Effect of incorporating rice straw into the soil on rice growth, soil N and P nutrients under different N and P fertilization models Effect of nitrogen application strategy in the first cropping rice on dry matter accumulation, grain yield and nitrogen utilization efficiency of the first cropping rice and its ratoon rice crop Use efficiency and fate of applied nitrogen in long-term tomato districts of Taiyuan Effects of fertilization methods on border effect of cereal-vegetablestrip intercropping system Effects of NDSA fertilization on the N uptake,yield and quality of celery Effect of Zn application methods on wheat grain yield and Zn utilization in Zn-deficient soils of dryland Growing dynamic root system of Aquilaria malaccensis and Aquilaria sinensis seedlings in response to different fertilizing methods Application of controlled-released urea combined with conventional urea on physiological indices, yield and quality of Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.