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A revision of Dalbergia prazeri Prain(Leguminosae)

Dalbergia prazeri Prain(豆科)之考证

全 文 :  Guihaia  May 2016ꎬ 36(5):615-618
http: / / journal.gxzw.gxib.cn
http: / / www.guihaia-journal.com
DOI: 10.11931 / guihaia.gxzw201404002
王发松ꎬ牛苗ꎬ黄东海ꎬ等. Dalbergia prazeri Prain (豆科)之考证[J]. 广西植物ꎬ 2016ꎬ 36(5):615-618
WANG FSꎬNIU MꎬHUANG DHꎬet al. A revision of Dalbergia prazeri Prain (Leguminosae)[J]. Guihaiaꎬ 2016ꎬ 36(5):615-618
Dalbergia prazeri Prain (豆科)之考证
王发松1ꎬ2ꎬ 牛  苗3ꎬ4ꎬ 黄东海2ꎬ 李世晋3∗
( 1. 生物资源保护与利用湖北省重点实验室ꎬ 湖北 恩施 445000ꎻ 2. 湖北民族学院 化学与环境工程学院ꎬ
湖北 恩施 445000ꎻ 3. 中国科学院华南植物园ꎬ 广州 510650ꎻ 4. 中国科学院大学ꎬ 北京 100049 )
摘  要: 在发表 Dalbergia prazeri Prain时 Prain曾认为其与托叶黄檀(D. stipulacea Roxb.)近缘ꎬ只是该种小叶
之后 Prain又将其归并入奥氏黄檀(D. oliveri Gamble ex Prain)ꎬ亦未给出相应的理由ꎮ 经研究 D. prazeri Prain
与南岭黄檀(D. assamica Benth.)为同种ꎬ而被归并入后者ꎮ Prain发表该种时引证 Prazer s.n.为模式ꎬ但并没有
指定主模式ꎮ 涉及该种的 Prazer s.n.的标本共有 6份ꎬ该文将藏于印度国立标本馆加尔各答馆(CAL)ꎬ条形码
为 CAL0000012326 (CAL标本号 131311)的标本指定为后选模式(lectotype)ꎬ其余分别藏于加尔各答标本馆的
4份及英国皇家植物园邱园标本馆(K)的 1份为等后选模式(isolectotype)ꎮ
关键词: Dalbergia prazeriꎬ 黄檀属ꎬ 考证ꎬ 后选模式
中图分类号: Q949. 71    文献标识码: A    文章编号: 1000 ̄3142(2016)05 ̄0615 ̄04
A revision of Dalbergia prazeri Prain (Leguminosae)
WANG Fa ̄Song1ꎬ 2ꎬ NIU Miao3ꎬ4ꎬ HUANG Dong ̄Hai2ꎬ LI Shi ̄Jin3∗
( 1. Key Laboratory of Biologic Resources Protection and Utilization of Hubei Provinceꎬ Enshi 445000ꎬ Chinaꎻ 2. College of Chemistry and
Environmental Engineeringꎬ Hubei University for Nationalitiesꎬ Enshi 445000ꎬ Chinaꎻ 3. South China Botanical Gardenꎬ Chinese
Academy of Sciencesꎬ Guangzhou 510650ꎬ Chinaꎻ 4. University of Chinese Academy of Sciencesꎬ Beijing 100049ꎬ China )
Abstract: When published by Prainꎬ Dalbergia prazeri Prain was reported closely related to D. stipulacea Roxb.ꎬ except
for the sparse pubescence on the leaves beneath and the hirsute calyx. He also noted the pods of the two species are total ̄
ly unlike without any explanation. Thereafter he reduced the name to D. oliveri Gamble ex Prain without explanation ei ̄
ther. Critical studies revealed that it is conspecific with D. assamica Benth. Thereforeꎬ D. prazeri Prain is reduced to syn ̄
onym under D. assamica Benth. There are 6 sheets of the collections of Prazer cited by Prain. The sheet in the herbarium
CALꎬ with digital code CAL0000012326 (herbarium No. 131311) is selected as lectotype of this name. Of the remaining
collections 4 sheets in CAL and 1 sheet in K are selected as isolectotypes.
