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watanabeorum (Heteroptera,Reduviidae)from Thailand
[J]. Special Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Co-
leopterology,2002(5):103 -106.
[11]TRUONG XL,CAI WZ,WANG YZ. Agyrius watanabeo-
rum Ishikawa,A new record genus and species from Chi-
na and Vietnam (Hemiptera:Reduviidae) [J]. Entomo-
taxonomia,2005,27(1) :23 -26.
Investigation of the Subfamily Harpactorinae (Hemiptera:Heteroptera:
Reduviidae)in Nonggang National Nature Reserve of Guangxi
ZHAO Ping,LIU Hong -xia
(Kaili University,Kaili,Guizhou,556011,China)
Abstract:The subfamily Harpactorinae in the Nonggang National Nature Reserve of Guangxi Zhuang
Autonomous Region is investigated in June and August,2014. Twelve genera and sixteen species of as-
sassin bugs are recognized and photographed,among them,Agyrius Stl 1863 and Agyrius watanabeo-
rum Ishikawa 2002 are firstly recorded in Guangxi. In addition,this is the northernmost distribution re-
cord of the genus Agyrius in the world. The faunal structure and characters of the reduviid subfamily
Harpactorinae are analyzed. All the specimens are kept in Biological Collections of Kaili University.
Key words:Guangxi;Nonggang National Nature Reserve;Harpactorinae;Taxonomy
(黔东南州林业局,贵州 凯里 556000)
金叶台湾杉(Taiwania Crypomerioides Hayata cv. 'Aureiflia')是台湾杉的一个变种,于 1985 年
在贵州省剑河县太拥乡昂英村白虾(东经 108°219″,北纬 26°2155″)的台湾杉自然林中发现(散
生于自然林中)的,1998 年由贵州大学林学院植物分类学家兰开敏教授正式定名,为世界发现的
第一株。该株台湾杉现树高 30 m,胸径 1. 32 m.自发现以来,杨秀钟等对该株金叶台湾杉的果实
笔者在 2015 年 4 月对雷公山国家级自然保护区的调查工作中,在台江县南宫乡交包村干荣
一(东经:108°1939″,北纬:26°2438″)又发现一株金叶台湾杉,为世界发现的第 2 株.该株台湾
杉现树高 35 m,胸径 95 cm.
雷公山国家级自然保护区发现的金叶台湾杉为世界仅有的 2 株,是台湾杉中的珍稀个体,具