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全 文 :Perfomance of 14 Creeping Bentgrass Cultivars
Under Putting Green Conditions
Daijun Wang
1 , Karl Danneberger2 , Patty Sweeney2 , Michael McBride2
(1.The Centra of Turfgrass Research , CAAS , Beij ing ,  100081 , 2.Ohio State University , USA)
  Abstract:The objective of the research is to determine if there were seasonal changes in rooting patterns , and to-
tal nonst ructural carbohydrate(TNC)concentration between six high shoot densi ty and eight standard creeping bent-
g rass cultivars on put ting g reens.The results as follow s:1)The number of tillers def fered significant ly (P ≤0.05)a-
mong the cultivars in July but not in April o r October.2)No differences in root dry weight were observed among cul-
tivars for roo t samples collected f rom June 1997 through Nov.1998.Root w eight did decrease for all cultivars because
the g raducal drop of mowing height f rom 11 mm to 3.1 mm during the period June 1997 to July 1997.3)Percentage
TNC was no t signif icantly different (P <0.05)among the entries fo r tw o of 18 samling dates.
Key words:putting g reen;creeping bentgrass;cult ivar;TNC;roo t dry weight
中图分类号:S 688.4  文献标识码::A   文章编号:1009-5500(2001)04-0027-03
  Recent ly , new creeping betgrass cultivars w ith high
shoot density have been released[ 1] and commercialized
for use on golf course putt ing greens.In addit ion to high
shoot densi ty , these cult ivars are presumably tolerant to
low mow ing heights and resistant both abio tic and bio tic
stresses.Many golf couses in temperate regions have
converted or are considering conversion to these new cul-
tivars w ith increase tolerance to disease and heet st ress
as well as finer tex ture , increased desity and optimum
ball roll.
Given the low mow ing height w hich the new culti-
vars are subjected(less than 3.1 mm), their ability to
w ithstand heat st ress is of part icular interest .Root
w eight and total nonst ructural carbohydrate (TNC)are
of ten used as indirect indicators of the tolerance of turf-
g rass of st ress.Under summer st ress root weight of
stress tolerant Kentucky blueg rass (Poa pratensi L.)
geno types w as g reater than that of intolerant geno-
[ 2] . Huang et al[ 3] cuncluded that high
Author:Wang Dai-jun , P.H.D , Tu rf Ecology and Management.
temperature reduced root grow th of creeping bentgrass
cultivars and that could contribute to cultivar variations
in quality.Nonstructural carbohydrate is considered the
energy currency to be spent during st ress[ 4] and has been
used as a phy siological measure of st ress tolerance[ 5 ~ 8] .
Differences in root weight and TNC concentration
when the plants are under st ress , are imprtant in deter-
mining w hether the new er cultivars can tolerate stress
condit ions.Ideally , the newer cultivars have increased
root w eight and TNC reserves to support their increased
shoots.Since field stress canno t be accurately predicted
in advance , we chose to follow seasonal variation in roo t
weight and TNC concentration over the course of tw o
grow ing seasons.
The object ive of our research was to determine if
there w ere seasonal changes in rooting pat terns , and
TNC concentration betw een six high shoot density and
eight strandard creeping bentg rass cultivars on putting
greens in the temperate region and to verify the in-
creased shoo t density of the new cult ivars.
1 Materials and Methods
Fourteen creeping bentg rass cultivars and one
27草原与草坪  季刊  2001年  第 4期  总第 95期
DOI :10.13817/j.cnki.cyycp.2001.04.008
creeping bentgrass blend w ere seeded on 16 Aug .1996
at 73 kg/hm2 on a high sand content root zone nursery
g reen (80∶20 v/v sand:peat)at M urifield Village Golf
Gourse , Dublin , Ohio.The 2.2 m2 plots w ere arranged
in a randomized complete block design with each cult ivar
replicated three t imes.High shoot densi ty cul tivars in
the studies included Penn A1 , Penn A2 , Penn A4 , Penn
G1 , Penn G2 , and Penn G6.Penncross , Crenshaw ,
Southshore , DF-1 , Procup , Lopez , SR1020 , and Prov-
idence were included as standard cultivars.A 1∶1 (w/
w)blend of `Penncross and `Crenshaw was also in-
cluded.The height of cut w as g radually low ered to 3.1
mm(Mar.to July 1997)where it remained through the
duration of the study.Plots were topdressed w ith 0.15
~ 0.30 mm sand once every 3 w eeks during the growing
season.Irrigation w as provided as needed to prevent
w ilt.The plo ts received no t raffic besides normal main-
tenance operations.
Roo t samples(5 cm2×10 cm2 cores)were collect-
ed monthly f rom June 1997 to Nov.1998.Roots w ere
hand-washed over a f ine mesh screen to remove soil par-
ticles , dried at 70 ℃, weighed and sto red at -20 ℃.
