摘 要 :本文根据l.单元根状茎形态演化的阶段性,2.茎生叶的多寡,3.花序的结构,4.花基数的变异等性状,将鹿药属植物划分为2个亚属5个组的系统。日本原宽教授的遗著Notes towards a Revision of the Asiatic Species of the Genus Smilacina(1987)对本属亚洲种类作了研究,提出了一个包括4个组的分类系统。本文对此两个系统进行了比较,对原定系统作了必要的评论。
Abstract:The author of this paper has agreed with J.V. LaFrankie who transferred all species of Smilacina to Naianthemum. The genus Maianthemum comprises 35 species distributed in Eurasia and New World.After a thorouth analysis of all species of Maianthemum it can be found the following general evolutional tendencies in the development of this genus.