全 文 :Franchet 1891年发表的十六种植物名称的模式指定∗
郁文彬ꎬ 王 红ꎬ 李德铢∗∗
中国西南野生生物种质资源库ꎬ 云南 昆明 650201)
摘要: 在澄清 Pedicularis stenantha的分类学地位时ꎬ 查阅 Pedicularis stenantha 和其他一同发表的 16 个种
(Cyananthus petiolatus、 Gentiana crassuloides、 Gentiana rosularis、 Primula vialii、 Salvia brevilabra、 Salvia
tatsienensis、 Salvia tricuspis、 Saussurea caudata、 Saussurea scabrida、 Saussurea souliei、 Saussurea tatsienensis、
Saxifraga longistyla、 Senecio plantaginifolius、 Senecio setchuenensis、 Senecio souliei 和 Tanacetum myrianthum)ꎬ
其模式材料保存在巴黎自然历史博物馆 (P)ꎮ 这些种是 Franchet基于 J A. Soulié采集的材料于 1891年发
表ꎬ 但是 Franchet在原文中只引证了产地信息 (“Se ̄tchuenꎬ circa Ta ̄tsien ̄lou”)ꎬ 没有提供具体的材料采
集号ꎮ Pedicularis stenantha的后选模式在早期的研究中已指定ꎬ 本研究对其他 16个名称的原始材料进行了
讨论ꎬ 并对后选模式进行指定ꎮ
关键词: A R. Franchetꎻ J A. Souliéꎻ 后选模式指定ꎻ 四川
中图分类号: Q 949 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 2095-0845(2014)05-590-05
Typification of Sixteen Plant Names Described by Franchet in 1891
YU Wen ̄Binꎬ WANG Hongꎬ LI De ̄Zhu∗∗
(Key Laboratory for Plant Diversity and Biogeography of East Asiaꎬ and Germplasm Bank of Wild Species in Southwest Chinaꎬ
Kunming Institute of Botanyꎬ Chinese Academy of Sciencesꎬ Kunming 650201ꎬ China)
Abstract: In this studyꎬ original materials of 16 namesꎬ Cyananthus petiolatusꎬ Gentiana crassuloidesꎬ Gentiana ro ̄
sularisꎬ Primula vialiiꎬ Salvia brevilabraꎬ Salvia tatsienensisꎬ Salvia tricuspisꎬ Saussurea caudataꎬ Saussurea scabri ̄
daꎬ Saussurea soulieiꎬ Saussurea tatsienensisꎬ Saxifraga longistylaꎬ Senecio plantaginifoliusꎬ Senecio setchuenensisꎬ
Senecio soulieiꎬ Tanacetum myrianthumꎬ described by Franchet in 1891 were examined. After tracing potential origi ̄
nal materialꎬ the lectotype of 16 names was designated or further designated in this study.
Key words: A R. Franchetꎻ J A. Souliéꎻ lectotypificationꎻ Sichuan
A R. Franchet (1834-1900) is a famous French
botanist working at the Paris Muséum National d′
Histoire Naturelle (P). He described more than two
thousands new taxa from the flora of China and Japan
(see http: / / www tropicos org / )ꎬ primarily based on
the collections made by French Catholic missionaries
in Chinaꎬ e g.ꎬ A. Davidꎬ P J. M. Delavayꎬ P G.
Fargesꎬ and J A. Soulié (Stafleu and Cowanꎬ 1976).
In an articleꎬ Franchet ( 1891) described 17
new speciesꎬ i e.ꎬ Cyananthus petiolatus Franchetꎬ
Gentiana crassuloides Franchetꎬ Gentiana rosularis
Franchetꎬ Pedicularis stenantha Franchetꎬ Primula
植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报 2014ꎬ 36 (5): 590~594
Plant Diversity and Resources DOI: 10.7677 / ynzwyj201414007
Funding: The Ministry of Science and Technologyꎬ Chinaꎬ Basic Research Project (2013FY112600)ꎻ the Largescal Scientific Facilities of
Chinese Academy of Sciences (2009 ̄LSFGBOWS ̄01)
Author for correspondenceꎻ E ̄mail: dzl@mail kib ac cn
Received date: 2014-01-14ꎬ Accepted date: 2014-06-16
作者简介: 郁文彬 (1982-) 男ꎬ 副研究员ꎬ 现工作单位: 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园综合保护中心ꎬ 研究方向: 植物系
统与演化ꎮ E ̄mail: yuwenbin@xtbg ac cn
vialii Delavay ex Franchetꎬ Salvia brevilabra Franch ̄
etꎬ Salvia tatsienensis Franchetꎬ Salvia tricuspis Fran ̄
chetꎬ Saussurea caudata Franchetꎬ Saussurea scabri ̄
da Franchetꎬ Saussurea souliei Franchetꎬ Saussurea
tatsienensis Franchetꎬ Saxifraga longistyla Franchetꎬ
Senecio plantaginifolius Franchetꎬ Senecio setchuenen ̄
sis Franchetꎬ Senecio souliei Franchetꎬ and Tanace ̄
tum myrianthum Franchetꎬ all based on collections
by J A. Souliéꎬ and in the case of Primula vialii ad ̄
ditionally based on an additional collection by P J.
