GROWTH-COMPETITION MODEL OF INDIVIDUAL TREE IN MIXED PLANTATION OF CASUARINA EQUISETIFOLIA AND PINUS ELLIOTTII Study on Planting Density Effects for Masson Pine Plantation Study on Temporal and Spatial Change of the Mating System in a Seed Orchard of Pinus tabulaeformis Selection,Propagation and Cultivation of Pinus massoniana Clones for Pulp Use Effects of Broad-leaved Trees Invasion on Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics in Pinus Luchuensis Plantation Application of Oleoresin Exudation Method for Controlling Pine Wood Nematode Disease by Bursaphelenchus xylophilus in Changdao County of Shandong Province An Analysis of Genetic Parameters,Characters of Seed and Cone,and Cone Yield of Clones Grown in a Seed Orchard for Pinus massoniana Dynamics of Populations of Nematode and Bacteria in the Process of Pine Wilt Disease Adventitious Bud and Root Formation of Pinus ponderosa Cultured in vitro Analysis on Combining Ability and Heterosis of Main Economic Traits of Pinus massoniana for Pulp Production Effect of Silvicultural Measures on Mechanical Properties of Pinus koraiensis Plantations Carbon accumulation and distribution in Pinus massonianaand Cunninghamia lanceolata mixed forest ecosystem in Daqingshan, Guangxi of China Geographical variation of morphology characters for natural populations of Pinus koraiensis Quantitative evaluation on the influence of environmental factors on timber production of Pinus tabulaeformis Stability of Mongolian pine plantations on sandy land Relationship between tree ring growth of Pinus taiwanensis and climatic factors Nutrient distribution and accumulation pattern of Chinese pin e plantations in Qiaoshan forested region Suitable management density of multi-benefit management pattern in Pinus elli ottii plantation on hilly region of Jiangxi Province Effects of soil temperature and humidity on soil respiration rate under Pinus sylvestriformis forest Study on pollination characteristics of natural population of Pinus koraiensis Role of Understory Plants on Nutrient Cycling of a Restoring Degraded Pine Forests in a MAB Reserve of Subtropical China The bio-cycle patterns of nutrient elements and stand biomass in forest communities in Hilly Loess Regions Leaf area index measurement of Pinus elliotii plantation Effect of Human-induced disturbance on physical properties of soil in artificial Pinustabulaeformis Carr. forests of the Loese Plateau Natural regeneration barriers of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica plantations in southern Keerqin sandy land, China Analysis of genetic diversity of Pinus latteri Mason nature populations in Bawangling of Hainan province by SSR markers Studies on diterpenes in needles of Pinus sylvestris The absorption of Zn2+ and Cd2+ by different strains of Suillus bovinus and its effect on the tolerance of Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings to Zn2+ and Cd2+ The absorption and identification of volatiles from pine needles of Pinus massoniana Lamb.damaged by Dendrolimus punctatus(Walker) and the antennal responses of female Blepharipa zebina(Walker) to these volatile compounds Characteristics of soil water consumption of two typical shrub and arbor in Horqin sandy land Value of ecosystem services of Kunyu Mountain Natural Reserve On trunk attacks and the killing mechanism of Tomicus yunnanensis (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) on Pinus yunnanensis trees A research on the response of the radial growth of Pinus koraiensis to future climate change in the XiaoXing‘AnLing The effect of fire on soil properties in a Pinus massoniana stand Influence of fire on stands of Pinus massoniana in a karst mountain area of central Guizhou province Seasonal variation of photosynthetic pigment content in Pinus koraiensis:the role of different light-induced strategies Effects of desertification intensity and stand age on leaf and soil carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry in Pinus elliottii plantation Effect of simulation N deposition on herbaceous vegetation community in the plantation and natural forests of Pinus tabulaeformis in the Taiyue Mountain Organic carbon density in Pinus tabulaeformis forest ecosystem on the south slope of the middle Qinling Mountains, China Carbon density and distribution of Pinus tabulaeformis plantation ecosystem in Hilly Loess Plateau