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The Identity of an Endemic Tibetan Bamboo, Arundinaria macclureana ( Gramineae, Bambusoideae)

西藏特有竹子Arundinaria macclureana 的名实辨正

全 文 :西藏特有竹子 Arundinaria macclureana 的名实辨正*
李德铢1 , Lynn G. CLARK2, Chris STAPLETON3
( 1中国科学院昆明植物研究所生物多样性与生物地理学重点实验室, 云南昆明 650204; 2 美国爱荷华州立大学
植物系, Ames, Iowa 50011; 3英国皇家植物园标本馆, Kew , Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AB)
摘要: Arundinaria macclureana 是在现代植物学中根据在西藏采集的标本描述的第一个竹子。其模式标本是
1938年采集的, 但只有花枝, 没有地下茎、秆箨等重要特征。尽管如此, 该种还成为了新属 Borinda 的模
式种。在研究了其模式标本后, 使本文第一作者联想起 1991 年在藏东南采集的西藏箭竹 ( Fargesia setosa)。
西藏箭竹的模式标本采集于 1977 年, 但只有营养体, 没有花枝。在对比研究两个名称的模式后, 确认二
者实为同种。经与共同作者一起讨论, 认为其正确学名为 Fargesia macclureana, 但该种所在的筱竹属群的
关键词: 西藏箭竹; Arundinaria macclureana; 名实辨正; 西藏
中图分类号: Q 949 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 0253- 2700( 2006) 02- 115- 04
The Identity of an Endemic Tibetan Bamboo, Arundinaria
macclureana (Gramineae, Bambusoideae)
LI De-Zhu
, Lynn G. CLARK
( 1 Laboratory of Biodiversi ty and Biogeography , Kunmimng Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650204, China;
2 Department of Botany, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011, USA; 3 Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens K ew ,
Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AB, UK)
Abstract: Arundinaria macclureana Bor was the first bamboo described in modern taxonomy based on Tibetan material.
Since the type bears only flowering branches without critical vegetative characteristics such as rhizomes and culm-sheaths,
its identity has long been doubtful. Even so, it provides the type of a newly created genus, Borinda. By checking the
type specimens of A1macclureana as well as the type of Fargesia setosa T . P. Yi, which is a species only known by its
vegetative state, and by collecting in the field, a conclusion is reached that these two entities are conspecific. Fargesia
macclureana, a name published in less- received literature is the correct name for this endemic T ibetan bamboo, although
re-evaluation of the relationships within the Thamnocalamus group is needed.
Key words: Fargesia setosa; Arundinaris macclureana; Identiy; Tibet
Our knowledge about bamboos in Tibet ( Xizang )
has been very imperfect because of the difficult ies in
collecting this taxonomically troublesome group.
Arundinaria macclureana Bor ( 1958) was the first T-i
betan bamboo described in modern taxonomy based on
material collected by Ludlow, Sherriff and Taylor in
1938. However, because no further material was
traced and the type material bears only flowering
branches without crit ical vegetative parts such as rh-i
zomes and culm-sheaths, the identity of this species
has been a puzzle since it was published.
云 南 植 物 研 究 2006, 28 ( 2) : 115~ 118
Acta Botanica Yunnanica

* 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金 ( 30200015)
Received date: 2006- 03- 03, Accepted date: 2006- 03- 07
作者简介: 李德铢 ( 1963- ) 男, 研究员, 主要从事植物分类、生物地理和分子系统发育研究。
After the time of Ludlow et al . , the bamboos in
Tibet had not been explored unt il 1977 when Yi Tong-
Pei made his first expedition to SE Tibet. Yi collected
some twenty- four species of bamboos during his 1977
and 1979 expeditions, among which, eighteen were
described as new (Yi, 1983a) . Recent study showed
that one out of the new species, Chimonocalamus tor-
tuosus Hsueh & T. P. Yi was a synonym of C1gr-
iff ithianus ( Munro ) Hsueh & T. P. Yi, typified by
Griff ith s1n. collected in Khasi Hills, NE India ( Li,
1994) . The majority of Yi. s new species was described
under Fargesia and Yushania ( Yi, 1983b) , with sev-
eral transferred from Arundinaria. However, he did
not mention A1macclureana in his two publications nor
in his contributions to the Flora Xizangica ( in Wu,
1987) . Until very recently, Keng & Song ( 1994) st ill
doubted that A1macclureana might be a species of
Fargesia or Yushania. The Flora Reipublicae Popularis
Sinicae volume for bamboos does not ment ion it either
( Keng & Wang, 1996) . Obviously, it is a little-
known species, particularly to the Chinese botanists.