Key words: Dalbergia prazeriꎬ Dalbergiaꎬ revisionꎬ lectotype
    Prain (1897)依据 Prazer 1888年采自缅甸北部
的一号标本发表了 Dalbergia prazeri Prain (图 1:
A)ꎬ并在 1901年认可该种(Prainꎬ 1901)ꎬ但 3 年后
他又将其归并入奥氏黄檀 (D. oliveri Gamble ex
Prain) (图 1: B) ( Prainꎬ 1904)ꎬ该处理也得到
Thothathri (1987)的认可ꎮ经过仔细检察模式标本
收稿日期: 2014 ̄07 ̄23    修回日期: 2014 ̄10 ̄01
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金 (31070176ꎬ 31270248) [Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31070176ꎬ 31270248)]ꎮ
作者简介: 王发松(1969 ̄)ꎬ男ꎬ湖北巴东县人ꎬ博士ꎬ教授ꎬ主要从事药用植物资源与化学研究ꎬ(E ̄main)zsuwangfasong@ aliyun.comꎮ
∗通讯作者: 李世晋ꎬ博士ꎬ研究员ꎬ主要从事植物分类学研究ꎬ (E ̄mail) lisj@ scib.ac.cn.
表 1  Dalbergia prazeri Prain与奥氏黄檀、托叶黄檀及南岭黄檀的特征比较
Table 1  Diagnostic characters claimed for Dalbergia prazeri Prain compared with the features
of D. oliveri Gamble ex Prainꎬ D. stipulacea Roxb. and D. assamica Benth.
D. prazeri
D. oliveri
D. stipulacea
D. assamica
15 ~ 17 片ꎬ长圆状椭圆形ꎬ
3.5~4.5×1.7 ~ 2.1 cmꎬ上面无
Leaflets 15 - 17ꎻ oblong - ellip ̄
ticꎬ 3.5-4.5 × 1.7-2.1 cmꎻ up ̄
per surface glabrousꎻ lower sur ̄
face sparsely pubescent.
(9~ )11~13片ꎬ卵状长圆形至
卵状披针形ꎬ急尖至钝ꎬ4 ~ 8×
1.5~3 cmꎬ两面无毛ꎮ
Leaflets (9-)11-13ꎻ ovate-ob ̄
long to ovate-lanceolateꎬ 4-8 ×
1.5 - 3 cmꎻ apex acute to ob ̄
tuseꎻ glabrous on both surfaces.
15~25 片ꎬ椭圆状长圆形ꎬ2 ~
4.5×0.8 ~ 1.7 cmꎬ先端钝、圆ꎬ
Leaflets 15-25ꎻ elliptic-oblongꎬ
2-4.5 × 0.8-1.7 cmꎻ apex ob ̄
tuse or roundedꎻ base cuneateꎻ
upper surface glabrousꎻ lower
surface glabrescent when young
and glabrous when mature.
近圆形ꎬ3 ~ 5.5× 1.5 ~ 3 cmꎬ上
Leaflets 13-17ꎬ oblong-elliptic
and rarely suborbicularꎬ 3 - 5. 5
× 1. 5 - 3 cmꎻ upper surface
sparsely pubescent to glabrousꎻ
lower surface sparsely appressed
荚果未成熟ꎬ5.5~8.5×1.5 ~ 1.8
Pod oblong to band shapedꎻ the
pods on type are not matureꎻ 5.5
-8.5 × 1.5-1.8 cmꎻ apex acute
with a tipꎻ base cuneatꎻ coria ̄
ceousꎻ veined opposite the
seedsꎻ the veins reached the
margin of the pods.
果阔舌状、长圆形至带状ꎬ9 ~
14×2.5 ~ 4 cmꎬ顶端急尖至渐
Pod broad tongue shapedꎬ ob ̄
long to band shapedꎻ 9 - 14 ×
2.5-4 cmꎻ apex acute to acumi ̄
nateꎻ base cuneatꎻ coriaceousꎻ
considerably thickened and
plump and not veined opposite
the seedsꎻ always veined on the
rest of the pod and the veins
reached the margin of the pods.
荚果长圆形ꎬ暗黑色ꎬ6 ~ 12 ×
1.8 ~ 3. 2 cmꎬ顶端钝ꎬ基部圆
Pod oblongꎻ darkishꎻ 6 - 12 ×
1.8-3.2 cmꎻ apex obtuseꎻ base
roundedꎻ coriaceousꎻ thickened
and veined opposite the seedsꎻ
the veins reached the margin of
the pods.
荚果长圆形至带状ꎬ4~ 7.5 ( ~
9)×1.5 ~ 2.5 cmꎬ顶端急尖ꎬ常
Pod oblong to band shapedꎻ4 -
7.5 (-9) × 1.5-2.5 cmꎻ apex
acuteꎻ base cuneatꎻ coriaceousꎻ
indistinct veined opposite the
seedsꎻ the veins reached the
margin of the pods.
