Studies on Overcoming Low Seed-setting in Cross between Sweetpotato and 2n Pollen Clones of It‘s Closerel ated Triploidy Hybrid with Plant Growth Regulator The Quick Development of Speciality Corn by Chemical Mutagenesis of Pollen STUDIES ON THE CAUSES OF POLLEN DERIVED ALBINO PLANTLETS IN RICE ANTHER CULTURE.I.INFLUENCE OF CERTAIN CHEMICAL MUTAGENS ON THE FORMATION OF ALSINO PLANTLETS. SOME ADVANTAGES AND PR0BLEMS 0F APPLYING THE POLLEN-DERIVED PLANTS TO CROSS BREEDING 0F RICE (O.sativa. subsp. japonica) Pollen Morphology of Stachyuraceae and Related Taxa A STUDY OF THE AIRBORNE AND ALLERGENIC SPORES AND POLLEN GRAINS IN KUNMING POLLEN MORPHOLOGY OF CAMELLIA(THEACEAE) AND ITS TAXONOMIC SIGNIFICANCE Pollen Morphology of Prunoideae of China(Rosaceae) Pollen Ultrstructure of Pentapylacaceae and Sladeniaceae and Their Relationships to the Family Theaceae Pollen Morphology of Spiraeoideae in China Pollen Morphology and Systematic Position of the Chinese Endemic Genus Dichotomanthes(Rosaceae) Observations on Ultrastructure of Pollen Development from Microsporocyte to Early Two-Celled Pollen in Welsh Onion(Allium fistulosum) Study on pollen viability and stigma receptivity of 5 Iris plants Comparative study on meiotic behavior and pollen development of  medicinal plants Liriope spicata var. prolifera and L. spicata Pollen Mother Cell Mitosis and Male Gametophyte Development in Brassica oleracea L. var. italica Plenck Palynology of Apios Fabr. And Cochlianthus Benth. (Fabaceae s. l. ) Pollen Morphology of Lactucinae Subtribe (Compositae) in Shandong Germination and Low-temperature Storage of Daemonorops margaritae Pollens Micro Dynamic Pollination and Fertilization of the Pear Variety Banndainiitaka(Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai cv. Banndainiitaka Pollen Morphologies of Sisymbrieae(Brassicaceae) in China Pollen Morphologies of Seven Species of Zygophyllum L. in Alashan Desert Characteristics of Pollen Germination and Pollen Tube Growth of Prunus mume in Vitro In Situ Germination and Pollen Tube Growth of Distant Pollens in Pear Three Dimensional Immunolocalization of Actin in Pollen Mother Cells of David Lily Effects of Medium Components and pH on Pollen Germination and Tube Growth in Pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) Floral Dynamic and Mating System of Diploid Allium caeruleum from Tianchi,Tianshan Mountains Pollen Morphology Observation of Eight Resources in Diospyros Studies on Pollen Morphology of Nelumbo Germplasm Apple Haploid Induction by Pollination with High Dose Irradiated ollen Effect of Ice Nucleation Active Bacteria on the Ultrastructure of Apricot VarietyPollen Effect of AVG Application on Ovule and Seed Development of‘Kyoho’ Grapevine Transcription of the Small Heat Shock Protein Genes in Tomato Anthers Effect of Ice Nucleation Active Bacteria on the Ultrastructure of Apricot VarietyPollen Changes in the Pattern of Organization of Microtubules during Meiosis in Pollen Mother Cell (PMC) of Autotetraploid Rice Mapping of a Novel Semi-Sterile Pollen QTL in Rice Pollen morphology of the Araceae from China Pollen morphology of 15 species in nine genera of the Hydrocharitaceae Pollen morphology of Koenigia from China Microsporogenesis of Cycas elongata and its systematic implication Pollen limitation and variation in floral longevity in gynodioecious Potentilla tanacetifolia Influence of Cold Pretreatment on the Production of Pollen Callus in Anther Cultures of Barley Pollen Protoplast Culture Leading to Embryogenic Divisions in Hemerocollis