Meanwhile, American and European botanists
were also making efforts to clarify bamboo taxonomy in
the Himalayas. Campbell ( 1991) was the first to cite
Arundinaria macclureana 33 years after its publica-
tion. Stapleton ( 1993) transferred A1macclureana in-
to Fargesia, thinking it might be traced in some Euro-
pean gardens. In his enumeration of Himalayan bam-
boos, Stapleton ( 1994) further transferred this species
into his newly created genus Borinda and designated it
as type of the genus. Eight species of Borinda were
recognized in Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet, while the
closest species of B1macclureana was Yi. s Fargesia
setosa ( as B1 setosa) . Again, no further material was
ment ioned under B1macclureana, confirming its
doubtful status, but both were recognized.
Taxonomy and nomenclature
The type specimen of Arundinaria macclureana,
Ludlow, Sherriff & Taylor 7297 at BM, is composed
of a flowering branch and a leafy one. One of the pa-
ratypes, Ludlow, Sherriff & Taylor 4395, also has
spikelets, while a second sheet has a culm internode
with a branching pattern. The type specimen of
Fargesia setosa is composed of only vegetat ive parts,
including a leafy branch, two culm-sheaths and two
internodes. It would be very difficult to compare these
two entit ies without detailed examinat ion of type spec-i
mens of both names. A close look at them side by side
shows that both collections bear leaves characterized by
dense white hairs on the undersides of the blades and
petioles, and internodes covered by wax. This corre-
lation does not occur in any other allied Tibetan bam-
boos. By examining more specimens of Ludlow et al .
( all cited by Bor, 1958) at the Natural History Muse-
um ( London) , the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
and the Smithsonian Institution, it was noticed that
other characters, including the very hairy leaf sheath,
short leaf ligules, very small ( sometimes absent) aur-i
cles and oral setae, number of secondary veins and
visible transverse veins, all confirm this correlat ion.
Another specimen collected by the first author and co-l
leagues, Fei, Sun Li & Bai 323, which was collect-
ed in the same area, with vegetative parts ident ical
with F1 setosa, shares the same branching pattern with
Ludlow, Sherriff & Taylor 4395. Yi. s other collec-
tions cited under F1 setosa share these features. A de-
tailed study of the field notes reached the same conclu-
sion: the type localities of both were dominated by Pi-
cea or Pinus densata forests, and the only bamboo
found was a species with vegetat ive parts ident ical to
what was described in F1setosa. A conclusion is
therefore reached that A1macclureana and F1 setosa
are conspecific. This has been already suggested by
Campbell ( 1991) , but without specimen citation and
just ification.