Percentage TNC for the root smples w as determined us-
ing a modified Smith protocol .Cores(5 cm diameter )
for shoot density counts w ere collected from each plot in
Apr., July and Oct.1998 and stored at -20 ℃.Shoot
densi ty w as determined by counting the number of tillers
(including loose t illers)in each core.
2 Results and Discussion
The number of tilers/dm2 differed significan-
tly (P ≤0.05)among the cultivars in July but not in
April o r October(Table 1).There apeared to be a trend
tow ard high shoot density in the Penn “A”and “G” se-
ries bentg rasses.Four of the five cultivars w ith the
highest shoot densi ty in July and six of the top seven in
April were Penn “A”and “G” series bentgrasses.A con-
trast of the high shoot density cultivars versus the stan-
dard cultivars revealed significant (P ≤0.05)differ-
ences betw een the types in April and July.The high
shoot density cultivars had an average of 342.9 and 216.
1/dm2 more tillers during April and July , respectively ,
than did the standard cultivars.No dif ference was found
in the October sampling w hich does not ag ree w ith those
of Croce et al[ 1] who collected thei r data in Septmber.
Table 1 Mean shoot density(tillers/ dm2)for 15 creeping
bentgrass cultivars in 1998
Apr. July. Oct.
  High shoot density CVS
Penn A1 1614 1496 1503
Penn A2 1564 1981 1658
Penn A4 1747 1791 1699
Penn G1 1600 1595 1496
Penn G2 1554 1669 1609
Penn G6 1692 1816 1747
  Standard cvs.
Penncross 1092 1593 1133
Crenshaw 1418 1613 1747
Southshore 1479 1510 1562
DF-1 1225 1507 1601
Procup 1126 1365 1650
Lopez 1203 1525 1487
SR 1020 1517 1531 1528
Providence 1225 1424 1406
Penncross/Crenshaw 1245 1658 1520
Mean 1420 1605 1556
LSD NS 297* NS
High shoo t density cv s. 1629 1745 1619
Standard cvs. 1286 1509 1514
Significance * * NS
NS , * Non-significant and significant at P≤0.05 respectively
  No differences in root dry weight were observed a-
mong the cultivars for the root samples collected from
June 1997 through Nov .1998.When a contrast w as
perfo rmed , however , there w as a signif icantly g reater
(P≤0.05)roo t dry weight in the six high shoot densi ty
than in the eight standard cultivars in March and May
1998.This may suggest that during the spring the high
shoot densi ty cultivars have more roots.Root weight did
decrease for all the cultivars f rom June 1997 to July
1997.This was probably a ref lect ion in the g radual drop
of mowing height f rom 11 mm to 3.1 mm during this
  Percentage TNC was only signif icantly dif ferent (P
28 Grassland and Turf   (Quarterly)  2001  No.4  (Sum No.95)
≤0.05)among the entries for two of the 18 sampling
dates(Oct .1997 and Mar.1998).No obvious trends
for increased percentage TNC in either the high shoot
densi ty or standard cult ivars were apparent .Contrasts
between the tw o g roups indicated a difference between
the high shoot density and standard cultivars in Aug .
1998.Conversely , the Aug.1997 sampling show ed no
difference betw een the cultivar types for percentage
TNC.The cultivars in 1998 may have been under in-
creased environmental st ress.The tw o months prior to
the Aug.1998 sampling experienced mean air tempera-
tures of 24℃ while the comparable mean temperature
during 1997 w as 21℃.Thus during periods of high em-
perature st ress the high shoo t density cultivars may have
had lower carbohydrate reserves than did the standard
cultivars.Further w ork is needed to evaluate the perfor-
mance of high shoot density cult ivars under environmen-
tal stresses.In conclusion , the high shoot density creep-
ing bentgrass cultivars , Penn A1 , Penn A2 , Penn A4 ,
Penn G1 , Penn G2 , and Penn G6 , had a g reater shoot
densi ty than the standard cultivars , but no consistent
differences in roo t w eight or TNC were apparent .
Literature Cited:
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果 岭 上 14 种 匍 匐 剪 股 颖 的 表 现
王代军1 , Karl Danneberger2 , Patty Sweeny2 , Michael M cBride2
(1.中国农业科学院草业研究中心 , 北京 100081;2.俄亥俄州立大学 , 美国)
  摘要:比较了在果岭区匍匐剪股颖的6个多枝条密度品种和 8个标准品种在不同时期 ,分蘖数 、根干重 、非结
构性糖含量的变化规律。得出了以下结论:1)品种之间的分蘖数在 7月差异显著(P ≤0.05), 但 4月 、10月不显
著 ,2)品种之间根重无区 ,但春季 6 个高枝条密度品种的根重比 8个标准品种的要重;随修剪高度降低 ,根重减
少。3)在 18个采样日期中只有两个时期的非结结构性糖的含量显著不同 ,即在相对高温期间高枝条密度品种较
标准品种非结区性糖的积累量要少 。
29草原与草坪  季刊  2001年  第 4期  总第 95期

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