全 文 :独龙杜英(杜英科)订正
(中国科学院昆明植物研究所 ,昆明 650204)
摘 要 把独龙杜英(Elaeocarpus dulongensis H.Li , in F1.Dulong j.Reg.117.1993 , nom.nud.)
的主模式(Holo type)独龙江考察队 1424 号处理为灰木科或山矾科(Symplocaceae)的木核山矾
(Symplocos xy lopy rena C.Y.Wu ex Y.F.Wu)的异名;同时也把该新种的另一号同举模式
(Paratype)独龙江考察队 3099 号处理为尖叶桂樱(Laurocerasus undulata (D.Don) Roem ,
关键词 模式订正;独龙杜英;木核山矾;尖叶桂樱;新异名
作者简介:陶德定 ,男 , 1963年出生 ,工程师 ,从事植物组织培养研究工作。
A revision on the E laeocarpus dulongensis
Tao Deding
(Kunming Insti tute of Botany , The Chinese Academy of Sciences , Kunming 650204)
Abstract In the paper , the Elaeocarpus dulongensis H.Li (in Fl.Dulong j.Reg.
117 , 1993 , nom.nud)was revised(Holotype:Dulongjian Expedition 1424)as a new
synonym of the Symplocos xy lopyrena C.Y.Wu ex Y.F.Wu and i t s Paratype(Du-
longjian Expediton 3099)also w as t reated as a other synonym newly of the Laurocerasus
undulata (D.Don)Roem , of Rosaceae.
Key words Revision;E laeocarpus d ulongensis;Symplocos xylopyrena;Laurocerasus
undulata ;new synonym.
In the 1993 , my staff prof.Heng , Li established a new species as Elaeocarpus dulongensis H.Li ,
in Flora of Dulongjian Region page 117 , 1993 , nom.nud.tnat was put into Elaeocarpaceae base on the
specimen (Holotype:Dulongjian Expedition 1424;Paratype Dulongjian Expedition 3099 , in KUN)from
Gongshan Xian , Ga-Mei-Lai river , Yunnan P rovince , Dec.30 , 1990)and Dulongjian Mei-Li-
Wang(Jan.16 , 1991).The tow sheets of specimen drew me much attention.
Af ter a careful stydies on the specimens at hand.I have foud out that there are a lot of problem in it.
It done seem that drupe a single pyrene , this often bony , tuberculate , 5 ~ 3-locular or by abortion 1-
locular , 1 -seeded , seed pendulous , testa crustaceous or bony are belonging to Elaeocarpa of Elaeo-
广西植物 Guihaia 18(4):355—356 1998 年 11月
carpaceae.The feature shown in careful anatomyzed:flowers bisesexual axillary or terminal in racemed ,
bracteolate small , calyx-tube more or less adnate to the ovary , campanulate , segments 5 , valvate , car-
olla-lobes 5 , imbrecate , stamens 40 ~ 60 in 2 ~ 3 seris inserted on the corolla , free of united ovary infe-
rior to semi-inferior , fruit a berry inhiscent , crowned by the calyxlobe , 5-lobed , seeds solitary , can
remind us of a most usual feature of the Symplocaceae.
Af ter long time deliberation on all the parts of two specimens , I consides that the species belongs to
the Symplocos Jack.of Symplocaceae.Therefore , the so-called new species was established based on an
incorrecte observation and identication.Thus a taxonomic t reatmented is needed.
Such a treatmented reads as follows:
Symplocos Jacq.Enum.Pl.Carib.5.1760
Symplocos xylopyrena C.Y.Wu ex Y.F.Wu in Acta phytotax.sin.20(1):91 ~ 92.fig.1 , 1
~ 8.1982;Y.F.Wu in Fl.Reipup.Popul.Sin.62 (2):39 ~ 41 , fig.15 , 1 ~ 8.1987-----
-Elaeocarpa dulongensis H.Li(Holotype:Dul.Exp.1424 , Excl.3099)Syn.nom.------
Symplocos caudi formis Huang ex C.Chen et Gao in H.Li , Fl.Dulongjian Region 239 , 1993 , incl.
Holotype K .M .Feng 24206 in KUN)Syn.nom.
A small t ree , 3 ~ 5 m.heigh , the branchlets densely ferrugineous-tomentose or glabrous , leaves
glabrous , elliptica to oblong , 9 ~ 14 cm long , 3 ~ 5 cm broad , caudata acuminate , the base cuneate;peti-
oles 0.8 ~ 1 cm long.Raceme 0.8 ~ 1.2 cm long , bract oblong , 2 mm long , caducous;bracteole triangle
-ovate , 1 mm long.Calyx 4 mm long , lobe semi-rotund 1.5 mm long;Corolla albe , 6 mm long;sta-
men 40 ~ 60.Drupe ellipsoid 2 ~ 3 cm long , 1 cm dicrum diameter;blackish blue when ripe , the stone 1
Yunnan:Gongshan Xian , Dulongjian , Ga-Mei-Lai river.Dulongjian Expedition 1424 (Holo-
type), 8822 , 8940;K .M .Feng 24206(Symplocos caudiformis type);Xizang:Medog Xian , Qing-
Zang Expedition 74-1814 , 74-4382 , 74-2941.In sylvis and in evergreen broad-leaves forest , at
high altitu te 1 400 ~ 2 400 m.In China , Symplocos xylopyrena C.Y.Wu ex Y.F.Wu , only dis-
tributed in Western part of Yunnan and Eastern part of Xizan.
With regard to other specimen , Paratype (Expedition Dulongjian 3099)does belong to Louroceras
undulata of Rosaeae.The reason is that leaves thickly chartaceous , scattere black-punctate , with a pair
of glands at the base , oblong-lanceolate , 6 ~ 15 cm long , 3 ~ 5 cm broad , caudate-acuminate , broadly
-acute at base , entire , pale beneath.Fruit ovate or oblong , 1.0 ~ 1.6 cm acute , about 7 ~ 11 mm
thick .Inflorescence a 10 ~ 30-flowered raceme to about 5 ~ 10 cm long , f lower 3 ~ 5-fascicled , petala
oblong , emarginate , 2 ~ 4 mm long.stamens about 10 ~ 30 , 3 ~ 5 mm long.
Distribution:Hunan , Jiangxi , Guangdong , Guangxi , Sichuan , Guizhou , Yunnan(Gongshan Xian ,
Dulongjian Mei-Li-Wang , Dulongjian Expedition 3099 (Fruit), common in thickets , alt.1 450 m;
India , Bangladesh , Nepal , Sikkim , Burma , Thailand , Laos , Vietnam , Indonesia.
Acknowledgment I thank my friend , Prof.Dr.Chao-Luan Li , who has given me for helped for-
ward the good work.
356 广 西 植 物 18卷