全 文 : [收稿日期]2016-04-18
[基金项目]安徽省质量工程—药学专业省级教学团队项目 (2013jxtd067);安徽省质量工程—药品质量检测技术特色专业项目
(2014tszy055);安徽省高等学校自然科学研究项目重点课题 (KJ2015A358);亳州市中药科技创新团队项目
[作者简介]刘超祥 (1972-),男,博士,副教授,主要从事天然产物化学成分及生物活性研究,cxliu888@163.com。
[引著格式]刘超祥,丁锐,王珊,等 .亳州疏毛罗勒挥发油化学成分及抗氧化与抑菌活性研究 [J].长江大学学报 (自科版),2016,
13 (21):34~37.
刘超祥,丁锐 (亳州职业技术学院药学院,安徽 亳州236800)
王珊 (亳州职业技术学院药学院,安徽 亳州236800;安徽中医药大学药学院,安徽 合肥230000)
丁连峰 (安徽济人药业有限责任公司,安徽 亳州236800)
刘耀武 (亳州职业技术学院药学院,安徽 亳州236800)
[摘要]采用水蒸汽蒸馏法提取疏毛罗勒 (Ocimum basilicumL)挥发油,并采用气-质联用方法分析其化
学成分,再采用DPPH·清除能力测定法和O-2 ·清除能力测定法测定其抗氧化活性,杯碟法测定其抑菌
其主要化学成分是十六酸乙酸乙酯 (44.16%)、乙酸松油酯 (17.1%)、(s)-2,5,5,8-四甲基-1,2,3,6-四
氢化薁-4-酮(9.92%)、香叶醇(3.05%)等;挥发油成分对DPPH·和O-2 ·有中等程度的清除能力;其对大
[关键词]疏毛罗勒 (Ocimum basilicumL);挥发油(;抗氧化性;抑菌活性
[中图分类号]Q949.777.6 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1673-1409 (2016)21-0034-04
疏毛罗勒 (Ocimum basilicumL)为唇形科罗勒属一年生全草植物,别名兰香、九层塔等。其味
对亳州疏毛罗勒 (罗勒变种,俗称香花子)的实地调研和临床观察,发现亳州疏毛罗勒挥发油成分
1 材料与方法
1.1 材料
主要仪器:RE-52A旋转蒸发仪 (亚荣生化仪器厂产品),FA2004N电子天平 (菁海仪器有限公司
产品),752紫外可见分光光度计 (菁华科技仪器有限公司产品),SHZ- (Ⅲ)循环水式多用真空泵
(河南省予华仪器有限公司产品),HH-1数显恒温水浴锅 (晶波实验仪器厂产品),456-GC型气相色谱
长江大学学报 (自然科学版) 2016年7月 第13卷 第21期 (农学)
Journal of Yangtze University(Natural Science Edition) Jul.2016,Vol.13No.21
(Bruker公司生产),SCION单四级杆质谱仪 (Bruker公司生产),SPX-150B生化培养箱、MJX-160B
霉菌培养箱、HPX-9082MBE电热恒温培养箱 (均为上海博迅实业有限公司产品),AR5120电子分析
天平 (美国奥豪斯国际贸易有限公司产品)。
试剂:羟甲基氨基甲烷、DPPH·、抗坏血酸 (Vc)、邻苯三酚、0.9%无菌氯化钠溶液、丙酮等,
菌株及培养基:大肠埃希菌 (Escherichia coli)、金黄色葡萄球菌 (Staphylococcus aureus)、枯草芽孢
杆菌 (Bacillus subtilis)、白色念珠菌 (Candida albicans)、营养肉汤培养基、营养琼脂培养基、改良马丁
(琼脂)培养基、氯化钠蛋白胨缓冲液 (pH 7.0)均由安徽济人药业有限责任公司检测中心提供。
1.2 方法
1.2.1 挥发油的提取
1.2.2 化学成分分析
气相色谱条件:弹性毛细管色谱柱 (BR-17型,奥嵩科学仪器有限公司产品,0.25μm×250μm×
30m),载气:高纯氦气 (南京上元工业气体厂产品),纯度大于99.99%,柱流量1.0mL/min,采用分
流进样,分流比 10∶1,进样量1.0μL,进样口温度为 220℃;程序升温条件:初始温度为40℃
(2min),以2℃/min的速度升温至100℃ (保持2min),再以5℃/min的速度升温至250℃。
为150℃;全扫描模式,扫描周期1s,质谱检索标准库:NIST 11.L。
1.2.3 抗氧化活性测定
1)O-2 ·自由基清除能力测定 参考文献 [7,8]的方法测试目标化合物清除超氧阴离子 (O-2 ·)
的能力。取50mmol/L的 Tris-HCl缓冲液 (pH 8.20)5.7mL,加入0.2mL浓度为0.1000g/L的样
(O-2 ·)的抑制率按如下公式计算。用Vc进行空白对照[9]。
抑制率 (I)= {[(△D/△t)对照- (△D/△t)]/(△D/△t)对照}×100%
2)清除DPPH·自由基能力测定 参考文献 [10,11]的方法测试目标化合物清除二苯代苦味酰
基自由基 (DPPH·)的能力。向1mL DPPH·乙醇溶液中加入不同浓度的疏毛罗勒挥发油使总体积
清除率= [(D0-D1)/D0]×100%
1.2.4 抑菌活性测定
2 结果与分析
2.1 疏毛罗勒挥发油化学成分
·53·第13卷 第21期 刘超祥等:亳州疏毛罗勒挥发油化学成分及抗氧化与抑菌活性研究
表1 疏毛罗勒挥发油化学成分的GC/MS的分析结果
