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全 文 :植 物 分 类 学 报 45 (1): 82–85(2007) doi:10.1360/aps050087
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica http://www.plantsystematics.com
Received: 7 June 2005 Accepted: 3 April 2006
Supported by the National Key Project for Basic Research on Ecosystem Changes in Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region and
Transboundary Eco-security of Southwest China, Grant No. 2003CB415103.
* Author for correspondence. E-mail: .
Arthromeris cyrtomioides S. G. Lu & C. D. Xu, a new
species of Polypodiaceae from Yunnan, China
XU Cheng-Dong LU Shu-Gang*
(Institute of Ecology and Geobotany, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, China)
Abstract Arthromeris cyrtomioides S. G. Lu & C. D. Xu, a new species of the genus
Arthromeris (Polypodiaceae) from Yunnan, China, is described and illustrated. The new
species is similar to A. lehmanni (Mett.) Ching in size, but differs by its lamina being
tomentose on the lower surface and pubescent on the upper surface and having 9–16 pairs of
lateral pinnae. The new species is also similar to A. tomentosa W. M. Chu in the lamina
indumentum, but differs by pinnae lacking the membranous cartilaginous margin and having
5–16 pairs of lateral pinnae.
Key words Arthromeris, Arthromeris cyrtomioides S. G. Lu & C. D. Xu, Polypodiaceae,
new species, Yunnan, China.
The genus Arthromeris (T. Moore) J. Sm. is a natural group in the Polypodiaceae
characterized by the fronds being pinnate with pinnae jointed to rachis and having branched
included veinlets. This genus contains 20 species, distributed in tropic and subtropic Asia.
Seventeen species are recognized in China (Lu, 2000). During the course of a field survey at
Mt. Gaoligongshan, W. Yunnan Province, China, we found a fern that clearly belongs to the
genus Arthromeris (T. Moore) J. Sm., but cannot be identified as any of the known species.
This fern is recognized as a new species, Arthromeris cyrtomioides S. G. Lu & C. D. Xu,
which is similar to A. lehmanni (Mett.) Ching in size, but differs by its lamina being
tomentose on the lower surface and pubescent on the upper surface and having 9–16 pairs of
lateral pinnae. The new species is also similar to A. tomentosa W. M. Chu in the lamina
indumentum, but differs by pinnae lacking the membranous cartilaginous margin and having
5–16 pairs of lateral pinnae. The differences between this new species and the known species
in China are listed below in the key to Chinese species.
Key to the species of Arthromeris from China
1. Sori large, solitary between adjacent lateral veins, thus arranging in one row on either side of costa.
2. Lateral pinnae with distinct stalks………………………………………1. A. tenuicauda (Hook.) Ching
2. Lateral pinnae sessile, adnate at base.
3. Scales brown, lanceolate,acuminate at apex.
4. Sori rounded, solitary ……………………………………………2. A. wallichiana (Spreng.) Ching
4. Sori elliptic or two adnate together…………………………………………3. A. intermedia Ching
3. Scales brown, dark brown or black, broad at base, subulate at apex.
5. Rhizome densely scaly throughout; scales brown, narrowly subulate with long tails; terrestrial……
………………………………………………………4. A. tatsienensis (Franch. & Bureau.) Ching
5. Rhizome covered with whitish bloom and sparsely scales; scales dark brown to black, rounded at
peltate base, subulate at upper part; epiphytic…………………………5. A. nigropaleacea S. G. Lu
1. Sori small, more than two between adjacent lateral veins, thus scattered on either side of costa.
No. 1 XU and LU: Arthromeris cyrtomioides, a new species of Polypodiaceae from China 83
6. Rhizome 3–6 mm in diam.; lamina glabrous or pubescent .
7. Pinnae ovate with broadly membranous cartilaginous margin; lateral pinnae 1–4 pairs.
8. Rhizome covered with whitish bloom and sparse scales; scales brown.
9. Lamina pubescent on both surfaces……………………………6. A. himalayensis (Hook.) Ching
9. Lamina tomentose on lower surface and glabrous on upper surface………………………………
…………………………………7. A. himalayensis var. niphoboloides (C. B. Clarke) S. G. Lu
8. Rhizome densely covered with scales; scales whitish; lamina tomentose on lower surface and glabrous
on upper surface…………………………………………………………8. A. tomentosa W. M. Chu
7. Pinnae lanceolate with narrowly membranous cartilaginous margin or none; lateral pinnae 5–16 pairs.
10. Pinnae caudate at apex; with narrowly membranous cartilaginous margin.
11. Lamina glabrous on both surfaces……………………………9a. A. elegans Ching f. elegans
11. Lamina densely pubescent on lower surface and glabrous on upper surface……………………
…………………………………………………9b. A. elegans Ching f. pianmaensis S. G. Lu.
10. Pinnae acuminate at apex; without membranous cartilaginous margin.
12. Lamina tomentose on lower surface or pubescent on both surfaces; epiphytic.
13. Lamina tomentose on lower surface, pubescent on upper surface; lateral pinnae 9–16
pairs ……………………………………………10. A. cyrtomioides S. G. Lu & C. D. Xu
13. Lamina pubescent on both surfaces; lateral pinnae 5–8 pairs
14. Scales broad at base, subulate at apex; lamina sparsely pubescent or subglabrous ……
…………………………………………………………11. A. lehmanni (Mett.) Ching
14. Scales ovate-lanceolate, acuminate at apex; lamina densely pubescent on both surfaces
………………………………………………………………12. A. lungtauensis Ching
12. Lamina glabrous on both surfaces; terrestrial; lateral pinnae 8–12 pairs………………………
……………………………………………………………………13. A. mairei (Brause) Ching
6. Rhizome 10–12 mm in diam.; lamina usually covered with whitish bloom on lower surface .
15. Lateral pinnae adnate at bases……………………………………14. A. wardii (C. B. Clarke) Ching
15. Lateral pinnae with stalks.
16. Lateral pinnae opposite…………………………………15. A. medogensis Ching & Y. X. Ling
16. Lateral pinnae alternate.
17. Lamina with glandular hairs on underside………………16. A. caudata Ching & Y. X. Ling
17. Lamina without glandular hairs…………………………17. A. salicifolia Ching & Y. X. Ling

