全 文 :隐子蕨属 (水龙骨科 ) 植物在中国的首次承认 ?
邵 文 , 陆树刚??
( 云南大学生态学与地植物学研究所 , 云南 昆明 650091 )
摘要 : 首次承认水龙骨科 (Polypodiaceae) 隐子蕨属 ( Crypsinus) 植物在中国的分布。文中列出了该属与假
瘤蕨属 ( Phymatopteris) 和修蕨属 ( Selliguea) 的区别特征 , 给出隐子蕨属植物在中国的唯一一种———三指
隐子蕨 ( Crypsinus trilobus) 的文献引证 , 特征描述并附图。
关键词 : 隐子蕨属 ; 三指隐子蕨 ; 水龙骨科 ; 中国
中图分类号 : Q 949 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 0253 - 2700 (2009) 01 - 029 - 03
First Recognition of the Genus Crypsinus (Polypodiaceae) in China *
SHAO Wen, LU Shu-Gang* *
( Instituteof Ecology and Geobotany, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091 , China)
Abstract : The genus Crypsinus (Polypodiaceae) is reported for thefirst time in China . The differences among Crypsinus,
Phymatopteris and Selliguea are presented, and the sole species Crypsinus trilobus is described and illustrated .
Key words: Crypsinus; Crypsinus trilobus; Polypodiaceae; China
The genus Crypsinus ( Polypodiaceae) was estab-
lished by C . Presl with the type species Crypsinus
nummularius C . Presl (nom . superfl . Polypodiumpy-
rolifoliumGoldm .) (Presl , 1851) . Thisgenus is char-
acterized by the simplified dimorphic or subdimorphic
fronds with indistinct lateral veins, and the immersed
sori on the midrib of contracted linear fertile lamina or
on the contracted upper part of subfertile lamina, and
goniophlebioid type venation . Crypsinus differs from
Phymatopteris Pichi-Serm . inhavingdimorphic fronds,
and is distinguished from Selliguea Bory by the sepa-
rated sori .
Crypsinus was confused with Microterus C . Presl
and Phymatopsis J . Sm . by Copeland ( 1947 ) and was
included among 40 species previously belonging to
Phymatopsis . Holttum ( 1954 ) separated Microsorum
Link ( MicroterusC . Presl) from Crypsinus in his Ferns
of Malaya, but the latter also included many species of
Phymatopsis . Ching ( 1964 ) rejected the classification
of Copeland and Holttum, and treated Crypsinus as in-
cluding only six species fromMalaysia, and none from
China . Pichi Sermolli ( 1973 ) emended the spelling of
Phymatopsis to Phymatopteris Pichi-Serm . ( the former
is a later homonym) , adding no new species to it at
that time . In 1977 , Pichi Sermolli ( 1977 ) accepted
Ching′s circumscription of Crypsinus with only a few
species . Hovenkamp ( 1998 ) transferred Crypsinus to
Selliguea, moreover adding six additional genera of
Polypodiaceae to Selliguea . Lu ( 2000 ) , in Flora
Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae, followedChing′s system
and excluded Crypsinus fromChina . In FloraYunnani-
ca, Cheng ( 2005 ) was of the opinion that the main
云 南 植 物 研 究 2009 , 31 (1) : 29~31
Acta Botanica Yunnanica DOI : 10 .3724?SP. J . 1143 .2009.08124
?? ?Author for correspondence; E-mail : shuganglu@163 . com
Received date: 2008 - 06 - 18 , Accepted date: 2008 - 08 - 25
作者简介 : 邵文 ( 1979 - ) 女 , 博士 , 主要从事蕨类植物系统分类学研究。 ?
Foun ?dation items: TheNational Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No . 30770164 and the National Key Project for Basic Research on Ec-
osystem Changes in Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region Trans-boundary Eco-security of Southwest China, Grant No 2003CB415103
characteristics of Phymatopteris coincided with thoseof
Crypsinus and used the name Crypsinus rather than
Phymatopteris . In 2006 , Smith transferred Crypsinus,
excluding Phymatopteris, to Selliguea (Smith, 2006) .
Ching ( 1941; 1964 ) believed that Phymatopsis
included more than 60 species from mainland Asia,
most of them from China and adjacent countries, and
that no species of Crypsinus occurred in China . A
comparison of Crypsinus, Phymatopteris . and Selligu-
ea is presented in Table 1 .
Fromthe evidencepresented above, it isobvious that
Crypsinus should not be confused with Phymatopteris .
While investigating specimens of Phymatopteris in
PYU and PE, we discovered a species collected on
Hainan, P . triloba ( Houtt .) Pichi-Serm ., which, ac-
cording to the differences noted in Table 1 , should be
treated as a species of Crypsinus as follows .
Crypsinus C . Presl , Epim . Bot . 123 . 1851 .
Type species: Crypsinus nummularius C . Presl
( nom . superfl . PolypodiumpyrolifoliumGoldm .)
Crypsinus contains6 species, distributed inChina
(Hainan) ; Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines .
Crypsinus trilobus ( Houtt .) Copel . Gen . Fil .
206 . 1947 . 三指隐子蕨 (新拟 ) Fig . 1
Polypodium trilobum Houtt ., Hist . Nat . 14 :
148 . t . 98 . f . 1 . 1783 .
Phymatodes triloba (Houtt .) Ching in Bull . Fan
Mem . Inst . Biol . Bot . Ser . 10 : 239 . 1941 .
Phymatopsis triloba (Houtt .) Ching in Acta Phy-
totax . Sin . 9 (2 ) : 194 . 1964 .
