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Two new records of Selaginella from Malaysia


全 文 :广 西 植 物 Guihaia Sept.2013,33(5):588-590           http://journal.gxzw.gxib.cn
张宪春,Tan C.Benito.马来西亚卷柏属植物新资料[J].广西植物,2013,33(5):588-590
Zhang XC,Tan C.Benito.Two new records of Selaginellafrom Malaysia[J].Guihaia,2013,33(5):588-590
张宪春1,Tan C.Benito2
(1.中国科学院植物研究所 系统与进化植物学国家重点实验室,北京100093;2.新加坡植物园,新加坡259569)
摘 要:该文报道了马来西亚卷柏属2个新记录种———布朗卷柏(Selaginella braunii)、泰国卷柏(S.siamen-
中图分类号:Q949  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1000-3142(2013)05-0588-03
Two new records of Selaginelafrom Malaysia
ZHANG Xian-Chun1,Tan C.Benito2
(1.Herbarium,State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany,Institute of Botany,Chinese Academy of
Sciences,Beijing 100093,China;2.Herbarium,Singapore Botanic Garden,Singapore 259569,Singapore)
Abstract:Selaginella braunii Baker and S.siamensis Hieron are reported from Malaysia for the first time.The
specimens are preserved in herbarium of Singapore Botanic Gardens.
Key words:Selaginella braunii Baker;S.siamensis Hieron;Malaysia
  The Selaginelaceae of Malaysia was firstly studied
by von Alderwwerelt van Rosenburgh in 1915in his
monograph of Malayan Fern Alies,four years later in
1919,Ridley made an account of 37species of Selagi-
nellafrom the Malay Peninsula.Alston(1934)re-
duced this number to 25and by the time of his taxo-
nomic account of Sumatran species in 1937,the Penin-
sular Malaysian Selaginella numbered 26species.
Wong(1983,2010)made detailed studies of the Selag-
inelaceae from Malaysia and published the treatment
in its Flora,29species were recognized,of which nine
are endemic.
Recently the senior author was supported by the
Gadern’s scholarship to study by the rich fern colec-
tions in Singapore Herbarium (SING),the Selaginel-
laceae from Malaysia and adjacent regions were
re-identified,as a result,it was found that the folow-
ing two additional species occurring in Malaysia had
been overlooked in previous studies.
Selaginela  brauni  Baker  in  Gard.
Chron.1120.1867;Fern Al.96.1887;Alderw.,
Mal.Fern Alies 146.1915;Alston in Bul,Fan Mem.
Inst.Biol.Bot.5:281.1934;DeVol in Mus.Heude
SYNTYPES:China,Szechuan,Sarel & Blakiston;
Selaginella hieronymi Alderw.Bul.Jard.Bot.
Buit.II,1:18.1911;Alston in Bul.Jard.Bot.Buit.
III,13:442.1935.TYPE:Malesia,cult.At BO).
Selaginella brauni f.hieronymi Alderw.,Mal.
Fern Alies,146.1915.
Selaginella brauni f.hieronymi Alderw.,Mal.
Fern Alies,146.1915.
Plants terrestrial or epipetric,xerophytic,evergreen
收稿日期:2012-10-23  修回日期:2013-01-26
      Fig.1 Selaginela brauni Baker        Fig.2 Selaginela siamensis Hieron
or seasonaly green,erect,10-45cm long,with a
creeping subterranean rhizome and stolons.Rhizo-
phores restricted to creeping rhizomes.Main stems
branched from middle part or in upper part,pinnately
branched,usualy stramineous or reddish(rarely),un-
branched main stem(3-)8-13(-25)cm tal,0.5-
2(-3)mm in diam.at lower part,stem usualy sub-
quadrangulate or terete(rarely),not sulcate,glabrous
or pubescent,with a single vascular bundle,primary
leaf branches 4-8pairs,2-3times pinnately
branched,branchlets sparse,adjacent primary branches
on main stem(3-)5-8(-11)cm apart,leafy bran-
ches pubescent on both sides,dorsiventraly flattened,
ultimate branches 2.5-4.5mm wide including leav-
es.Leaves decussately arranged except on main stem,
dimorphous,rather fleshy,surface glabrous,obviously
wrinkled,not white-margined,leaves on unbranched
main stems wel spaced(up to 20mm apart),about
the same size as those on branches,monomorphous,
green or brown(to the base),oblong,appressed,not
keeled,base peltate(on basal of stem and creeping rhi-
zome or stolons),margin lacerate or lacerate-ciliate.