The generic placement of this species has been
very uncertain and it has been placed in four genera so
far: Arundinaria, Borinda, Fargesia and Sina-
rundinaria. The picture is now clear, and at this
point it is possible to find a proper place for the spe-
cies. As re-defined by McClure ( 1973) and followed
by most authors ( e1g. Soderstrom & Ellis, 1982;
Chao & Renvoize, 1989; Stapleton, 1994 ) ,
116 云 南 植 物 研 究 28卷
Arundinaria is a genus with leptomorph rhizomes ( run-
ning underground stems) and A1macclureana therefore
can not be placed in Arundinaria because of its pachy-
morph rhizomes. It belongs to the alpine bamboos
(Guo et al . , 2001) or the Thamnocalamus group
(Guo et al . , 2002) involving Borinda, Fargesia,
Thamnocalamus and Yushania. Fargesia, as typified
by F1spathacea , may be not the most appropriate ge-
nus: it produces a condensed spathaceous inflores-
cence and is sometimes treated as synonym of Thamno-
calamus ( Soderstrom, 1979; Clayton & Renvoize,
1986; Chao & Renvoize, 1989) . As seen on the her-
barium sheets, Bor first determined A1macclureana as
Sinarundinaria macclureana in 1953 and the latter com-
binat ion was validated by Yang& Chao ( 1994) , though
neither specimens were cited nor reasons given. Li
(1996) proposed to conserve the name Sinarundinaria
to accommodate a group of temperate to sub-alpine
shrubby bamboos. However, conservation was not ap-
proved by the Committee for Spermatophyta. Yushania,
typified by Y1niitakayamensis , is another possible ge-
nus for A1macclureana. The characters of Yushania
are summarized as follows: pachymorph rhizomes, 3
to several subequal branches, unarmed nodes, an
open semelauctant inflorescence with erect spikelets,
and flowers with 3 stamens and usually 2 stigmas. For
the forthcoming Flora of China bamboo accounts, the
three of us agreed to treat it in Fargesia, although re-
lationships among the Thamnocalamus group need to
be crit ically re-evaluated ( Guo & Li, 2004) .
Fargesia macclureana ( Bor) Stapleton in Bam-
boo Soc. Newslett. 17: 17 ( 1993 ) ) ) ) Arundi-
naria macclureana Bor in Kew Bull. [ 12] 1957: 420
( 1958) ) ) ) Borinda macclureana ( Bor) Stapleton in
Edinburgh J. Bot. 51: 290 ( 1994 ) ) ) ) Sina-
rundinaria macclureana ( Bor) C. S. Chao & G. Y.
Yang in J. Bamboo Res. 13 ( 1 ) : 20 ( 1994 )-
Type: China, Tibet ( Xizang) , Tripe, Tsangpo Va-l
ley, 29b 39cN, 94b 56c E, alt. 2800 m, 8 Jul.
1938, Ludlow, Sherriff & Taylor 7297 ( holo- ,
BM! ; iso- , E! ) .
) ) ) Fargesia setosa T. P. Yi in J. Bamboo
Res. 2 ( 2 ) : 43 ( 1983 ) ; Keng & Wang, Fl.
Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 9 ( 1 ) : 421 ( 1996) ) ) )
Borinda setosa (T. P. Yi) Stapleton in Edinburgh J.
Bot . 51: 290 ( 1994) . -Type: China, Tibet ( Xizang) ,
Bomi Xian, 29b50cN, 96b18cE, alt. 3000m, forming un-
derstory in Picea forest, 1 Aug. 1977, Tong-Pei Yi 77128
( holo- , SIFS! ; iso- , SWFC! ) , syn. nov.
Shrubby bamboo; clumps dense. Rhizomes
pachymorph, with culm-necks to 5 cm long. Culms
unicaespitose, erect , to 6m tall, to 5 cm in diam. ;
internodes 23- 29 cm long, covered by white wax and
when young also by brown bristles; branches 5- 7,
subequal. Culm-sheaths yellowish green tinged with
purple when fresh, slight ly longer than the correlated
internodes, later deciduous, covered by brown hairs
especially on thickened base; ligules ca. 2 mm tall,
ciliate; not auricled, with several oral setae when
young; blades linear, reflexed, ca. 10 cm long.
Lea-f sheaths pubescent ; ligules short, densely pubes-
cent; auricles tiny, with deciduous oral setae; pet-i
oles densely pubescent abaxially; blades linear- lan-
ceolate, 9- 12 @ 018- 116 cm, abaxially densely
hairy when young, less so when aged, tessellated.
