A Study on Cross-compa tibility between Yellow-bract andRed-bract Plants ofM use lla lasioca rpa Conditions for in vitro Germination and Testing Method for Pollen Viability of Acacia auriculiformis POLLEN VIABILITY AND VARIATION IN CATHAYA ARGYROPHYLLA Wild Tobacco Pollen Viability,Stigma Receptivity and Reproductive Characteristics The Pre-fertilization Barriers Research of Lilium Interspecific Hybridization The Pre-fertilization Barriers Research of Lilium Interspecific Hybridization Pollen Viability and Preservation of Dendrobium lindleyi Floral Characteristic and Breeding System of Anemone obtusiloba Study on pollen viability and stigma receptivity of 5 Iris plants Floral Dynamic and Mating System of Diploid Allium caeruleum from Tianchi,Tianshan Mountains Studies on Stigma Receptivity and Pollen Viability and Pollen Tube Growth of ‘Chuanzao loquat’ in the First Florescence Study on the flowering dynamic,pollen viability and stigma receptivity of Kochia prostrate Investigation on the Factors Leading to Infertility in the Cross BetweenDendranthema lavandulifolium and D. grandif lorum ‘Jin ling Huangyu’ Investigation on the Factors Leading to Infertility in the Cross BetweenDendranthema lavandulifolium and D. grandif lorum ‘Jin ling Huangyu’ Germination and Preservation of Rhyncholaeliocattleya Pollen Pollination biology of Fritillaria delavayi Floral biology and breeding system of Hypericum perforatum Floral Syndrome and Breeding System of Bletilla striata Floral Syndrome and Breeding System of Bletilla striata Studies of Cross Compatibility and Fecundity on Part of Diospyros Studies on Viability and Storage Characteristics of Pollen of Groundcover Chrysanthemum Studies on Viability and Storage Characteristics of Pollen of Groundcover Chrysanthemum Studies of Cross Compatibility and Fecundity on Part of Diospyros Contribution of temporal floral closure to reproductive success of the spring-flowering Tulipa iliensis in vitro Pollen Germination and Storage Conditions of Calanthe tsoongiana Flowering biology characteristics of different peach cultivars under greenhouse conditions Pollen Viability, Stigma Receptivity and Reproductive Features of Jatropha curcas L. (Euphorbiaceae) POLLEN VIABILITY AND STIGMA RECEPTIVITYOF ELEUTHEROCOCCUS SENTICOSUS (ARALIACEAE) Floral Dynamic and Mating System of Diploid Allium caeruleum from Tianchi,Tianshan Mountains Pollen Viability,Pistil Receptivity and Embryogenesis in the Cross between Dendranthema indicum and D.grandiflorum Study on pollen viability of Clones from a Masson Pine Seed Orchard Meiosis Observation of Pollen Mother Cells and Determination of Pollen Viability of Tetraploid Asiatic Lily Cultivars Flowering Biology of Lycium barbarum L. NQ-2 Pollen Morphology and Viability of Elaeagnus umbellata Study on the Breeding System of Aesculus chinensis Study on Pollination Ecology of Paris verticillata M.-Bieb. Bionomics of Pollen and Stigma of Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb. Pollen viability, stigma receptivity and fruiting characteristics of botanical origin of Jinxianlian Pollen vitality and stigma receptivity of Paris polyphylla var.yunnanensis and P.mairei(Trilliaceae) Pollen viability and stigma receptivity of Salvia miltiorrhiza and its relative Mating system and causes of low fructification rate by self-pollinationof Codonopsis pilosula Pollen viability and stigma receptivity of Angelica dahurica from Sichuan and Hebei province Pollen viability and stigma receptivity of Cistanche deserticola Floral Characteristics and Breeding Systems of an Endangered Species Cypripedium japonicum Pollen viability and stigma receptivity of Aesculus chinensis Effects of corolla on reproductive fitness of Mirabilis jalapa Floral syndrome and breeding system of Atractylodes japonica Optimal medium for pollen germination of Jatropha curcas in vitro using response surface methodology Pollen viability,stigma receptivity and pollinators of Weigela florida Cytological study on microsporogenesis of Solanum lycopersicum var. Micro-Tom under high temperature stress Pollination Characteristics and Pollen Viability Test of Different Pear Cultivars In vitro pollen germination and anther culture of Senna obtusifolia Pollen viability and stigma receptivity of nine species and five variety in Paris Cross-compatibility between Maize and Maize Relatives