峰号 保留时间/s 化合物名称 分子式 质量分数/%
1 6.29 乙酸小茴香酯 C12H20O2 17.01
2 7.87 香叶醇 C10H18O 3.05
3 8.02 柠檬醛 C10H16O 0.28
4 8.23 乙酸龙脑酯 C12H20O2 0.51
5 8.42 顺-3-苯基丙烯酸甲酯 C10H10O2 2.35
6 8.49 香叶酸甲酯 C11H18O2 0.23
7 8.80 α-荜澄茄烯 C11H16 0.19
8 9.00 莰烯 C10H16O 1.32
9 9.09 古巴烯 C15H24 0.24
10 9.29 反-3-苯基-2-丙烯酸甲酯 C10H10O2 44.16
11 9.57 长叶烯 C15H24 0.53
12 9.63 1a,2,3,3a,4,5,6,7b-八氢-1,1,3a,7-四甲基-1-氢-环丙基[α]萘 C15H24 0.76
13 9.8 大根香叶烯B C15H24 0.43
14 9.97 1,6-二甲基-4-(1-甲基乙基)-六氢萘 C15H24 0.28
15 10.06 (+)-双环倍半芹烯 C15H24 0.72
16 10.14 β-瑟林烯 C15H24 1.09
17 10.20 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,8a-八氢-1,4-二甲基-7-(1-异丙烯基)-甘菊环烃 C15H24 1.52
18 10.32 3-(1,3-丁间二烯基)-2,4,4-三甲基-环己烯 C13H18O 2.42
19 10.37 去氢白菖烯 C15H22 0.22
20 10.82 1,2,3,3a,4,5,8,8a-八氢-α.α.3,8-四甲基奥甲醇 C15H24 0.59
21 10.89 β-古芸烯 C15H24 0.61
22 11.02 二氢-8-开环古巴烯 C15H24 0.48
23 11.15 香树烯 C15H24 1.35
24 11.33 (s)-2,5,5,8-四甲基-1,2,3,6-四氢化薁 C14H20O 9.92
25 11.46 γ-杜松烯 C15H24 0.31
26 11.54 2-亚甲基-6,8,8-三甲基-三开环[,6)]十一碳-3-醇 C15H24O 0.32
27 11.77 2,4,4,5-四甲基-3-(3-氧-1-丁烯基)-环己烯 C14H20O2 0.21
60.61%。相对含量较高的是十六酸乙酸乙酯 (44.16%)、酸松油酯 (17.01%)、(s)-2,5,5,8-四甲基-
2.2 疏毛罗勒挥发油的抗氧化活性
表2 疏毛罗勒挥发油抗氧化活性
成分 抑制率/% 清除率/%
挥发油 8.03 0.121×103
Vc 18.31 0.235×103
逐渐降低。疏毛罗勒挥发油对于超氧阴离子O-2 ·具有一定的清
·63· 生物技术 2016年7月
表3 疏毛罗勒挥发油抑菌活性的结果分析
1050 525 262.5 131.25 65.625
大肠埃希菌 76 70 58 42 23
金黄色葡萄球菌 50 43 32 23 11
枯草芽孢杆菌 60 54 48 46 43
白色念珠菌 54 44 34 28 22
3 结论
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·73·第13卷 第21期 刘超祥等:亳州疏毛罗勒挥发油化学成分及抗氧化与抑菌活性研究
was studied by market research and analysis.Combined with the questionnaire and SPSS statistical
methods,six dimensions of Shennongjia ecotourism experience quality were measured and analyzed,
which included ecotourism environment experience quality,service experience quality,information
service quality,facilities experience quality,tour price experience quality,tourist traffic experience
quality.The results showed that Shennongjia lacked of deep experience products;service quality could
not create a better emotional experience for tourists;tourism facilities could not create the atmos-
phere of ecotourism experience;tour price did not reflect the experience value of tourists;tourists ex-
pecte environmental education experience;tourists generaly relayed on web experience channels and
word of mouth publicity promotions.
