基于馆藏标本的研究, 确认广东产3 种轴鳞蕨属植物: 异鳞轴鳞蕨Dryopsis heterolaena、泡鳞轴鳞蕨D. mariformis 和阔鳞轴鳞蕨D. maximowicziana , 其中泡鳞轴鳞蕨和阔鳞轴鳞蕨为广东新记录的蕨类。澄清广东不产顶果轴鳞蕨D. apiciflora , 最近出版的《广东植物志》第七卷记载的顶囊肋毛蕨Ctenitis apiciflora ( 即顶果轴鳞蕨D. apiciflora) , 系异鳞轴鳞蕨的错误鉴定。文中列有分种检索表、种的文献引证、标本引证、生境与分布资料。
全 文 :广东产轴鳞蕨属 (叉蕨科 ) 植物?
(中国科学院华南植物园 , 广东 广州 510650)
摘要 : 基于馆藏标本的研究 , 确认广东产 3 种轴鳞蕨属植物 : 异鳞轴鳞蕨 Dryopsis heterolaena、泡鳞轴鳞蕨
D. mariformis和阔鳞轴鳞蕨 D. maximowicziana, 其中泡鳞轴鳞蕨和阔鳞轴鳞蕨为广东新记录的蕨类。澄清广
东不产顶果轴鳞蕨 D. apiciflora, 最近出版的 《广东植物志》第七卷记载的顶囊肋毛蕨 Ctenitis apiciflora (即
顶果轴鳞蕨 D. apiciflora) , 系异鳞轴鳞蕨的错误鉴定。文中列有分种检索表、种的文献引证、标本引证、
关键词 : 轴鳞蕨属 ; 新记录 ; 分类 ; 广东
中图分类号 : Q 949 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 0253 - 2700 (2007) 02 - 171 - 02
Dryopsis ( Tectariaceae) in Guangdong , China
DONG Shi-Yong
( South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650 , China)
Abstract: Based on herbaria collections, three species of the fern genus Dryopsis ( Tectariaceae) are recognized from
Guangdong Province, China . They are D. heterolaena, D. mariformisand D. maximowicziana . Among thethree species,
D. mariformis and D. maximowicziana are new records to Guangdong . In the newly published book, Flora of Guangdong
Volume VII , the name Ctenitis apiciflora (Wall . ex Mett .) Ching ( = D. apiciflora (Wall . ex Mett .) Holttum & Ed-
wards) instead of D. heterolaena is recorded duetomisidentification . Themorphological andecological differences between
D. heterolaena and D. apiciflora are discussed . A key to thethree species, habitat and distribution data onthe three spe-
cies are given .
Key words: Dryopsis; New record; Taxonomy; Guangdong
Thefern genus Dryopsiswas established by Holttum& Ed-
wards (1986) , whoraised the subgenus Ctenitis subgen. Dryopsis
Ching to generic rank . Morphologically and ecologically,
DryopsisHolttum& Edwards is closer to DryopterisAdans . than
to Ctenitis C .Chr .(Holttumand Edwards, 1986 ; Dong andLu,
2001) .
In thetreatment of Ctenitis C . Chr . for Flora Reipublicae
Popularis Sinicae 6 ( 1 ) (Wang, 1999 ) , the section Ctenitis
sect. DryopsisChing instead of thegenus DryopsisHolttum& Ed-
wardswas adoptedand no species in this groupwas recorded with
distribution in Guangdong Province .
The fern flora of Guangdong was newly come out by Wu
(2006) . Wu recognized Ctenitis apiciflora (Wall . ex Mett . )
Ching in Guangdong . When checking the voucher specimen of
this species fromGuangdong in IBSC , I found the only voucher
was C . Wang 44354 ( IBSC , KUN) . In fact, the specimen C .
Wang 44354 had been cited under thename Dryopsis heterolaena
(C . Chr .) Holttum& Edwards by DongandLu (2001) . Myre-
checkingthe specimen showed that Wu′s naming it C . apiciflora
is amisidentification, the differences between thetwo species are
discussed later on . In addition, twoother species, D. mariformis
(Rosenst .) Holttum& Edwards and D. maximowicziana (Miq .)
Holttum & Edwards, areturned out tobe new records to thefern
flora of Guangdong .
Taxonomical treatment
Dryopsis Holttum & Edwards in Kew Bull . 41 : 171 .
1986; K . U . Kramer in K . Kubitziki , Fam . Gen . Vasc . Pl .
1 : 126 . 1990 . ——— Ctenitis subgen. Dryopsis Ching in Bull .
Fan . MemInst . Biol . Bot . 8 : 280 .1938 , nom . invalid . ———
Ctenitissect. Dryopsis ( Ching) Ching in S . H . Wu & Ching,
Fern . Fam . Gen . China . 442 . 1991 , Chu H . Wang in Fl .
云 南 植 物 研 究 2007 , 29 (2) : 171~172
Acta Botanica Yunnanica
? ?Foundation item: Supported by the National NatureScience Foundation of China ( 30570127) and the Project of Flora of China (39899400)
Received date: 2006 - 05 - 09 , Accepted date: 2006 - 09 - 18
作者简介 : 董仕勇 (1970 - ) 男 , 副研究员 , 主要从事植物分类及区系地理研究。
Reip . Pop . Sin . 6 (1) : 3 . 1999 , nom . invalid .
Type: Dryopsis apiciflora (Wall . exMett .) Holttum& Ed-
wards fromNepal .
About 20 species, distributed in tropical and subtropical ar-
eas of Asia, the greatest concentration in southwestern China;
terrestrial inmontaneforests . About 15 species inChina and3 in
Guandong .
