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全 文 :菌 物 系 统 22(3):348~350, 2003
SONG Bin LI Tai-Hui SHEN Ya-Heng
(Guangdong Institute of Microbiology, Guangzhou 510070, Guangdong, China)
ABSTRACT: Asterina lauracearum parasitic on Lauraceae and Asterina litseae- verticillatae parasitic on
Litsea verticillata are described and illustrated as new species. Type specimens are deposited in the Herbarium
of Guangdong Institute of Microbiology (HMIGD), Guangzhou, China.
KEY WORDS: Asterina lauracearum, Asterina litseae-verticillatae, Asterinaceae
Asterina lauracearum B. Song, T. H. Li & Y. H. Shen, sp. nov. Fig.1
Asterina cinnamomi auct. non Syd.: Ouyang, Song et Hu, Acta Mycol. Sinica 15 (2):87. 1996.
Coloniae epiphyllae, atrae, tenues, arachnoideae vel subvelutinae, ad 6 mm diam., plerumque
confluentes. Hyphae atro-brunneae, rectae vel subrectae, opposite acuteque vel obtuseque ramosae, laxe vel
dense reticulatae, cellulae plerumque 15~32×3.2~4.8 µm. Appressoria unicellularia, opposita vel 3%
alternata, antrorsa, recta vel subsinuata, suboblonga, subacuta et apice, integra, 8~10×4~5.5 µm. Ascomata
dispersa vel laxe aggregata, atra, orbiculata vel hemisphaerica, ad 220 µm diam., cava nulla vel stellatim
dehiscentia ad centrum, margine irregulariter crenata vel breviter fimbriata, cellula 2.5~3.8 µm lata;
ascosporae atro-brunneae, oblongae, 1-septatae, obtusae, constrictae, laeves, 17.5~27.5×7.5~13 µm.
Pycnidia pauca, dispersa, hemisphaerica, stellatim dehiscentia ad centrum, irregulariter crenata ad
peripheriam, ad 120 µm diam.; conidia unicellularia, ovata, atro-brunnea, 13~17×7.5~10.5 µm.
Colonies epiphyllous, black, thin, arachnoid or nearly velvety, up to 6 mm in diameter, mostly confluent.
Hyphae brown, straight or nearly straight, oppositely branching acutely or obtusely, loosely to closely
reticulate, cells mostly 15~32×3.2~4.8 µm. Appressoria unicellular, opposite or 3% alternate, spreading,
straight or slightly sinuate, nearly oblong, nearly acute at apex, entire, 8~10×4~5.5 µm. Ascomata
scattered to loosely aggregate, black, orbicular or hemispherical, up to 220 µm in diameter, without a hole or
dehiscing stellately at the centre, margin irregularly crenate to fimbriate, surface cells 2.5~3.8 µm wide;
ascospores brown, oblong, 1-septate, obtuse, constricted at septum, surface smooth, 17.5~27.5×7.5~13 µm.
Pycnidia few, scattered, hemispherical, stellately dehiscent at the center, irregularly crenate at periphery, up to
120 µm in diameter; conidia unicellular, ovate, brown, 13~17×7.5~10.5 µm.
Holotype: On leaves of Lauraceae indet. Boluo, Guangdong Province, China. August,1986, H. Hu,
HMIGD 30205.
Etymology: lauracearum, in reference to the host, Lauraceae indet.
The present species is closely related to Asterina cinnamomi Syd. known on the family Lauraceae. The

*This project was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong (20000205; 020470), and the Outstanding Youth
Foundation of Academy of Guangdong Province, and the Foundation of Guangdong Institute of Microbiology, and the Guangdong
Provincial Laboratory of Microbial Culture Collection and Application
Received:2002-09-23, accepted: 2002-11-01
3期 宋 斌等:樟科植物上两个星盾炱属新种 349

