应用排放因子法估算了1980—2005年间大兴安岭林区森林火灾中5种主要乔木树种含碳气体总的释放量.结果表明:不同乔木树种燃烧释放含碳气体的排放因子不同,其中樟子松的CO2平均排放因子最大, 山杨的CO2平均排放因子最小;落叶松和山杨的CO和CxHy平均排放因子最大,山杨和落叶松的CO和CxHy平均排放因子最小.结合5种主要乔木树种各器官的含碳率和总生物量,得出25年间5种乔木共释放CO2 16.58 Tg、CO 1.61 Tg、CxHy 0.54 Tg. 其中落叶松的CO2、CO和CxHy释放量分别为5.00、0.63和0.05 Tg; 樟子松为0.225、0.023和0.003 Tg; 白桦为11.22、0.83和0.41 Tg;山杨为0.022、0.004和0.00034 Tg;蒙古栎为3.12、0.13和0.062 Tg.
By the method of emission factor (EF), this paper estimated the total carbon-containing gas emission from five main tree species in Daxing’an Mountains in forest fires from 1980 to 2005. The results showed that different tree species had different EF. Pinus sylvesstris var. mongolica and Populus davidiana had the maximum and minimum EF of CO2, respectively. Larix gmeliniiand Betula platyphylla had the maximun EF of CO and CxHy, while B. platyphylla and L. gmelinii had the minimum EF of CO and CxHy. Based on the carbon storage in different organs and the total biomass of the tree, it was estimated that the total emission of CO2, CO and CxHy from the five tree in the 25 years was 16.58 Tg, 1.61 Tg and 0.54 Tg, and the ontributions of L. gmelinii, P. sylvesstris var.mongolica, B. platyphylla, P. davidiana, and Quercus mongolica were 5.00 Tg, 0.63 Tg and 0.05 Tg, 0.225 Tg, 0.023 Tg and 0.003 Tg, 11.22 Tg, 0.83 Tg and 0.41 Tg, 0.0022 Tg, 0.004 Tg and 0.00034 Tg, and 3.12 Tg, 0.13 Tg and 0.062 Tg, respectively.