Abstract:Ahstract Carex siderosticta Hance is a most spectacular member of the genus Carex. Its lateral flower-hoaring stems, sometimes distant from tbe vegeta- tive shoots with broad leaves, are ctriking even to someone familiar with the great variability in the genus Carex. It is distributcd in China (provinces: Heilongjiang, Liaoning, Jilin, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Henan, Shandong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi), Japan, Korea and the Far East of USSR. In Beijing, the species is frequent in deciduous broad--leaved forests at 1200--l700 m above sea level. Carex siderosti- cta Hance, particularly its flower--bearing stems, were observed in the field. In early spring, early May in Beijing, the vegetative shoots aild flower--bearing stems with infundibuliform sheaths sprout almost simultaneously (Fig. 1 ). Most flower-bearing stems arise from the midst of decayed leaves of vegetative shoots of the previous year. In addition, some emerge directly from long creeping rhizome. However, the vegetative shoots neyer produce flower-bearing stems in the current year.