Phymatopteris triloba ( Houtt .) Pichi-Serm . in
Webbia 28 (2) : 465 . 1973 .
Selliguea triloba ( Houtt .) M . G . Price in
Blumea 43 (1) : 57 . f . 22 . 1998 .
Polypodium triphyllum Jacq . Coll . 2 : 284 , t .
22 , f . 1 . 1788 .
Phymatodes triphylla (Jacq .) C . Chr . et Tard . -
Blot, Fl . Indo-Chine 7 (2) : 470 . f . 55 . 4 - 5 . 1941 .
PolypodiumincurvatumBlume, Enum . Pl . Javae
126 . t . 65 . 1828 .
Phymatopsis incurvata ( Blume) J . Sm ., Hist .
Fil ., 105 . 1875 .
Pleopeltis incurvata ( Blume) Bedd ., Handb .
Ferns Brit . India 364 . f . 206 . 1883 .
Selliguea matutumensis Copel ., Philipp . J . Sci .
81 : 44 . 1952 .
Rhizome creeping, elongate, 3 - 5 mm in diam .,
densely scaly throughout; scales ovate-lanceolate, cen-
tral portion castaneous, paler brown towards margin,
base rounded, peltate, margin entire at or somewhat
ciliolate, apexacuminate; scales at baseof stipessimi-
lar but acuminate . Fronds 1 - 3 cm apart, dimorphic .
Sterile fronds: stipe15 - 20 cmlong, lamina trilobedor
pinnatifid, apical lobe somewhat larger than the lateral
lobes; lobes usually 4 - 6 cmwide at base, shortly acu-
minate, with conspicuous mainveins and indistinct lat-
eral veins, venation type goniophlebioid, margins
thickened, with distinct small incision . Fertile fronds:
Table 1 Comparison among Crypsinus, Phymatopteris and Selliguea
Crypsinus Phymatopteris Selliguea
Chromosome number * x = 11 ?( 33) x= 12 ](36) x = 37
simple dimorphic or subdi-
simple, trifid, palmatifid, pinnatifid or
pinnate, monomorphic or dimorphic
monomorphic or subdimorphic
Texture rigidly coriaceous, glossy chartaceous coriaceous
Lateral veins indistinct distinct distinct
Venation pattern goniophlebioid type drynarioid type goniophlebioid type
Shape round or elliptic, immersed round, superficial or slightly immersed linear, superficial
on midrib of contracted upper
part of partially fertile lamina
or on linear fertile lamina
on midrib of fertile lamina on midrib of two lateral veins
China ( Hainan ) , Malaysia,
Indonesia ( Java, Sumatra,
China and adjacent countries ( most spe-
cies) , Malaysia ( afew species)
Indonesia ( Java ) , Asia ( tropic ar-
ea) , the Pacific islands, Australia,
South Africa, China ( Guangdong)
* Chromosomenumbers are from L?ve et al. (1977 ) .
03 云 南 植 物 研 究 31 卷
Fig . 1 Crypsinus trilobus ( Houtt .) Copel .
A . Sterile frond; B . Linear fertile frond; C . Subfertile frond; D . Rhizome-scale; E . Sori ; F . Sporangium
stipe 20 - 40 cm long, lamina trilobed or pinnatipartite
with 2 - 4 (- 6) pairs of lateral lobes; rachis with nar-
rowly winged or lower part wingless; lobes contracted,
linear, less than 1 cm wide, apex acuminate, coria-
ceous . Sori in one rowon both sides of midrib of cont-
racted linear fertile lamina or on the contracted upper
part of subfertile lamina, deeply embedded, nearly
roundor somewhat elliptic, 2 - 5 mmin diam ., promi-
nent on the upper surface .
Additional specimens examined . Hainan ( 海
南 ) . Wuzhi Shan ( 五指山 ) . alt . 1300 m . W . M .
Chu ( 朱维明 ) 01062817 - 01062822 , PYU; Hainan .
Yi Jiang (易江 ) . alt . 1200 - 1300 m . X . C . Zhang
(张宪春 ) 01235992 , PE ; Hainan . Diaoluo Shan ( 吊
罗山 ) . alt . 1020 m . S . Y . Dong ( 董 仕 勇 )
01235994; alt . 900 m . Hainan Group ( 海 南 队 ) ,
01235989 , PE ; Hainan . Bawangling ( 霸王岭 ) . alt .
1 300 m . S . Y . Dong (董仕勇 ) 01235995 , PE .
Distribution . China ( Hainan: Wuzhi Shan; Dia-
oluo Shan; Bawangling . Yi J iang) ; Indonesia ( Java,
Sumatra, Borneo) , Malaysia, Philippines .
Ecology . On rocks and tree trunks .
Acknowledgements: We would like to thank Prof . W . M . Chu for
providingaccess to the specimens cited in this paper and Prof .Cindy
Q . Tang for helpful suggestionsandcritical readingof themanuscript .
Chen ?g X ( 成晓 ) , 2005 . Crypsinus C . Presl [ A ] . In: Cheng X , Wu
SG, Lu SG . Flora Yunnanica (云南植物志 ) [ M ] . Beijing: Sci-
ence Press, 21 : 370
Chin ?g RC (秦仁昌 ) , 1941 . New family and combinations of ferns [ J ] .
Bull Fan MemInst, 10 (5 ) : 239
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L?ve ?A , L?ve D, Pichi Sermolli REG, 1977 . Cytotaxonomical Atlas of the
Pteridophyta [M ] . Vaduz: Strauss & Cramer Gmbh Press, 79—82
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6 (2 ) : 181—182
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131 期 SHAO and LU: First Recognition of the Genus Crypsinus (Polypodiaceae) in China