distinguishing character of A. cinnamomi is that the appressoria are globose and lobed (Sydow, 1923; Ouyang
et al., 1996).
Asterina litseae-verticillatae B.Song, sp. nov. Fig.2
Asterina machili auct. non Katamoto: Ouyang, Song et Hu, Acta Mycol. Sinica 15(2):89. 1996.
Coloniae epiphyllae, atrae, tenues, arachnoideae vel subvelutinae, ad 3 mm diam. raro confluentes.
Hyphae atro-brunneae, sinuatae vel curvae, alternate vel opposite acuteque vel obtuseque ramosae, laxe vel
dense reticulatae, cellula plerumque 20~30×3.5~5 µm. Appressoria unicellularia, alternata vel unilateralia,
antrorsa, sinuata vel subrecta, cylindracea vel conoidea, subacuta et apice, integra, 8~15×4~7 µm.
Ascomata dispersa vel laxe aggregata, atra, orbiculata vel hemisphaerica, ad 150 µm diam., cava nulla vel
stellatim dehiscentia ad centrum, margine irregulariter crenata vel fimbriata, cellula 2.5~3.5 µm lata;
ascosporae oblongae, atro-brunneae, 1-septatae, obtusae, constrictae, echinulatae, 27~30×10~14.8 µm.
Pycnidia pauca, dispersa, hemisphaerica, stellatim dehiscentia ad centrum, margine irregulariter crenata, ad
120 µm diam.; conidia unicellularia, ovata vel ellipsoidea, atro-brunnea, 12.5~15×10~15 µm.

Colonies epiphyllous, black, thin, arachnoid or nearly velvety, up to 3 mm in diameter, rarely confluent.
Hyphae brown, sinuate or curved, alternate or opposite branching acutely or obtusely, loosely to closely
reticulate, cells mostly 20~30×3.5~5 µm. Appressoria unicellular, alternate or unilateral, spreading,
sinuate or slightly straight, cylindrical or conoid, rounded or subacute at apex, entire or slightly rounded, 8~
15×4~7 µm. Ascomata scattered to loosely aggregate, black, orbicular or hemispherical, up to 150 µm in
diameter, opening by a broad or stellately dehiscent at centre, irregularly crenate to shortly tasseled at
periphery, surface cells 2.5~3.5 µm wide; ascospores oblong, brown, 1-septate, obtuse, constricted at septum,
surface echinulate, 27~30×10~14.8 µm. Pycnidia few, scattered, hemispherical, stellately dehiscent at the
centre, irregularly crenate at periphery, up to 120 µm in diameter; conidia unicellular, ovate or ellipsoid,
Fig.1 Asterina lauracearum
a. hyphae with appressoria; b. ascomata;
c. ascospores; d. pycnidium; e. conidium.
(Bars =25µm)
Fig. 2 Asterina litseae-verticillatae
a. hyphae with appressoria; b. ascomata;
c. ascospores; d. pycnidium; e. conidium
(Bars =25µm)
350 菌 物 系 统 22卷
brown, 12.5~15×10~15 µm.
Holotype: On leaves of Litsea verticillata Hance (Lauraceae). Wuzhi Shan, Hainan Province, China.
May 17, 1988, Y.X. Hu, HMIGD 34114.
Etymology: litseae-verticillatae, in reference to the host species, Litsea verticillata.
The present species is closely related to Asterina machili Katamoto known on the family Lauraceae. The
distinguishing character of A. machili is that the ascospores are smaller (15~18×7~8 µm) and smooth
(Katamoto, 1979; Ouyang et al., 1996).
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are deeply grateful to Prof. Dr. V. B. Hosagoudar of Microbiology
Division, Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Palode (India), and Ms. A. L. Zhang for their
various helps. The authors also acknowledge Prof. S. Q. Chen of the South China Institute of Botany,
Academia Sinica, Guangzhou, for identifying the host plants.
Katamoto K, 1979. Additions to the Hemisphaeriales in Japan. Trans Mycol Soc Japan 20: 447~451
Ouyang Y.S., Song B., Hu Y.X. 1996. Studies on the taxonomy of Aster ina in China Ⅱ . Acta Mycol Sin 15 (2): 86~92
Sydow H, 1923. Ein neuer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Pilzflora der Philippinen-Inseln. Ann Mycol 21: 93~106
宋 斌 李泰辉 沈亚恒
(广东省微生物研究所 广州 510070)
摘 要: 樟科星盾炱 Asterina lauracearum寄生在樟科植物的叶上, 轮叶木姜子星盾炱 Asterina
litseae-verticillatae寄生在轮叶木姜子 Litsea verticillata 的叶上。新种有拉丁文和英文描述,
关键词: 樟科星盾炱,轮叶木姜子星盾炱,星盾炱科
中图分类号:Q939.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3515(2003)03-0348-0350

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