Axilary leaves on branches symmetrical,eliptic or
narrowly eliptic or oblong,(1.8-3.2)mm×(0.6
-1.4)mm,margin subentire or denticulate or cilio-
late,base exauriculate.Lateral leaves asymmetrical,
ovate-triangular or oblong-falcate,slightly ascending,
(1.6-2.2)mm×(1.0-1.8)mm,apex acute or mu-
cronate,margin involute,entire or subentire.Median
leaves on branches narrowly eliptic or falcate,(1.6-
2.8)mm×(0.4-1.2)mm,contiguous or imbricate,
not carinate,apex acuminate,base obliquely decurrent,
margins subentire,slightly involute(when dry).Stro-
bili(5.0-6.0)mm×(1.4-2.3)mm,sporo phyls u-
niform,broadly-ovate or suboribicular,margin denticu-
late,not white-margined,apex acute.
Representative specimens:Malaya Peninsula,Jo-
hor,Pengerang,3-VII-1936,Z.Teruya 2840(SING);
Penang,Sampson &Hance s.n.(BM).
Geographical Range:China and Malaya Peninsu-
la.Cultivated out of China,and sometimes escaping at
widely scattered localities in various parts of the world
9855期            张宪春等:马来西亚卷柏属植物新资料
(Proctor 1985).
The colections from Penang and Johor are of cul-
tivation origin or represent wild populations should be
Selaginela siamensis Hieron.in Bot.Tidsskr.24:
113.1901;Alston in Lecomte,Fl.Gen.Indo-chine 7
(2):560,f.65:6-10.1951;Tagawa et K.Iwats.,
Fl.Thailand 3(1):18.1979;X.C.Zhang,Fl.
2004.TYPE:Thailand(Siam),Koh-Chang Prov.,
Chantaburi,Nipple,Schmidt 650(Danish Exped.to
Siam 1899-1900),2000ft.,on rocks in open jungle.
Selaginela reptans Ridl.,J.Str.Br.Roy.As.Soc.
80:155.1919,non Sodiro 1893;Selaginela ridleyana
Kumm.,Magyar Bot.Lapok 26:100.1928.TYPE:Thai-
land(Siam),Pulan Rawei,Laukawi Isl.,Riddley 15930.
Plants terrestrial,evergreen or seasonaly green,
brown when dry,creeping or suberect.Rhizophores up
to middle part of main stem,emanating axilary from
the abaxial side(lower surface)of the forking point of
stem.Main stem 1.5-2mm diam.in lower part,gla-
brous.Leafy branches glabrous,dorsiventraly flat-
tened.Lateral leaves ovate-oblong,acute to mucronate
with long aristae at apex,cordate at base,to 3mm
long,1.5 mm broad;edges ciliate throughout with
white setae of about 0.1mm in length,texture softly
papyraceous,green,or sometimes reddish.Median
leaves nearly the same as or smaler thanlateral ones in
size,asymmetricaly oblong to suboribicular with long
pale tails at apex,ciliate at margin.Strobili usualy(5
-8)mm×1.2mm;sporophyls uniform,ovate-sub-
triangular with long tail.
Representative specimen:Malaya Peninsula,Ke-
dah,peak,2500ft,4-VIII-1919,M.Hanif & M.
Nor 4741(SING).
Geographical Range:Thailand,Laos,Cambodia,
Vietnam,China(Yunnan),Malaya Peninsular.
Ecology:Terrestrial on rather dry ground or on
rocks in light shade or in open areas at 1 000-1 800m
Note:This species is distinct in its creeping stems,
with dorsal and ventral leaves similar to each other.
Rosenburgh Van.1915. Malayan Fern Alies.Batavia:
Landsdr ukkerj
Alston AHG.1934.The genus Selaginela in the Malay Peninsula
[J].Straits Gard Bull,8:41-62
Alston AHG.1937.The Selaginelae of Malay Islands II[J].Su-
matra Bull Jard Bot Buitenzorg,14(3):175-186
Wong KM.1983.Critical observations on Peninsular Malaysian
Selaginela[J].Garden’s Bull,35(2):107-135
Wong KM.2010.Selaginelaceae[M]//Flora of Peninsular Malay-
sia.Kuala Lumpur:Forest Research Institute Malaysia,1:49-
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