EFFECT OF ORGANIC AND INORGANIC FERTILIZER APPLIEDTOGETHER ON N AND P ABSORPTION AND SOIL FERTILITY Macroscopic Features of Nitrogen Transformation and Cycling in the Agroecosystem in China and It‘s Implications to Ecological Agriculture Comparative analysis of pastoral livestock production of the households with different grassland ownership Evaluation on agricultural production efficiency of Guangdong Province by using DEA window analysis Emergy comparison for different agro-ecological regions in Shanxi Province Impact of farmland transfer on agro-ecosystem Integrated crop,fruit and pasture system and its eco-economic benefits in Southwest China karst terrain—A case study of Longhe Village,Guohua Town,Pingguo County,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Absorption and utilization of different nitrogen forms for sweet potato Influences of Resource Availability and Intraspecific Competition on Elymus nutans Growth and Reproduction Matter Production and Resources Use Efficiency of Double-Cropping Silage Maize System