M. Delavay. Franchet just cited the locality (“ Se ̄
tchuenꎬ circa Ta ̄tsien ̄lou”)ꎬ but he did not desig ̄
nate numbered collections as type in the protologue.
During preparation of the proposal of Pedicularis
stenantha (Yu et al.ꎬ 2013)ꎬ we have checked the
original materials of P stenantha and the other 16
names. Based on collections of J A. Soulié deposited
at the herbarium of Pꎬ we find that original materials
of 16 names are labeled as “Plantes de TA ̄TSIEN ̄
LOU (SETCHUEN). M. l′abbé SOULIÉ Reçu le 6
juin 1891.” [sic!]ꎬ except specimen of Primula vi ̄
alii collected by J A. Soulié unavailable. The sheet
P02969035 has been designated as lectotype of
P stenantha in the proposal (Yu et al.ꎬ 2013). The
other 19 sheets with Franchet’s script representing
15 names are the original material that collected by
A J. Souliéꎬ and four sheets of no. 3604 collected
by P J M. Delavay are the original material of Prim ̄
ula vialii. After tracing potential original material of
the remaining 16 namesꎬ we discussed the selection
of the lectotype for their names.
Notes on typification of 16 names
1. Cyananthus petiolatus Franch. in Bull. Soc. Phi ̄
lom. Parisꎬ ser. 8ꎬ 3: 147. 1891≡C incanus sub ̄
sp. petiolatus (Franch.) D Y. Hong & L M. Ma in
Acta Phytotax. Sin. 29 (1): 44-45. 1991. Lecto ̄
type ( designated here): CHINA. Sichuan: Kang ̄
ding (Ta ̄tsien ̄lou)ꎬ J A. Soulié s n. ( lectotypeꎬ
P!ꎬ P00237914ꎻ syntypeꎬ P!ꎬ P00237913).
Two sheet specimens correspond with the origi ̄
nal materialꎬ while no collection number to deter ̄
mine that both specimens are a single gathering.
Thereforeꎬ two speciemens are conservatively treated
as two gatherings. During the taxonomic revision of
Cyananthusꎬ Shrestha (1997) listed the type informa ̄
tion as “Sichuanꎬ China: Tachienlouꎬ M. Soulie s n.
(Holotyope! Pꎬ isotypes! LEꎬ P)” [sic]. According
to Art. 7 11 & 9 21ꎬ the “ holotype” by Shrestha
(1997) must be treated as the lectotype. Hereinꎬ the
lectotype includes two specimens conserved at Pꎬ
whereas Shrestha (1997) provided of a “ holotype”
photo referring to the specimen P00237914ꎬ which is
adopted as the lectotype of C petiolatus hereinꎬ and
another specimen P00237913 is treated as a syntype.
2. Gentiana crassuloides Franch. in Bull. Soc. Phi ̄
lom. Parisꎬ ser. 8ꎬ 3: 148. 1891ꎬ non Franch. & Bur.
1891ꎬ nom. illeg. Lectotype (designated here): CHI ̄
NA. Sichuan: Kangding (Ta ̄tsien ̄lou)ꎬ J A. Soulié
s n. (lectotypeꎬ P!ꎬ P00513891).
Sheet P00513891 is the only original material
of Gentiana crassuloidesꎬ which is selected as the
lectotype. When Franchet describing G crassuloidesꎬ
he apparently overlooked that Bureau and himself
(1891) has described this species in an earlier pub ̄
lication on the basis of a collection by Prince Henri
d′Orléans in 1890. Both names refer to the same
speciesꎬ but they are based on different gathering as
typeꎬ thereforeꎬ we conservatively treated Franchet’s
name as later homonym herein.