A Key to Species of Dryopsis from Guangdong , China
1 . ?Lamina ovate-triangular, 3-pinnate; scales on basal stipes
broadly lanceolate, 2 -4 mmwide⋯ 1 . D. maximowicziana
1 . ?Lamina lanceolate, 2-pinnate; scales on basal stipes lan-
ceolate, less than1 mmwide .
2 . ?Stipes stramineous; pinnules usually entire or slightly
lobed; no scales or a few scales presenting on abaxial
surface of pinnule-costae ⋯⋯⋯⋯ 2 . D. mariformis
2 . ?Stipes castaneous; pinnules usually pinnatifid or deeply
lobed; many bullate scales presenting on abaxial sur-
faceof pinnule-costae⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 3 . D. heterolaena
1 . Dryopsismaximowicziana (阔鳞轴鳞蕨) (Miq .) Holttum
& Edwards in Kew Bull . 41 : 197 . 1986 . ——— Aspidiummaxi-
mowiczianum Miq . in Ann . Mus . Bot . Lugduno-Batavum 3:
178 . 1867 . ——— Ctenitis maximowiczianum (Miq .) Ching in
Bull . Fan Mem . Inst . Biol . Bot . 8 : 294 . 1938; Chu H .
Wang in Fl . Reip . Pop . Sin . 6 (1 ) : 27 , pl . 5 , figs . 1 - 4 .
1999 . Type: Japan . Buerger s.n . (holotype, L) .
Specimens examined:
China . Guangdong (广东 ) : Lechang (乐昌 ) , F . G .
Wang (王发国 ) 935 (IBSC) , new record .
Habitat: Terrestrial in forests, alt . 500 - 1 300 m .
Distribution: China (Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi , Guizhou,
Hunan, J iangxi , Sichuan, Taiwan, Zhejiang) , Japan .
2 . Dryopsis mariformis (泡鳞轴鳞蕨 ) ( Rosenst .) Holttum
& Edwards in Kew Bull . 41 : 188 . 1986 . ——— Dryopterismari-
formis Rosenst . in Repert . Spec . Nov . Regni Veg . 13 : 131 .
1914 . ——— Ctenitis mariformis ( Rosenst .) Ching in Bull . Fan
Mem . Inst . Biol . Bot . 8 : 286 . 1938; Chu H . Wang in Fl .
Reip . Pop . Sin . 6 (1) : 9 . 1999 . Type: China . Guizhou (贵
州) : Guiding (贵定) , Cavalerie 1962 ( isotype, BM) .
Specimens examined:
China . Guangdong (广东 ) : Lechang (乐昌 ) , Nanling
Exped . (南岭队 ) 3399 ( IBSC) , new record .
Habitat: Terrestrial in forests, alt . 1 100 - 3 100 m .
Distribution: Endemic to China ( Fujian, Guangdong,
Guizhou, Hunan, Jiangxi , Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang) .
3 . Dryopsis heterolaena (异鳞轴鳞蕨 ) ( C . Chr .) Holttum
& Edwards in Kew Bull . 41 : 185 . 1986 . ——— Dryopteris het-
erolaenaC . Chr . in Acta Horti Gothob . 1 : 62 , f . 17 . 1924 .
———Ctenitis heterolaena (C . Chr .) Ching in Bull . Fan Mem .
Inst . Biol . Bot . 8 : 293 . 1938; Chu H . Wang in Fl . Reip .
Pop . Sin . 6 ( 1 ) : 7 . 1999 . Type: China . Sichuan (四川 ) :
Daxiangling (大相岭 ) , Harry Smith 2126 ( holotype, UPS; iso-
type, BM) .
Ctenitis apiciflora auct . , non Ching: Wu in T . L . Wu et
al ., Fl . Guangdong 7: 243 , f . 110 . 2006 .
Specimens examined:
China . Guangdong (广东) : Ruyuan (乳源 ) , C . Wang
(黄志 ) 44354 ( IBSC , KUN) .
Habitat: Terrestrial in forests, alt . 800 - 2 300 m .
Distribution: Endemic to China ( Guangdong, Guangxi,
Guizhou, Hunan, Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan) .
This species is distinctly distinguished from D. apiciflora
(Wall . ex Mett) Holttum& Edwards by pinnules, at least those
on basal pinnae, deeply lobed, costae covered by typically bul-
late scales and sori on thewholepinnules . Contrastively, D. ap-
iciflora is different in pinnules usually entire, flat and ovate or
slightly bullate scales on costaeand sori only on the apex of pin-
nules . Ecologically, D. heterolaena occurs in evergreen broad-
leaf forest and needle and broad-leaf mixed forest at 800 - 2 300
m, while D . apiciflora tendstogrowing inneedle- leaf forestsat
1 800 - 3 300 m .
Dong ?SY ( 董仕勇 ) , Lu SG ( 陆树刚 ) , 2001 . Classification of thege-
nus Dryopsis ( Tectariaceae) from Yunnan [ J ] . Acta Bot Yunnan
( 云南植物研究 ) , 23 : 181—187
Holt ?tum RE , Edwards PJ , 1986 . Studies in the fern-genera allied to Tec-
taria II , Dryopsis, anew genus [ J ] . Kew Bull, 41 : 171—204
Wang ?CH ( 王铸豪 ) , 1999 . Aspidiaceae [ A ] . In: Fl . Pop . Reip (中
国植物志 ) [M ] . Beijing: Science Press, 6 (1) : 1—125
Wu S ?H (吴兆洪 ) , 2006 . Pteridophyta [A ] . In Wu TL (吴德邻 ) et
al , ed . Flora Guangdong ( 广 东 植 物 志 ) [ M ] . Guangzhou:
Guangdong Science and Technology Press, 7 : 3—323
271 云 南 植 物 研 究 29 卷