Key words:tourism experience;Shennongjia;experience quality
025Comparative Test on Cultivation Methods of Large-sized Pelteobagrus fulvidraco Larvae
YI Jia-xin Zhijiang Aquaculture Technology Extension Station,Zhijiang,Hubei 443200,China( )
YANG Jun,DONG Jian-feng ,FENG De-pin Yichang Aquaculture Technology Extension Station,Yichang,Hubei 443000,China( )
Abstract:Large-sized Pelteobagrus fulvidraco larvae were cultivated with direct cultivation method
(control group)and graded cultivation method(experimental group)in six 0.3hm2 ponds under the
same condition.The stocking density of P.fulvidraco was three milion fries/hm2.According to the
results,after 60dof cultivation,the average survival rate of P.fulvidraco larvae in three ponds of
the control group reached 40.43%,with an average size of 8.18cm and an average yield of 9576.30
kg/hm2;the average survival rate of P.fulvidraco larvae in three ponds of the experimental group
reached 60.38%,with an average size of 9.44cm and an average yield of 18072.88kg/hm2.In conclu-
sion,the graded cultivation method was superior to the direct cultivation method.
Key words:Pelteobagrus fulvidraco;large-sized larvae;survival rate;yield;benefit
029Study on the Secondary Productivity of Macrozoobenthos in Binzhou Shalow Sea Waters
WANG Zhi-zhong,ZHANG Jin-lu
GONG Jun-xia
Freshwater Fisheries Research Institute of Shandong Province,
Shandong Provincial Key Lab for Genetics and Breeding in Freshwater
SUN Tong-qiu,WANG Yu-qing
JING Zhong-hua,ZENG Hai-xiang
Marine and Fisheries Research Institute of Binzhou City,
Binzhou,Shandong256616,China( )
Abstract:According to the results of macrozoobenthos in Binzhou shalow sea waters,with 3times
survey 18stance being made in the Spring,Summer and Autumn,2012,the secondary productivity
and P/Bvalue of macrozoobenthos were calculated by using Brey formula.The results showed that
the secondary productivity of macrozoobenthos in Binzhou shalow sea water was 0.002~65.00
g(AFDW)·m-2·a-1,the average was 6.21g(AFDW)·m-2·a-1,and its dry weight of biomass
was 0.001~43.68g(AFDW)·m-2,the average was 3.98g(AFDW)·m-2.Both of them were the
highest in Autumn,then in Spring,and it was the lowest in Summer.The P/Bvalue was higher,the
average was 1.80a-1,and it was the highest in Summer,then in Spring,and it was the lowest in Au-
tumn.The smal individual of short life history species had the advantage in the benthic animal com-
munity composition in this area,and the secondary productivity(wet weight)of large benthic animal
was about 69000tons every year.