3. Gentiana rosularis Franch. in Bull. Soc. Philom.
Parisꎬ ser. 8ꎬ 3: 148. 1891=G szechenyii Kanitz in
Pl. Exped. Szechenyi in As. Centr. Coll. 40. 1891.
Lectotype (designated here): CHINA. Sichuan: Kang ̄
ding (Ta ̄tsien ̄lou)ꎬ J A. Soulié s n. ( lectotypeꎬ
P!ꎬ P00487369).
Only sheet P00487369 corresponds to the origi ̄
nal material of Gentiana rosularisꎬ and it is chosen
as the lectotype. In the current usageꎬ G rosularis is
treated as a synonym of G szechenyii (Marquandꎬ
1937ꎻ Ho and Pringleꎬ 1995). Both G rosularis and
G szechenyii were published in 1891ꎬ howeverꎬ we
1955期 YU Wen ̄Bin et al.: Typification of Sixteen Plant Names Described by Franchet in 1891
cannot determined which name is an earlier one.
4. Primula vialii Delavay ex Franch. in Bull. Soc.
Philom. Parisꎬ ser. 8ꎬ 3: 148. 1891. Lectotype (des ̄
ignated here): CHINA. Yunnan: Lankongꎬ J M.
Delavay 3604 ( lectotypeꎬ P!ꎬ P04907322ꎻ isolec ̄
totypesꎬ P!ꎬ P04907316ꎬ P04907317ꎬ P04907320).
Syntype: CHINA. Sichuan: Kangding (Ta ̄tsien ̄lou)ꎬ
J A. Soulié s n. (systypeꎬ Pꎬ not seen).
In the protologueꎬ Franchet just listed two col ̄
lectorsꎬ J M. Delavay and J A. Souliéꎬ howeverꎬ no
collection number was specified. Hereinꎬ we find
that a gathering J M. Delavay 3604 with four sheets
corresponds to the original materialꎬ while no poten ̄
tial type material by J A. Soulié is available. The
sheet P04907322 is selected as the lectotype of
Primula vialiiꎬ because only this sheet has an origi ̄
nal label by Delavayꎬ which corresponds with the
type information presented in the protologue.
5. Salvia brevilabra Franch. in Bull. Soc. Philom.
Parisꎬ ser. 8ꎬ 3: 149. 1891. Lectotype (designated
here): CHINA. Sichuan: Kangding (Ta ̄tsien ̄lou)ꎬ
J A. Soulié s n. (lectotypeꎬ P!ꎬ P02871920).
Sheet P02871920 is the only original material
of Salvia brevilabraꎬ and it is designated as the lec ̄
6. Salvia tatsienensis Franch. in Bull. Soc. Philom.
Parisꎬ ser. 8ꎬ 3: 150. 1891 = S przewalskii Maxim.
in Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint ̄Pétersbourg 27: 526.
1881. Lectotype ( designated here ): CHINA. Si ̄
chuan: Kangding (Ta ̄tsien ̄lou)ꎬ J A. Soulié s n.
(lectotypeꎬ P!ꎬ P00714816).
Sheet P00714816 is the only original material
of Salvia tatsienensisꎬ which is selected as the lecto ̄
type. For current usageꎬ this species was treated as a
synonym of S przewalskii (e g.ꎬ Sun and Wuꎬ 1977ꎻ
Li and Hedgeꎬ 1994).
7. Salvia tricuspis Franch. in Bull. Soc. Philom.
Parisꎬ ser. 8ꎬ 3: 150. 1891. Lectotype (designated
here): CHINA. Sichuan: Kangding (Ta ̄tsien ̄lou)ꎬ
J A. Soulié s n. ( lectotypeꎬ P!ꎬ P00714817ꎻ syn ̄
typeꎬ P!ꎬ P00714818).
Two sheet specimensꎬ without collection num ̄
berꎬ correspond with the original material. Dunn
(1915) listed Soulié 627 as the type material. We
examined the sheet P00714819 of Soulié 627ꎬ which
was annotated as “ THIBET ORIENTAL. Ta ̄tsien ̄
lou (Principauté de Kiala). J.  ̄A. Soulié 1893)”
[sic!]. Clearlyꎬ Dunn’s “ type” should be not the
original material. Hereinꎬ we choose sheet P00714817
as the lectotype of Salvia tricuspisꎬ and the other
sheet P00714818 as a syntype.