Arthromeris cyrtomioides S. G. Lu & C. D. Xu, sp. nov. Figs. 1–4
Species nova A. lehmanni (Mett.) Ching et A. tomentosae W. M. Chu affinis, ab illa
differt pinnis adaxialiter pubescentibus, abaxialiter tomentosis, eis lateralibus 9–16-jugis; ab
hac recedit pinnis lateralibus 9–16–jugis, pinnis marginibus membranaceis cartilagineis
Planta epiphytica. Rhizoma longum repens, 5–7 mm crassum, pallidum, paleis sparsis
anguste lanceolatis 4–6 mm longis medio castaneis vel brunneis margine pallidis et ciliatis
apice subulatis basi peltatis obtectum. Stipes 8–12 cm longus, 2–3 mm crassus, stramineus,
basi paleis eis rhizomatis aequalibus obtectus, supra basin sparse pubescens. Lamina
lanceolata, 30–50 cm longa, 15–20 cm lata, imparipinnata. Pinnae laterales 9–16-jugae,
oppositae, patentes, lanceolatae, 2 cm inter se remotae, 5–11 cm longae, 1.5–2.5 cm latae,
apice acuminatae, basi rotundae, sessiles, margine integra. Venae reticulatae, laterales
20–25-jugae, utrinque visibiles, venulis inclusis. Rhachis stramineas, sparse pubescens.
Textura folii chartacea, supra sparse pubescens, subtus dense tomentosa; costae subtus
praecipue ad basim laxe paleaceis. Sori rotundi, utraque costae latere irregulariter disposti,
juventute pallidi, maturitate brunnei.
Epiphytic plants. Rhizome long-creeping, 5–7 mm in diam., sparsely scaly and covered
with whitish bloom; scales narrowly lanceolate, 4–6 mm long, castaneous or brown at center,
Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica Vol. 45 84

Fig. 1. Arthromeris cyrtomioides S. G. Lu & C. D. Xu. A, B, habit; C, D, the adaxial surface of pinnae, showing the
sparsely pilose condition; E, abaxial surface of pinna, showing dense tomentum and small scales on rhachis; F, abaxial
surface of pinna, showing sori; G, H, scales on rhizome; I, tomentum on the abaxial surface of pinna. Drawn by X. L. Wu
from C. D. Xu 31601, PYU.

paler towards margin, broad and peltated at base, subulate at apex, minutely toothed at
margin. Fronds remote. Stipes 8–12 cm long, 2–3 mm in diam., stramineous, scaly at base,
pubescent upward. Laminae imparipinnate, lanceolate, 30–50 long, 15–20 cm broad. Lateral
pinnae 9–16 pairs, opposite, patent, lanceolate, 5–11 cm long, 1.5–2.5 cm broad, acuminate at
apex, round at base, sessile, entire, without membranous cartilaginous margin. Veins reticulate
with included veinlets, lateral veins 20–25 pairs, distinct. Rachis stramineous, sparsely
pubescent on both surfaces and small scales on lower surface. Texture papyraceous, sparsely
pubescent on upper surface, densely tomentose on lower surface. Sori round, irregularly
scattered on lower surface of pinnae, pale at young stage and brown at mature stage.
China. Yunnan (云南): Longling (龙陵), Mt. Gaoligongshan, margin of the evergreen
No. 1 XU and LU: Arthromeris cyrtomioides, a new species of Polypodiaceae from China 85

Figs. 2–4. 2. The plants of Arthromeris cyrtomioides S. G. Lu & C. D. Xu, epiphytic on tree trunk. 3. A part of lamina of A.
cyrtomioides. 4. A part of pinna of A. cyrtomioides.

broad-leaf forest, epiphytic on isolated tree trunk, alt. 2000 m, 2004-09-26, C. D. Xu 31601
(holotype, isotype, PYU).
This new species is similar to A. lehmanni (Mett.) Ching in size, but differs by its lamina
being tomentose on the lower surface and pubescent on the upper surface and having 9–16
pairs of lateral pinnae. The new species is also similar to A. tomentosa W. M. Chu in the
lamina indumentum, but differs by pinnae lacking the membranous cartilaginous margin and
having 5–16 pairs of lateral pinnae.
Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to Mr. WU Xi-Lin who assisted with drawings.
LU S-G (陆树刚). 2000. Arthromeris (T. Moore) J. Sm. Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae (中国植物志).
Beijing: Science Press. 6 (2): 202–214.
徐成东 陆树刚*
(云南大学生态学与地植物学研究所 昆明 650091)

摘要 报道了产于中国云南高黎贡山的水龙骨科Polypodiaceae节肢蕨属Arthromeris一新种——贯众叶
节肢蕨A. cyrtomioides S. G. Lu & C. D. Xu。该新种的植株大小与节肢蕨A. lehmanni (Mett.) Ching相似,
但叶片的背面密被绒毛, 表面被短柔毛, 侧生羽片9–16对。该新种在毛被方面与厚毛羽节肢蕨A.
tomentosa W. M. Chu相似, 但羽片边缘无软骨质的膜质边, 侧生羽片多达9–16对。
关键词 节肢蕨属; 贯众叶节肢蕨; 水龙骨科; 新种; 云南; 中国