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耳草属 (茜草科 )植物的两个新种(英文)

全 文 :         
Two new species of the genus Hedyotis
(Rubiaceae)from China
WANG Rui_Jiang XING Fu_Wu
(South China Institute of Botany , the Chinese Academy of Sciences , Guangzhou 510650 , China)
Abstract Two new species of the genus Hedyotis L.(Rubiaceae)from southern China , H.wan-
gii and H.yazhouensis , are described and illustrated.
Key words Rubiaceae , Hedyotis , H.wangii , H.yazhouensis , new species , China.
In the course of examining the Hedyotis specimens in the herbarium of the South China Insti-
tute of Botany , the Chinese Academy of Sciences(ISBC), the following two new species were dis-
1 Hedyotis wangii R.J.Wang , sp.nov.Fig.1
Species nova similis H.ovatifolio Cav., a qua differt floribus sessilibus in capitulum aggrega-
tis , tubo corollae longiore , ca.7 mm longo.
Herba annua.Caulis erectus , ad 4-6 cm altus , glaber.Folia opposita , glabra , papyracea , ob-
longa vel ovato_elliptica , 3-5 cm longa , 1.5-2.3 cm lata , apice acuta , basi late cuneata , margine
integra , nervis utrinsecus 5;petioli 3-6 mm longi;stipulae basi accretae , apice 3-4 spinis ca.2
mm longis instructae.Inflorescentia terminalis;pedunculus ca.1.7 cm longus;bracteae lineari_lan-
ceolatae , ca.3 mm longae.Flores 4-5 , albi , sessiles , in capitulum aggregati;tubus calycis coni-
cus , ca.1 mm longus , lobis lanceolatis , ca.2 mm longis , margine sparse breviterque hirsutis;tubus
corollae ca.7 mm longus , superne intus pilosus , lobis ca.1 mm longis , intus dense albo_pilosis;
stamina fauci adnata , antheris linearibus , utrinque acutis , ca.2 mm longis , filamentis brevissimis ,
ca.0.5mm longis;stylus corollae subaequilongus;stigma capitatum , bilobum.Capsula subglobosa ,
ca.3 mm diam.Semina numerosa , minuta , angulata , testis reticulatis.Fl.et Fr.Sept.
Annual erect dwarf herbs up to 4-6 cm tall;stem glabrous.Leaves opposite , papyraceous ,
oblong or ovate_elliptic , 3-5 cm long , 1.5-2.3 cm wide , apex acute , base broadly cuneate ,
margin entire , glabrous;veins ca.5 each side;petioles 3-6mm long;stipule base accrete , with
3-4 lacerate spines ca.2 mm long at apex.Inflorescence terminal with a densely globose head;
peduncle ca.1.7 cm long;bracts linear_lanceolate , ca.3 mm long.Flowers 4 or 5 , sessile;calyx
tube conical , ca.1 mm long , ribbed;lobes lanceolate , ca.2 mm long , tube ribs and margin of
lobes sparsely and short hirsute.Corolla white , tube ca.7 mm long , the upper part hairy inside ,
lobes short , ca.1 mm long , densely pubescent with white hairs within.Stamens adnate to throat;
anthers linear , acute at both ends , ca.2 mm long;filaments very short , ca.0.5 mm long.Style
almost as long as corolla;stigma capitate , bilobed.Capsule subglobose , ca.3 mm wide , crown
somewhat projecting , calyx lobes persistent.Seeds numerous , minute , angular;testa reticulate.
Flowering and fruiting in September.
China.Yunnan:Jinghong , Mt.Youluoshan , alt.1415 m , in mixed forests , 1936_09 , C.
W.Wang 78167(holotype , here designated , IBSC).
 Received:6March 2002 Accepted:31 October 2002
Supported by the Director Fund of the South China Institute of Botany , the Chinese Academy of S ciences.
植 物 分 类 学 报 41(1):85-88(2003)
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica
Fig.1. Hedyotis wangii. A , habit;B , pistil;C , corolla with stamens;D , stamen;E, stipule;F , capsule.Drawn by H.P.
Yu from the type gathering , C.W.Wang 78167(IBSC).
This species is similar to H.ovatifolia , but differs in having the capitate inflorescence , sessile
flowers and longer corolla tube ca.7 mm long.
This species is named after one of the most excellent Chinese plant collectors , Mr.C.W.
Wang , from whose collections many new Chinese plants have been described.
86  Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica Vol.41
Fig.2. Hedyotis yazhouensis. A , habit;B , magnified part of leaf;C , stipule;D , young fruit with long sepals;E , capsule.
Drawn by H.P.Yu from the type gathering , Z.X.Li 2522(IBSC).