8. Saussurea caudata Franch. in Bull. Soc. Philom.
Parisꎬ ser. 8ꎬ 3: 147. 1891. Lectotype (designated
here): CHINA. Sichuan: Kangding (Ta ̄tsien ̄lou)ꎬ
J A. Soulié 74 (lectotypeꎬ P!ꎬ P00289137).
In the protologueꎬ Franchet did not specify a
collection number of this name. Hereinꎬ four sheets
at P are labelled as J A. Soulié 74ꎬ but only sheet
P00289137 corresponds with the protologue of Saus ̄
surea caudata. The other three sheets (P00289136ꎬ
P00602817ꎬ P00602818) were labeled as “ THI ̄
BET ORIENTAL. Ta ̄tsien ̄lou (Principauté de Kia ̄
la). J.  ̄A. Soulié. 1893” [ sic!]ꎬ and therefore
should be not the original material for the name. The
sheet P00289137 is here selected as the lectotype of
S caudataꎬ as the only element available.
9. Saussurea scabrida Franch. in Bull. Soc. Philom.
Parisꎬ ser. 8ꎬ 3: 146. 1891. Lectotype (designated
here): CHINA. Sichuan: Kangding (Ta ̄tsien ̄lou)ꎬ
J A. Soulié s n. (lectotypeꎬ P!ꎬ P00602902).
Sheet P00602902 is the only original material
of Saussurea scabridaꎬ and it is selected as the lecto ̄
10. Saussurea souliei Franch. in Bull. Soc. Philom.
Parisꎬ ser. 8ꎬ 3: 147. 1891. Lectotype (designated
here): CHINA. Sichuan: Kangding (Ta ̄tsien ̄lou)ꎬ
J A. Soulié s n. (lectotypeꎬ P!ꎬ P00602908).
295 植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报 第 36卷
Only sheet P00602908 corresponds to the origi ̄
nal material of Saussurea soulieiꎬ and it is selected
as the lectotype.
11. Saussurea tatsienensis Franch. in Bull. Soc. Phi ̄
lom. Parisꎬ ser. 8ꎬ 3: 146. 1891. Lectotype (desig ̄
nated here ): CHINA. Sichuan: Kangding ( Ta ̄
tsien ̄lou)ꎬ J A. Soulié 163. A ( lectotypeꎬ P!ꎬ
In the protologueꎬ Franchet did not specify a
collection number of this name. Hereinꎬ three sheets
at P are labelled as J A. Soulié 163ꎬ but only sheet
P00245388 corresponds with the protologue of Saus ̄
surea tatsienensisꎬ with Franchet’s script for species
name. Howeverꎬ the other two sheets were annotated
as “Plantes du SEZCHUEN oriental. R P. SOULIE.
Begu le 22 Avril 1892.” without Franchet’s scriptꎬ
and therefore should be not original material for the
name. The sheet P00245388 is here selected as the
lectotype of S tatsienensisꎬ as the only element avail ̄
able. Noteworthilyꎬ on the identification labelꎬ E. v.
Raab ̄Straube was treated this sheet as the holotype
in 2012ꎬ howeverꎬ Franchet did not designate the
type in the protologue. In additionꎬ to distinguish
sheet P00245388 from the other two sheetsꎬ some ̄
one has annotated sheet P00245388 as 163. Aꎬ the
other two sheets as 163. B.
12. Saxifraga longistyla Franch. in Bull. Soc. Phi ̄
lom. Parisꎬ ser. 8ꎬ 3: 144. 1891 = S hypericoides
Franch. in Journ. de Bot. 10: 261. 1896. Lectotype
( designated here ): CHINA. Sichuan: Kangding
(Ta ̄tsien ̄lou)ꎬ J A. Soulié 163 ( lectotypeꎬ P!ꎬ
The sheet P00136569 is the only original mate ̄
rial of Saxifraga longistylaꎬ and it is selected as the
lectotype. In the current usageꎬ S longistyla is trea ̄
ted as a synonym of S hypericoides ( Pan et al.ꎬ
2001). Howeverꎬ the name S longistyla is prior to
S hypericoides. To maintain the current usageꎬ a new
proposal to conserve the name S hypericoides is nee ̄
13. Senecio plantaginifolius Franch. in Bull. Soc.
Philom. Parisꎬ ser. 8ꎬ 3: 145. 1891 = Ligularia vir ̄
gaurea (Maxim.) Mattf. ex Rehder & Kobuski in J.