fufva Effects of Heavy Liquid Floating on the Calculation of Pollen Concentration Structure and Development of Stigmatic Branches and Style and Their Relation to Pollen Tube Growth in Wheat Ca Ion Localization in the Path of Pollen Tube Growth Within the Gynoecium of Brassica napus Sporo-Pollen Assemblages from Late Phase of Early Cretaceous in Minhe Basin Effects of Mannitol Pretreatment on Androgenesis of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Exogenous Ca2+ Regulation of Pollen Tube Growth and Division of Generative Nucleus in Nicotiana tabacum The Relationship Between Pollen Flux and Meteorological Elements and Its Prospect as a Technique of Crop-Output Prevision of Wheat and Maize Role of Wall-bound β-Glucanases in Regulating Tip-growth of Lilium longiflorum Pollen Tubes F-Actin Visualization in Generative and Sperm Cells of Living Pollen of Rice Using a GFP-Mouse Talin Fusion Protein Non-coding RNA for ZM401, a Pollen-specific Gene of Zea mays A Novel Endo-1,4-β-Glucanase Gene (LlpCel1) Is Exclusively Expressed in Pollen and Pollen Tubes of Lilium longiflorum Comparison of Classical Models for Evaluating the Heat Requirements of Olive (Olea europeae L.) in Portugal Mass Production of Intergeneric Chromosomal Translocations through Pollen Irradiation of Triticum durum-Haynaldia villosa Amphiploid Roles of Pectin Methylesterases in Pollen-Tube Growth Breeding system, morphological and anatomical characteristics of Coptis deltoidea Airborne Pollen Grains in Zonguldak, Turkey, 2001-2002 Cytochemical Localization of Pectinase Activity in Pollen Mother Cells of Tobacco During Meiotic ProphaseⅠand Its Relation to the Formation of Secondary Plasmodesmata and Cytoplasmic Channels Developmental Morphology of Obturator and Micropyle and Pathway of Pollen Tube Growth in Ovary in Phellodendron amurense (Rutaceae) Characteristics of Male Flower and Its Pollen of Schisandra sphenanthera Pollen Morphology of Morus atropurpurea with Different Ploidies Observation of Pollination and Fertilization Process in Forsythia suspensas Paleo-Vegetation Type Predicting by Experiment of Carbon Isotope in Loess Vegetation Changes and Human Influences on Qian’an Basin Since the Middle Holocene Effect of Extracellular Calmodulin on the Cytosolic Ca2+ Concentration in Lily Pollen Grains Ultrastructural Observation on the Intra- and Intercellular Microtrabecular Network of the Pollen Mother Cells in Onion (Allium cepa) Transgenic Maize Plants Obtained by Pollen-mediated Transformation Surface pollen research of Nanshan region, Shihezi City in Xinjiang The Effects of High-temperature on Reproductive Process in Upland Cotton Analysis of the Protein and Mineral Elements Content in Pollen of Nine Paeonia suffrutisosa Cultivars Meiosis Observation of Pollen Mother Cells and Determination of Pollen Viability of Tetraploid Asiatic Lily Cultivars In V itro Pollen Germ ina tion and Pollen Tube Growth of P inus thunbe rgii Breeding System and Pollina tion Ecology in J a tropha cu rcas Study on Pollination Biology in Persimmon Trees Study on pollen viability of Clones from a Masson Pine Seed Orchard A Primary Research on High-Yield Provenances of Masson Pine Pollen Studies on the Meiosis of Pollen Mother Cell and Pollen Development of Picea koraiensis Nakai Meiotic Observations on the Pollen Mother Cells of Ziziphus spinosus Hu.and Ziziphus jujuba Mill. ‘Zanhuang Dazao’ Investigation on the Factors Leading to Infertility in the Cross BetweenDendranthema lavandulifolium and D. grandif lorum ‘Jin ling Huangyu’