Abstract:There are about 1019 species of the seed plants in the Daxinganling flora region, be-longing to 89 families and 391 genera. The flora is temperate in nature. It is relatively obvious in horizontal and vertical vicariance. It has wide connection in geographical relationships, and it is closely releted with the Siberia, the Arctic zone and the north temperate zone whose distri-bution centre is in Siberia and Arctic zone. The elements of the above-mentioned zone make up the principal part of the flora. They came into the region and developed gradually after the Quaternary Period, and they has a relative short history. The flora is unremarkable in endemicity and young in nature. The comparison with the adjacent flora shows that the flora should be regarded as a independent flora. It is unsiutable to put the flora in adjacent flora such as one of NE. China, Dauria and Zeya-Bureya in Russia.