Arnold Arbor. 14: 40. 1933. Lectotype (designated
here): CHINA. Sichuan: Kangding (Ta ̄tsien ̄lou)ꎬ
J A. Soulié s n. (lectotypeꎬ P!ꎬ P02676721).
Only sheet P02676721 corresponds to the origi ̄
nal material of Senecio plantaginifoliusꎬ and it is se ̄
lected as the lectotype. In the current usageꎬ S plan ̄
taginifolius is treated as a synonym of Ligularia vir ̄
gaurea (Liu and Illarionovaꎬ 2011).
14. Senecio setchuenensis Franch. in Bull. Soc. Phi ̄
lom. Parisꎬ ser. 8ꎬ 3: 145. 1891≡Synotis setchuen ̄
ensis ( Franch.) C. Jeffrey & Y L. Chen in Kew
Bull. 39 (2): 336. 1984. Lectotype (designated here):
CHINA. Sichuan: Kangding ( Ta ̄tsien ̄lou)ꎬ J A.
Soulié 198 ( lectotypeꎬ P!ꎬ P00705011ꎻ isoleco ̄
typeꎬ P!ꎬ P00705012).
The gathering J A. Soulié 198 contains two
sheetsꎬ both of which are the original material of Se ̄
necio setchuenensis. Both sheets are conserved well
and annotated by Franchet. During the taxonomic re ̄
vision of tribe Senecioneaeꎬ Jeffrey and Chen (1984)
specified Soulié 198 conserved at P as the holotypeꎬ
which should be corrected as the lecotype. Due to
Soulié 198 including two specimensꎬ we further des ̄
ignate the sheet P00705011 as the lectotype of
S setchuenensis in accordance with Art. 9. 15. Cur ̄
rentlyꎬ Senecio setchuenensis is transferred to Synotis
(Chen et al.ꎬ 2011a).
15. Senecio souliei Franch. in Bull. Soc. Philom.
Parisꎬ ser. 8ꎬ 3: 145. 1891≡ Parasenecio souliei
(Franch.) Y L. Chenꎬ Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin.
77 (1): 63. 1999. Lectotype ( designated here):
CHINA. Sichuan: Kangding ( Ta ̄tsien ̄lou)ꎬ J A.
Soulié s n. (lectotypeꎬ P!ꎬ P00602908).
Sheet P00602908 is the only original material
of Senecio souliei. During the taxonomic revision of
Chinese Cacaliaꎬ Koyama (1979) listed the type in ̄
formation as “Szechwan: Tongolo (J A. Soulié s n.
3955期 YU Wen ̄Bin et al.: Typification of Sixteen Plant Names Described by Franchet in 1891
P—Lectotypeꎬ 157ꎬ 271 Pꎬ 2671 GHꎬ 2671 ̄bis K)”
[sic!]. Actuallyꎬ the original material P00602908
is annotated as “Plantes de TA ̄TSIEN ̄LOU (SETCH ̄
UEN)”ꎬ thereforeꎬ we cannot confirm that Koyama’s
“lectotype” is the original material. To avoid confu ̄
sionꎬ we clearly designate the sheet P00602908 as
the lectotype of S souliei. Currentlyꎬ S souliei is
transferred to Parasenecio (Chen et al.ꎬ 2011b).
16. Tanacetum myrianthum Franch. in Bull. Soc.
Philom. Parisꎬ ser. 8ꎬ 3: 144. 1891≡Ajania myri ̄
antha (Franch.) Y. Ling ex C. Shih in C. Shih &
G X. Fuꎬ Acta Phytotax. Sin. 17 (2): 114. 1979.
Lectotype (designated here): CHINA. Sichuan: Kang ̄
ding ( Ta ̄tsien ̄lou)ꎬ J A. Soulié 148 ( lectotypeꎬ
P!ꎬ P00706083ꎻ isolecotypeꎬ P!ꎬ P00706082).
In the protologueꎬ Franchet did not specify a
collection number of T myrianthum. Hereinꎬ we find
that gathering J A. Soulié 148 with two sheets
(P00706082 and P00706083) corresponds with the
protologue of T myrianthum. Both sheets are con ̄
served well and annotated by Franchetꎬ thereforeꎬ
the sheet P00706083 is selected as the lectotype of
T myrianthum. Currentlyꎬ T myrianthum is trans ̄
ferred to Ajania (Shi et al.ꎬ 2011).
Acknowledgements: We are grateful to curators of P for pro ̄
viding specimens online accessꎻ and to Dr. Yun ̄Fei Deng for
valuable comments and suggestions.
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