Isolation and regeneration of Phomopsis asparagi protoplast H2O2 Mediated Synthesis of Betulin in Cells of Betula platyphylla Induced by Fungal Elicitor Poplar canker caused by Phomopsis sp Identification on the Canker Disease of the New Poplar Plantation in North of Jiangsu Province Effects of Phomopsis longanae Chi Infection on Lipoxygenas Activity and Fatty Acid Constituents of Membrane Lipids in Pericarp of Harvested Longan Fruit Phomopsis asparagi toxin preparation and the resistance induction on asparagus callus by the pathogen toxin A novel chromene with anti-tumor activities from fungus Phomopsis sp. The effect of Phomopsis B3 and organic fertilizer used together during continuous cropping of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch) Endophytic fungal diversity of five dominant plant species in the dry-hot valley of Yuanjiang, Yunnan Province, China Characteristics and biocontrol of Phomopsis rot on postharvest rockmelon