及相关文献ꎬ作者发现 D. prazeri 模式标本并不似奥
氏黄檀ꎬ因为奥氏黄檀果实较宽大ꎬ宽 2.5 ~ 4 cmꎬ对
种子处无网纹ꎬ小叶两面无毛ꎬ而 D. prazeri 并不具
备这些特征ꎬ似乎更像南岭黄檀 ( D. assamica
Benth.)(图 1: C)ꎮ
Prain在发表该种时认为其与托叶黄檀(D. stip ̄
ulacea Roxb.)近缘(图 1: D)ꎬ尤其花部特征难以区
毛ꎬ并强调二者果实“极为不同”ꎮ 1901 年在整理亚
的 Teysmann 52标本ꎬ同时强调该种在荚果和小叶
特征上分别非常接近奥氏黄檀和托叶黄檀ꎮ 但是
没有给出理由(Prainꎬ 1904)ꎮ
(表 1)发现:在小叶数量、形状、大小、毛被以及荚果
的形状、大小、对种子处的网纹等性状上ꎬD. prazeri
另外ꎬ涉及 D. prazeri 的 Prazer s.n. 标本共有 5
式ꎮ 本文将藏于印度国立标本馆加尔各答馆
(CAL)ꎬ条形码为 CAL0000012326 ( CAL 标本号
131311)的标本指定为后选模式( lectotype)ꎬ其余分
的 4 份为等后选模式( isolectotype)ꎮ 分类学处理
南岭黄檀  南岭檀、水相思、黄类树、茶丫藤、秧
Dalbergia assamica Benth.ꎬ Pl. Jungh. 2:
256. 1852 & J. Linn. Soc.ꎬ Bot. 4 ( Suppl.): 45.
1860. pro part.ꎻ Baker in Hook. f.ꎬ Fl. Brit. Ind. 2:
235. 1876. pro part.ꎻ Prainꎬ J. Asiat. Soc.
Bengal. Pt. 2ꎬ Nat. Hist. 66 ( 2): 449. 1897 & 70
(2): 52. 1901 & Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta) 10
(1): 89. pl. 71. 1904ꎻ T. Chenꎬ Fl. Reip. Pop.
Sin. 40: 117. 1994. Niyomdham & Phamꎬ Bull. Mus.
616 广  西  植  物                                  36卷
图 1  Dalbergia prazeri Prain、奥氏黄檀、托叶黄檀及南岭黄檀的模式  A. D. prazeri Prain的后选模式(CAL)ꎻ B. D. oliveri
Gamble ex Prain的后选模式(CAL)ꎻ C. D. assamica Benth.的后选模式 (K)ꎻ D. D. stipulacea Roxb 的后选模式(CAL)ꎮ
Fig. 1  Types of Dalbergia prazeri Prainꎬ D. oliveri Gamble ex Prainꎬ D. stipulacea Roxb. and D. assamica Benth.
A. Lectotype of D. prazeri Prain (CAL)ꎻ B. Lectotype of D. oliveri Gamble ex Prain (CAL)ꎻ C. Lectotype of
D. assamica Benth. (K)ꎻ D. Lectotype of D. stipulacea Roxb (CAL).
7165期                  王发松等: Dalbergia prazeri Prain (豆科)之考证
Natl. Hist. Nat.ꎬ Bꎬ Adansonia 18: 138. 1996ꎻ Niyo ̄
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Niyomdhamꎬ Thai. For. Bull. ( Bot.) 30: 126. fig.
1. 2002. ——— D. lanceolaria var. assamica (Benth.)
Thoth.ꎬ Bull. Bot. Surv. India 25(1-4): 171. 1983 &
Tax. Revis. Dalbergieae Ind. 144. 1987. Type: Indiaꎬ
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———D. balansae Prainꎬ J. Asiat. Soc. Bengalꎬ
Pt. 2ꎬ Nat. Hist. 70: 54. 1901 & Ann. Roy. Bot.
Gard. (Calcutta) 10(1): 90. pl. 72. 1904ꎻ T. Chenꎬ
Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 40: 120. 1994. Type: Veitnamꎬ
Ha Tayꎬ Balansa 2289 ( lecto ̄ꎬ P!ꎬ designated by
Niyomdham & Phamꎬ 1996ꎻ isolecto ̄ꎬ K!ꎬ P!).
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———D. hupeana Hance var. laccifera Eberh. &
Dubardꎬ Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. 15: 385. 1909ꎻ
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Nat. Hist. 66: 452. 1897 & 70: 53. 1901. syn. nov.
Type: Myanmarꎬ Prazer s.n. (CAL0000012326ꎬ CAL!ꎬ
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