Key words:Binzhou shalow sea water;macrozoobenthos;the secondary productivity;P/Bvalue
034Study on Antioxidant Activity and Antimicrobial Activity of Volatile Oils in the Ocimum
LIU Chao-Xiang,DING Rui College of Pharmacy,Bozhou Vocational and Technical College,Bozhou,Anhui 236800 China( )
College of Pharmacy,Bozhou Vocational and Technical College,
Bozhou,Anhui 236800 China;College of Pharmacy,Anhui Traditional
Chinese Medicine University,Hefei,Anhui 230000,China
DING Lian-Feng (Anhui Jiren Pharmaceutical Industries Co.,Ltd,Bozhou,Anhui 236800,China)
LIU Yao-Wu (College of Pharmacy,Bozhou Vocational and Technical College,Bozhou,Anhui 236800 China)
Abstract:The constituents of volatile oil in the Ocimum basilicumL were analyzed by GC-MS meth-
od after it was extracted via steam distilation method.The antioxidant activity was assayed via scav-
enging properties of DPPH·and O-2 ·,the antibacterial activity was studied by using the cup-plate
method.The results showed that 27kinds of components were indeed recognized in volatile oils con-
stituent.The identified ingredients accounted for nearly 90.10% of weak polarity constituents,its
main chemical composition was hexadeanoic acid ethyl easter(44.16%),fenchyl acetate(17.1%),ge-
volatile oil constituents had moderate activity for scavenging properties of DPPH·and O-2 · .The
constituents also had certain antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli,Staphylococcus aureus,
Bacillus subtilis and Candida albicans,and the higher the concentration was,the more obvious the
antibacterial activity was.
Key words:Ocimum basilicumL;volatile oil;antioxidant activity;antibacterial activity
042Study on Treatment of Swine Wastewater by Algae Technology
CHEN You-lan College of Urban Construction,Yangtze University,Jingzhou,Hubei 434023,China( )
CAO Rong-hua Chuandian Agricultural Service Center of Jingzhou City,Hubei Province,Jingzhou,Hubei 434033,China( )
Abstract:According to the characteristics of high concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus,organic
matter in swine wastewater,the algae biological treatment technology which meet the requirements
of technical specification was discussed.Through the design of orthogonal experiment,the effect of
filamentous algae on the treatment of swine wastewater was studied,and the optimum conditions
were obtained.According to the optimal conditions obtained by orthogonal experiment,the semi con-
tinuous treatment process was carried out to verify the effect of filamentous algae on the treatment of
swine wastewater.The results showed that the algae had a good treatment effect on the low carbon
and nitrogen ratio,high nitrogen and phosphorus content of swine wastewater.
Key words:swine wastewater;algae;nitrogen removal;phosphorus removal
047Study of the Status and Distribution of Crop Straw Resource in Hubei Province
LI Ji-fu,FU Guo-xing,MEI Qing-qing
LI Wen-jun,WANG Chang
College of Agronomy,Yangtze University,Jingzhou,
Hubei 434025,China( )
Abstract:Based on statistical data and farm-household surveys,the annual crop straw types,distri-
bution and processing of crop straw in Hubei Province were analyzed.The results showed that the
main straw types were rice,rapeseed,wheat,corn and cotton straw,which accounted for 94%of the
total straw resource in the whole province.The research also indicated that crop straw was mainly
distributed in Jingzhou,Yichang,Xiangyang,Xiaogan,Jingmen and Huanggang,where the straw re-
sources were accounted for 72%of the total resource in 2014.Farm-household survey showed that
the ratio of straw returning to field was 32%,but there was significant difference among crops.The
proportion of rice and wheat straws were the highest by 54%and 43%,respectively.While the pro-
portion of burned and discarded remains high.Meanwhile,the current agricultural production was stil
smal-scale farming and widespread application of fertilizer-based.Therefore,direct retuning of straw
had great potential,which also was the most fundamental way to solve the straw utilization and in-
crease soil organic matter.
Key words:Hubei Province;crop straw resource;evaluation;straw returning to field;current situa-
055Research on the Preservation of Crucian(Carassius auratus)by Extraction from Szechuan
Pepper(Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim)
SU Wei College of Life Science,Yangtze University,Jingzhou,Hubei 434025,China( )
ZHOUJing Department of Medical Services,The First Affiliated Hospital of Yangtze University,Jingzhou,Hubei 434000,China( )
CAORonghua Chuandian Agricultural Service Center of Jingzhou City,Hubei Province,Jingzhou,Hubei 434033,China( )
WU Tao College of Life Science,Yangtze University,Jingzhou,Hubei 434025,China( )
Abstract:Ultrasound assisted extraction of Szechuan pepper(Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim)
was used to the preservation of fresh crucian(Carassius auratus),pH,TVBNvalue,TBAvalue,to-
tal bacterial count and sensory score were used to study the effect of preservation quality.The results
showed that the extraction from szechuan pepper exhibited a beneficial effect on inhibiting the spoil-
age of fish filets,as a natural preservative,it had good potential for application.
Key words:crucian(Carassius auratus);szechuan pepper(Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim);pres-
Translated &Edited by SU Kai-ke(苏开科)