found
(Galloway and Etterson, 2007) , often there is no evi-
dence of it ( Molina-Freaner et al. , 2003; Pico and
Koubek, 2003) .
Research on seed polymorphism continues and
studies can bedivided into two general categories: het-
erocarpy and size?mass . The dimorphic seeds of Aster-
aceae ( Gibson and Tomlinson, 2002; El-Keblawy,
2003; Brandel , 2007) and Chenopodiaceae ( Khan et
al. , 2004; Mandak and Pysek, 2005) and to a certain
extent Brassicaceae ( Cordazzo, 2006) and a few other
families ( Bandera and Traveset, 2006 ) have been
studied .The focus of these studieshasbeen to evaluate
the effects of polymorphism on germination, as well as
the adaptive significance and fitness .
Seed size?massmay have effects not only ongerm-
inationbut also on early growth and successful (or not)
establishment of seedlings (Khurana and Singh, 2004;
Moles and Westoby, 2004 ) and on evolutionary stable
strategies ( Rees and Venable, 2007 ) . The interest in
seed size continues to increase, and now divergence
analysis, using information for thousands of species, is
beingused toask what factors aremost closely associat-
ed with changes in seed mass . This analysis showed
that growth form and seed mass are closely related
(Moles et al. , 2005a, b) , and there is a close corre-
lation between seed mass and size of the genome
( Beauleu et al. , 2007) . Divergence in seed mass also
is related to other factors, such as temperature, precip-
itation and latitude (Moles et al. , 2005b) . On a glo-
bal scale, seed mass generally decreases with latitude,
but at20 - 25°(at theedgeof the tropics) there is a 7-
fold decrease inmass, seemingly correlated with differ-
ences in vegetation type and growth form of species
(Moles et al. , 2007) .
World biogeography of seed dormancy
A vast amount of information is available on pres-
ence vs . absence of dormancy and on class of seed
dormancy of plant species from throughout the world .
Further, new data from each of the major vegetation
zones recognized by Walter (1979) continueto bepub-
lished: evergreen rainforests ( Ferraz and Varla,
2003 ) , semievergreen rainforests ( Sautu et al. ,
682 云 南 植 物 研 究 30 卷
2007) , tropical montane ( Tigabu and Oden, 2001 ) ,
tropical deciduous forests ( Zamith and Scarano,
2004) , savannas ( Danthu et al. , 2003 ) , hot deserts
(Flores et al. , 2006 ) , matorral ( Cochrane et al. ,
2002) , broadleaved evergreen forests ( Chien et al. ,
2006) , deciduous forests ( Kondo and Sato, 2007 ) ,
steppes ( Wesche et al. , 2006 ) , cold deserts ( Ren
and Tao, 2004 ) , boreal forests ( Rosner and Har-
rington, 2004) , tundra ( Cummins and Miller, 2000)
and mountains (Phartyal et al. , 2003) . Thus, efforts
to compilethesedata and to begin to study general pat-
terns of the biogeography of dormancy are underway
( Baskin and Baskin, 1998 , unpubl .) .
Data on dormancy vs . nondormancy, and if
dormant the class of dormancy, for 7351 species have
been organized by vegetation zone . For all vegetation
zones except tropical rainforests and semievergreen
rainforests, more species have dormant than nondor-
mant seeds . In rainforests, 52% and 48% of the spe-
cies have nondormant and dormant seeds, respectively,
and in semievergreen rainforests 50% and 50% of the
species have nondormant and dormant seeds, respec-
tively ( Baskin and Baskin, unpubl .) . Generally, in
tropical?subtropical areas the portion of species with
dormant seeds increases across the gradient of vegeta-
tion zones as temperature and precipitation decrease . In
temperate?arctic areas, the portion of species with
dormant seeds increases across the gradient of vegeta-
tion zones as temperature and precipitation decrease
until one comes to the relatively cool vegetation zones
(woodland, montane, boreal and tundra) , where the
proportion of species with dormant seeds decreases
(Baskin and Baskin, 1998 , unpubl .) . PD ( 29 .8 -
79 .7% of the species) is the most important class of
dormancy in all vegetation zones on earth, with PY
(3 . 2 - 30 .0% ) and MPD (0 - 16.3% ) being second
and third in importance, respectively . MPD ( 0 -
3 .1% ) and (PY + PD) ( 0 - 2 .1% ) are not very im-
portant in any vegetation zone .
The on-going process of updating and revising the
phylogeny of angiosperms ( APG, 2003 ) , as well as
improving phylogenies of various orders and families
means the opportunities to do seed dormancy studies in
a phylogenetic context are increasing . That is, germi-
nation studies done using members of a lineage could
provide new insight into the evolutionary relationships
of classes of dormancy ( or nondormancy) . Although
much research currently is being done on estimation of
divergence times and biogeography of various taxonomic
groups (Xiang et al. , 2004; Nie et al. , 2005) , infor-
mation on phylogeny has not yet been widely used to
help gain an understandingof evolutionary relationships
of seed dormancy . In one study, using four species in
a subclade of Aristolochia subgenus Siphisia, it was
found that both trait stasis and divergence (adaptation)
have occurred in dormancy-breaking and germination
requirements in this lineage ( Adams et al. , 2005 ) .
Further insights can be gained by combining informa-
tiononphylogeny, classesof dormancy ( or nondorman-
cy) and fossil history . For example, in the Dipsacales,
all the clades except themost advanced Valerina clade
have underdeveloped embryos and thus MD or MPD .
Members of the Valerina clade have seeds with fully
developed embryos and thus either PD or are nondor-
mant . The fossil record suggests that MPD or MD was
present in Dipsacales earlier than PD or nondormancy
( Baskin et al. , 2006) .
The future
It is clear that research on the ecology of seed
dormancy and germination already spans a broad spec-
trumof topics, but this spectrumwill , no doubt, con-
tinue to expand . Some topics, e. g ., the genetic as-
pects of the ecology of seed dormancy andgermination,
already shows signs of much diversification, including
effects of breeding system (Verdu et al. , 2004) , pop-
ulation size (Paschke et al. , 2002) , habitat fragment-
ation ( Cascante et al. , 2002 ) , herbicide resistance
( Recasens et al. , 2007 ) and phenotypic plasticity
(Donohue, 2005 ) on germination and fitness; pro-
teomics ( Leon et al. , 2005b) ; and spread of trans-
genes into wild populations ( Garnier and Lecomte,
2006) ; invasive vs . non-invasive species ( Mandak,
2003) ; and rare vs . common species ( Osunkoya and
Swanborough, 2001) .
7823 期 BASKIN and BASKIN: Advances in Understanding Seed Dormancy at theWhole-seedLevel : An . . .
We foresee that the determination of class of
dormancy (or nondormancy) , as well as the dormancy-
breaking andgermination requirementsof seeds fromall
over the world will continue at a rapid rate . Thestimu-
lus for this work comes fromthe desireof many scienti-
sts to know how things work in nature and from the
need for information on how to propagate species for
economic and conservation reasons . As information on
( 1 ) seed dormancy class ( or nondormancy ) and
dormancy-breaking and germination requirements in-
creases for plant taxa from all vegetation zones of the
world, and ( 2) phylogenetic relationshipswithinorders
and families are increasingly refined ( using both DNA
and fossil evidence) , good tools with which to under-
take studies of evolutionary relationships of seed
dormancy andgermination within plant lineages will be
available . Thus, major advancements inour knowledge
of theworldbiogeography of seeddormancy and of evo-
lutionary origins and relationships of thevarious classes
of dormancy (and nondormancy) can be expected .
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492 云 南 植 物 研 究 30 卷