Inflorescence semelauctant, an open terminal panicle
on leafy branchlets, 9- 12 cm long. Spikelets 2- 3
cm long, tinged with purple, with 2 glumes, 5- 7
florets plus a terminal sterile one; lemmas ca. 116 cm
long, awned, the awns ca. 2 mm long; palea ca.
111 cm long; lodicules 3, ciliate, 2 lateral ones larg-
er; stamens 3, anthers yellow; style 1, stigmas 2,
feather- like. Caryopses unknown.
This species occurs in SE Tibet ( Xizang ) , in
Bomi, Nyingchi, Mainling Mšdog, and Zay™coun-
ties, and is the dominant bamboo in the understory of
Picea or Pinus densata and Quercus forests at alt itudes
of 2100- 3800m.
Additional specimens examined. -Tibet ( X-i
zang) , Kongbo, Molo, Valley of Lilung Chu, 28b
57cN, 93b53cE, alt. 3500 m, forming clumps in
Quercus forest, 23 May 1938, Ludlow, Sherriff &
Taylor 4395 ( BM, bis; US) ; Lushu Chu, 29b20c
1172 期 LI De-Zhu et al: The Identity of an Endemic Tibetan Bamboo, Arundinaria macclureana . . .
N, 94b35cE, alt. 3000- 3500 m, in Picea forest ,
7 Jun. 1938, Ludlow, Sherriff & Taylor 4678 ( BM,
E) ; Langpe-Gyala, 29b43cN, 94b56cE, alt. 3000m,
21 Jun. 1938, Ludlow, Sherriff & Taylor 5346 ( BM,
E) ; Tsanang La, near Paka, 29b15cN, 94b15cE,
alt. 3500m, 15 Jun. 1938, Ludlow, Sherriff & Tay-
lor 5835 ( BM) ; Bomi Xian, Songzong, alt . 2700-
3800 m, 31 Jul. 1977, T. P. Yi 77126 ( SIFS ) ;
Bomi Xian, Tongmai to Dongjiu ( T. ung-chiu) , 29b
59cN, 94b50cE, alt . 3000 m, 30 Jul. 1990, Y.
Fei, H. Sun, De-Zhu Li, & B Bai 323 ( KUN) ;
Nyingchi Xian, Dongjiu, alt . 2700m, 1Aug. 1977,
T. P. Yi 77130 ( SIFS ) ; Mšdog Xian, Gela to
Dayandong, alt. 2920m, 26 Aug. 1977, T. P. Yi
77190 ( SIFS) ; Zay™Xian, Shang Zay™, alt. 2100
m, 21 Aug. 1979, T . P. Yi 79183 ( SIFS) ; Zay™
Xian, Chunjie Qiao, alt . 2500- 3300 m, 18 Aug.
1979, T. P. Yi 79110 ( SIFS) .
The type specimen of this species, as designated
by the original author, is Ludlow, Sherriff & Taylor
7297. The holotype specimen is also clearly marked.
Therefore, Stapleton. s ( 1994) lectotypification is su-
Acknowledgements: We are indebted to Mr . Jia-Rong Xue
( SWFC) and Mr. Da-Cheng Zhang ( KUN) for their assistance
on loan of specimens to Cambridge ( CGG) that enabled the first
author to check the isotype of Fargesia setosa against that of
Arundinaria macculureana at BM . We thank the curators of the
herbaria BM, E, KUN, SIFS, SWFC and US, in particular
Mr. Roy Vickery ( BM ) , for their assistance while the first au-
thor worked on their collections. Thanks are also due to Prof.
Yi Tong-Pei ( SIFS ) for his useful comments on this issue.
Thanks are also due to Mr. Nicholas Turland (MO) for review-
ing this manuscript.
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