2 Hedyotis yazhouensis F.W.Xing et R.J.Wang , sp.nov. Fig.2
Species nova similis H.cryptanthae Dunn , a qua planta nana , 10 cm alta , foliis ad apicem
caulis aggregatis , stipulis obtrapezoideis , inflorescentia terminali , lobis corollae et eis calycis lon-
gioribus differt.
No.1 WANG Rui_Jiang et al.:Two new species of the genus Hedyotis(Rubiaceae)from China 87 
Herba perennis , erecta , usque 10 cm alta.Caulis paulo quadrangulatus , ca.1 cm diam.Folia
subsessilia vel sessilia ad apicem caulis aggregata , opposita , papyracea , obovata vel ovato_elliptica , 8
-20 cm longa , 4-12 cm lata , basi late cuneata , apice mucronata vel obtusa , margine integra , cili-
ata;nervi distincti , supra depressi , laterales utrinsecus 5 -8;stipulae membranaceae , obtrape-
zoideae , ca.6mm longae , ca.9 mm latae , laceratae , laciniis ca.1mm longis.Inflorescentia termi-
nalis, capitata , 3-5 cm diam.;pedunculus crassus et brevissimus.Flores numerosi , sessiles;
bracteae lineari_lanceolatae;calycis tubus campanulatus , ca.8 mm longus , ca.0.3mm latus , extus
dense pubescens , lobis 4 , linearibus , ca.3.5 cm longis , ca.1 mm latis , margine ciliatis;corolla
viridi_purpurea , infundibuliformis , tubo ca.3 cm longo , basi ca.0.5 mm lato , ad faucem usque 2
mm lato , extus sparse piloso , lobis ovatis , ca.1mm longis , ciliatis , apice obtusis;stamina fauci ad-
nata;stigma inclusa.Capsulae oblongae , ca.3mm longae , dense pubescentes , indehiscentes.Semi-
na 4-6 in quoque loculo , parva , papillata , in sicco nigrescentia.
Perennial erect dwarf herbs to ca.10 cm tall , base ligneous.Stem slightly 4_angled , ca.1 cm
in diameter.Leaves opposite , subsessile or sessile , crowded at apex of stem , rosette , papyraceous ,
obovate or ovate_elliptic , 8-20 cm long , 4-12 cm wide , apex mucronate or obtuse , base broadly
cuneate , margin entire , ciliate;veins distinct , depressed above , lateral veins 5-8 each side , up-
ward from the base;stipules membranous , obtrapezoid , ca.6 mm long , ca.9 mm wide outside ,
lacerate , with ca.1 mm long lobes.Inflorescence terminal with a dense head , 3-5 cm in diam.;
peduncle strong and very short.Flowers numerous , sessile;bracts linear_lanceolate , ca.8 mm
long , ca.0.3mm wide , sparsely ciliate;calyx tube campanulate , 3-4 mm long , ribbed , densely
pubescent outside;lobes 4 , linear , ca.3.5 cm long , ca.1 mm wide , margin ciliate.Corolla
blue_purple , funnel_shaped , tube ca.3 cm long , ca.0.5 mm wide at base , broadening gradually
to 2 mm wide at throat , with short sparse hairs outside , lobes ovate , ca.1 mm long , obtuse at
apex , ciliate.Stamens adnate to throat.Stigma included.Capsule oblong , ca.3mm long , densely
pubescent , indehiscing.Seeds 4-6 per loculus;testa black when dry , papillate.
China.Hainan:Sanya , the upper reach of Ganshiling reservoir , alt.100-300 m., under
tropical rain forests , 1987_10_17 , Z.X.Li 2522(holotype , here designated , IBSC).
This species is similar to H.cryptantha , but differs in the plant being dwarf , the stipules ob-
trapezoid , the inflorescence terminal , and both corolla and calyx lobes longer , ca.3.5 cm and 3
cm long respectively.
This species is so extraordinary that it can be easily distinguished from others in the genus by
its dwarf habit , dense inflorescences , longer calyx lobes and narrower corolla tube.Its flowers are
quite delicate and few of them could be conserved well on the sheets.
Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to the anonymous referees for kindly polishing the
manuscript , and to Mr.YU Han_Ping for drawing the illustrations.
王 瑞 江 邢 福 武
(中国科学院华南植物研究所 广州 510650)
摘要 描述了国产耳草属(茜草科)植物的两个新种 , 启无耳草 Hedyotis wangii R.J.Wang 和崖州耳草
H.yazhouensis F.W.Xing et R.J.Wang。
关键词 茜草科;耳草属;启无耳草;崖州耳草;新种;中国
88  Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica Vol.41