Population Structure of the Pinus thunbergii Coastal Protection Forest and Its Spatial Variation at Different Distances to Coastline in Yantai Response of Soil Respirations to Litterfall Exclusion and Addition in Pinus massoniana Plantation in Hunan, China Effect of Flow Rate and Pressure Difference on Determination of Air Permeability of Masson Pine Responses of Ring Width of Pinus massoniana to the Climate Change at Different Elevations in Zigui County, Three-Gorge Reservoir Area Application of Fractal Theory in Hyperspectral Detecting the Early Stage ofPine Wood Nematode Disease(Bursaphelenchus xylophilus) of Pinus massoniana with Hyperspectrum Crown Structure Model and Three Dimensional Computer Graphics Simulation for Mongolian Scots Pine Plantation DISCUSSION ON INTRODUCING PINUS KORAIENSIS INTO DAXINGANLING MOUNTAINS PSⅡ ELECTRON TRANSPORT AND SUPEROXIDE DISMUTASE OF KOREAN PINE DURING WINTER CHOICE OF ISOZYME MARKERS FOR GENETIC STUDIES IN CONIFER TREE SPECIES A STUDY OF APPLICATION OF DIFFERENT INOCULA OF PISOLITHUS TINCTORIUS TO SOME CHINESE TREE SPECIES A STUDY ON RESISTANCE MECHANISM OF THE No.11 MASSON PINE TREE TO THE CATERPILLAR (DENDROLIMUS PUNCTATUS WALKER) STUDIES ON THE NEEDLE BIOMASS OF PINUS TABULAEFORMIS STUDIES ON THE PINUS SIBIRICA (LOUD.)MAYR IN DAXINGANLING, CHINA AND ITS MORPHOLOGY DISTRIBUTION OF ECTOMYCORRHIZAL FUNGI UNDER SEVERAL CHIEF FOREST TYPES IN ALPINE CONIFEROU REGION OF NORTHWESTERN YUNNAN Studies on the development of the leaf of Pinus kwangtungensis Protective effect of Pinus massoniana bark extracts against cisplatin- induced nephrotoxicity in human embryonic kidney cells Effects of frequent uind-sand flow on photosynthesis and water metabolism of Pinus sylvestnis var. mongolica seedlings Effects of Planting Density on Growth and Economic Benefit of Masson Pine Plantation Spatial Distribution Patterns and Associations of Dominate Population in Two Types of Broadleaved Korean Pine Mixed Forest Preliminary Study of Damage to Male Cone of Pinus massoniana by Dioryctria yiai Study on the Natural Thinning of Even-aged Pure Masson Pine Plantation Diurnal Course of Photosynthetic Characteristics of Pinus yunnanensisand Its Correlation with Leaf Surface Micro-meteorological Factors The Relationship between Physical Characteristics of Litterfall and Soil in Slash Pine Plantation and the Occurring of Hylobitelus xiaoi Zhang Comparison of Community Structures and Species Diversity in Natural Forests and Forest Plantation of Pinus yunnanensis Effect of Litterfall Cover on Runoff and Potassium Loss in Pinus caribaea Stands The Vertical Distribution Characteristics of Monochamus alternatus on Pinus yunnanensis Trunks Community Structure of Mixed Yunnan Pine Forests in Diaolinshan Natural Reserve, Middle Yunnan Plateau, China Foraging Behaviors and Growth Responses of Pinus massoniana Seedlings in the Heterogeneous Nutrient Environment with Different Nutrient Patches Growth and Wood Density of 25-year-old Masson‘s Pine: Inter-family Variation and Selection Decomposition Characteristics Affected by Forest Age in Pinus tabulaeformis Plantations A Compar ison of Bird Commun ity Structure between the Pr imary Pine Plantationand the Secondary Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest in Zhejiang, China Effect of PulsedMagnetic Field on the Growth, Physiolog ica l andBiochem ica l Character istics of P inus m asson iana Ca llus The Effect of Ac id and Alum inum Stress on Seed Germ ina tion andSeedling Growth of Pinus massoniana Grow th Characteristics and Cold Resistance of P inus ponderosa STUDY ON MODEL OF SELF THINNING LAW OF PINUS TABULAEFORMIS POPULATION Chromosome Numbers of Two Threatened Species of Betulaceae Fractal Characteristics of Pattern of Natural Pinus taiwanensis Population ——Box-counting Dimension and Information Dimension Dynamics of Species Composition and Regeneration Rules in the Gaps of Pinus bungeana forest Gaps in Huanglong Mountain,Shaanxi Province Changes in Soil Nutrients in Different Eroded Soils in Pinus massoniana Forest Ecosystems in Fujian Province,China Two Years’Growth Response to Fertilization in Young Cunninghamia lanceolata, Pinus elloittii, and EucaIyptus urophylla Plantation Certification of Actual Genetic Gains from Good Planting Materials in Pinus massoniana A Study on Cuttage Seedling-Raising of Masson Pine and Its Afforestation Effect Investigation on the Effect of the Mixed Plantation of Pinus massoniana and Schima superba A Study on Soil Properties in Forest Gaps and under Canopy in Broadleaved Pinus koriensis Forest in Changbai Mountain Analysis of Vola tile Constituents in Pinus arm andii Bark with GC /MS Changing Regular ities and Structura l Character istics of the Bioma ss andProductivity of Aerially Seeded Pinus m asson iana Planta tion Study on Hybr idiza tion among Exotic Pines and The ir Early GrowthAssessmen t of F1 Genera tion Correlation between Health Conditions of Pinus yunnanensis Secondary\n Forest and Soil Properties in Golden Temple Forest Region of Kunming Content Dynamics of Endogenous Hormones in Different Seed Developmental Stages of Korean Pine Initial Effects of Crop Trees Growth after Crop Tree Release on Pinus massoniana Plantation Screening and Identification of Phosphate-Solubilizing Fungi of Pinus massoniana Rhizosphere and Its Application Prediction of Breeding Values and Selection to the Gene Resources of Loblolly Pine Effects of Rare Earth Elements La3+ And Eu3+ on the Polyphenols Contents and PAL,C4H Activities of Pinus koraiensis Seedlings Nutrient Release Characteristics during Decay of Mixed Leaf Litter of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica with Other 10 Tree Species Studies on chemical constituents from pine cone of Pinus armandii STUDY ON TAXONOMY OF PINUS HWANGSHANENSIS STUDY ON CLASSIFICATION,DISTRIBUTION AND SUCCESSION OF PINUS MASSONIANA FOREST IN GUANGXI EFFECTION OF WATER STRESS ON ULTRASTRUCTURE IN LEAVES OF KOREAN PINE SEEDLING STUDIES ON TYPICAL PRIMITIVE BROAD-LEAVED PINUS KORAIENSIS FOREST COMMUNITY IN WHICH WILD GINSENG DISTRIBUTES NATURALLY AND ITS CHARACTERISTICS A NEW RECORD SPECIES OF SEPTORIA IN CHINA A STUDY ON SELECTION OF GEOGRAPHICAL PROVENANCE OF PINUS TABULAEFORMIS RESISTING MATSUCOCCUS MATSUSCOCCUS MATSUMURAE KUWANA STUDIES ON THE SPECIES RELATIONS IN THE MIXED FORESTS OF PINUS TABULAEFORMIS CARR.AND BETULA PLATYPHYLLA SUK STUDY ON THE GROWTH OF MIXED STANDS OF PlNUS MASSONlANA AND LlQUlDAMBAR FORMOSANA AND ITS ECOLOGICAL BENEFITS DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SPECIES HYLOBITELUS XIAOI (COLEOPTERA:CURCULIONIDAE) STUDY ON THE BIOMASS CHANGE OF PINUS MASSOIANA FoRESTS BIoMASS AND NUTRIENT DISTRIBUTION IN NATURAL PINUS MASSONIANA FORESTS WITH DIFFERENT AGES CLIMATIC REGIONALIZATION ON THE DISTRIBUTION AREA OF PINUS BUNGEANA MICHE OF BARK BEETLES WITHIN PINUS ARMANDI EC0SYSTEM IN INNER QINLING MOUNTAINS THE SEQUENCE VARIATION OF MITOCHONDRIAL GENES IN PINUS STUDIES ON PREDICTION OF INSECT PESTS AND THEIR NATURAL ENEMIES ON ARTIFICIAL NURSERY OF PINUS MASSONIANA INDUCED CHEMICAL DEFENSES AND DELAYED INDUCED RESISTANCE OF PINUS TABULAEFORMIS CARR.TO DENDROLIMUS SPECTABILIS BUTLER THE EFFECTS OF ROTATING PLANTATION ON THE SOIL FERTILITY OF FOREST LAND AND THE GROWTH OF STAND THE HISTOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS ON INVASION OF BLUE-STAIN FUNGI (LEPTOGRAMPHIUM YUNNANENSE) ASSOCIATED WITH TOMICUS PINIPERDA ON PINUS YUNNANENSIS STUDY ON THE STAND STRUCTURE LAW OF MULTI-STORIES MIXED UNEVENAGED PINUS MASSONIANA LAMB. PLANTATIONS POPULATION STATISTICS ANALYSIS OF PINUS TAIWANENSIS GENETIC VARIATION IN WOOD PROPERTIES OF 18 PROVENANCES OF PINUS ELLIOTTII EFFECT OF NATRUAL BRASSINOLIDE ON GERMINATION OF PINUS TABULAEFORMIS AND ROBINIA PSEUDOACACIA SEEDS STUDY ON THE SEED MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND THE SEED COAT MICROSTRUCTURE OF PINUS SIBIRICA AND P.KORAIENSIS STUDY ON SELECTION OF EXCELLENT FAMILIES FOR INDUSTRIAL WOOD OF PINUS MASSONIANA STUDY ON GROWTH CHARACTERISTICS OF PINUS TAEDA PLANTATION GROWN IN FUJIAN PROVINCE