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全 文 :马松蒿属(玄参科)的名实问题
陶 德 定
(中国科学院昆明植物研究所 昆明 650204)
The identity of the genus Xizangia Hong(Scrophulariaceae)
TAO De-Ding
(K unming Inst itute of Botany , the Chinese Academy of S ciences , Kunming 650204)
Abstract  Xizangia serrata Hong , the sole species of the monotypic genus Xizangia
Hong , was found to be the same species as Pterygiella bartschioides Hand.-Mazz., so
X izangia and X .serrata are both reduced to synonyms.
Key words  X izangia Hong ;Synonym
In the course of preparing an account of some genera in the Scrophulariaceae for F l.
Yunnan., my attention was draw n to Xizangia Hong , a monotypic genus w hose sole
species , X .serrata Hong , was described from a single collection(B.S.Li , Z .C.Ni and
S.Z.Cheng 6601 , PE)from Bomi County , Xizang , China.I w as struck by the similari ty
between this plant and Pterygiella bartschioides Hand.-Mazz., a species described from
northwestern Yunnan , China.
Closer examination of more specimens has show n conclusively that X .serrata is indeed
the same species as P.bartschioides.This results in the follow ing synonomy :
Pterygiella Oliv.in Hook.Ic.Pl.V , t.2463.1896.
X izangia Hong in Acta Phyto tax.Sin.24(2):139 , fig.1:1 ~ 7.1986 , syn.nov.
Pterygiella bartschioides Hand.-Mazz.in Sitzg sanz.Akad.Wiss.Wien 60:186.
1923;Symb Sin.7:871 , Abb.25:2.1936;P.C.Tsoong in Fl.Reip.Pop.Sin.68:
382 , pl.90:1 ~ 6.1963.TYPE:China.Yunnan , Doyonlumba between Mekong and Sal-
w in , Handel-Mazzet ti 9671(holo type , W)(n.v.)
X izangia serrata Hong in Acta Phytotax.Sin.24(2):141 , f.1:1 ~ 7.1986 , syn.
nov.TYPE:China.Xizang , Bomi , B.S.Li , Z.C.Ni &S.Z.Cheng 6601(holotype , PE).
Yunnan:Gongshan , Drung-Nu Aut.Co.Salw in-kiukiang Divide , Balahuang tum , T .
T .Yǜ 20662(KUN , PE);Salwin-Kiukiang divide , west of Tehahtu , T.T.Yǜ 20312
(KUN , PE);Salwin-Kiukiang divide , Doyonlumba , K.M.Feng 6926(KUN);Gong-
shan , Tsakou(Cikai), M t.Heipushan , K.M.Feng 8275(KUN , PE).Xizang:Müdog ,
Nafe , Exped.Qinghai-Xizang 74-3801(KUN).
Distribution:NW Yunnan and SE Xizang of China.
Acknowledgments  I am grateful to Professor L I Xi-Wen of Kunming Institute of Bo tany , the Chinese A-
cademy of Sciences , for his encouragement of w riting this paper and comments on the manuscript.
摘要 发现马松蒿 X izangia serrata Hong 与齿叶翅茎草 Pterygiella serrata Hand.-Mazz.属于同一种 , 因
此马松蒿及其代表的单型属———马松蒿属 Xizangia Hong 均应处理为异名。
关键词 马松蒿属;异名
1998-05-27收稿 , 1998-07-13收修改稿。
植 物 分 类 学 报 37(3):281(1999)
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica