摘 要 :本文发表了石竹科一新属,假卷耳属Pseudocerastium C.Y.Wu,X.H.Guo et X.P.Zhang。该属模式种为假卷耳Pseudocerastium stellarioides X.H.Guo et X.P.Zhang,近于卷耳属、繁缕属和鹅肠菜属。另报道了一个中国地理新分布种,异型花繁缕Stellaria diversiflora Maxim.。
Abstract:A new genus Pseudocerastium from Mt. Jiuhua, Anhui, E China, is described and illustrated. The genus is typified by P. stellarioides and is considered most closely related to Cerastium, Stellaria and Myosoton. Stellaria diversiflora is new recorded to China.