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全 文 :Seasonal Dynamics of Photosynthetic Response
for Young Tree of B. macrostachya in Seasonal
Rain Forest
Zhongfei LI1,2*, Zheng ZHENG2
1. College of Environment Science and Engineering, Southwest Forest University, Kunming 650224, China;
2. Kunming Section of Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650223, China
Supported by Yunnan Scientific and Planned Project (2009ZC084M); Scientific and Plan-
ned Project of Yunnan Educational Department (08C0093); Key Subject Construction
Project of Southwest Forestry University (XKX200902);National Natural Science Found-
ation of China (30170168).
*Corresponding author. E-mail: lizhongfei@sohu.com
Received: May 11, 2012 Accepted: May 15, 2012A
Agricultural Science & Technology, 2012, 13(6): 1251-1253,1259
Copyright訫 2012, Information Institute of HAAS. All rights reserved Forestry
Abstract [Objective] The aim was to study on biological characteristics of photosyn-
thetic response for young trees of B. macrostachya in seasonal rain forest, providing
scientific reference for protection of tropical rain forest under change of global cli-
mate. [Method] Young trees of B. macrostachya in Xishuangbanna tropical forest
were chosen to research in foggy season, dry and hot season, and rainy season to
measure dynamics of season changes. [Result] For young trees of B. macrostachya
in Yunnan Province, Pnmax was the biggest in rainy season, followed by dry and hot
season and foggy season at 4.08, 2.89 and 1.81 μmol/(m·s) respectively; Gs and Tr
in rainy season were the highest and WUE in dry season was the highest; Gi
achieved peak in foggy season, of which the highest values were 0.18 and 1.59
mmol/(m2·s), and 7.35 μmol/mmol and 455 mmol/(m2·s); Ci showed an opposite
trend with that of WUE, and Gs and Tr changed similarly. [Conclusion] Young trees
of B. macrostachya in seasonal rain forest are of significant seasonal change in pho-
tosynthetic response, and young trees are shade tolerant.
Key words Seasonal forest; Barringtonia macrostachya (B. macrostachya); Photosyn-
thetic characteristics; Xishuangbanna
P hotosynthetic rate is an impor-tant index representing plantproductivity and plant biologi-
cal force which would be through sig-
nificant change by changes of temper-
ature and rainfall. Tropical monsoon
forest in Xishuangbanna where biodi-
versity is under prior protection [1], will
be influenced as well. Hence, it is the
basis to further explore photosynthetic
characteristics of dominant species for
biological resource protection in the
B. macrostachya is a dominant
species in tropical monsoon forest in
Xishuangbanna [2], which is few to be
found in tropical monsoon forest near
Laiyang River in north of tropics[3], indi-
cating that the plant is sensitive to en-
vironmental changes. In addition, the
researches available on photosyn-
thetic characteristics of the plant are
mainly through potted experiment [4],
transplantation [7] or shade-canopy [5 -6],
but reports on photosynthetic charac-
teristics of the plant in natural condition
are few.
Characteristics of single plant are
indispensible for researching mecha-
nism of biological response [8]. Young
trees, more sensitive [9], will be signifi-
cantly influenced in community updat-
ing and species substitution by envi-
ronment changes. In the research,
young trees of B. macrostachya in
seasonal rain forest were chosen to
observe seasonal dynamics of photo-
synthetic response in order to explore
biological adaptive characters under
luminous environment.
Overview of the Study Area
Tropical monsoon forest in
Xishuangbanna is located in 21°50′N
and 101°12′E with elevation at 750 m.
It is tropical monsoon climate, which
includes fog-cool season (November-
February of following year), dry-hot
season (March-April) and rainy rea-
son (May -October). About 85% of
rainfall concentrates in rainy season;
temperature at dry season is high with
little rainfall; heavy fogs usually occur
in fog-cool season in morning and
evening with high humidity. In the
area, annual temperature averages at
21.6 ℃, temperature averages 25.3 ℃
in hottest month and 15.5 ℃ in coldest
month, with annual rainfall at 1 500
mm. The major vegetations include
tropical monsoon forest with com pli-
cated community, and the dominant
trees are Pometia tomentosa, B. macr-
ostachya, Gironniera subaequalis and
Ardisia affinis, and B. macrostachya is
the dominant species in tree layer[10].
Study Method
Three young trees of B. macrost-
achya with height of 1 m were chosen
in a sampling field and three well-
grown leaves were collected from ev-
ery plant to measure photosynthetic
response of the plants in fog-cool sea-
son (January), dry-hot season (April)
and rainy season (July), respectively.
Photosynthetic response features
of photosynthetic rate
Photosynthetic rate (Pnmax) under
intense light was measured with
LI -6400 photosynthesis system and
flow speed of air was 0.5 L/min; pho-
Agricultural Science & Technology
Agricultural Science & Technology Vol.13, No.6, 2012
Table 1 Simulated parameters of photosynthetic response of B. macrostachya young trees
in three seasons
Season Pnmaxμmol/(m2·s)
μmol/(m2·s) a
season 1.81±0.12 a 369.78±50.09 a 17.38±37.92 a 1.25±0.14 a 0.0237±0.0064 a
season 2.89±0.15 b 221.00±23.70 b 4.88±19.92 b 1.11±0.12 b 0.0615±0.0163 b
season 4.08±0.12 c 281.47±21.93 b 2.04±33.14 b 1.05±0.06 b 0.0674±0.0100 b
The same letters in same column represent little differences (P≥0.05).
tosynthetically active radiations (PAR)
were set 2 000, 1 500, 1 000, 800, 500,
200, 100, 50, 20 and 0 μmol/(m·s), re-
spectively; CO2concentration, temper-
ature and humidity were under natural
condition, which were maintained sta-
ble in 3 min and the measurement
time was 10:00 -12:00; relationship
between Pnmax and PAR was fitted with
Sigmaplot 10.0 as per least square
method [11 ] ; curves of photosynthetic
response were drawn and light com-
pensation points (LCP), light saturation
points (LSP), dark respiration rate (c)
and apparent quantum yield (a), WUE
(WUE=Pnmax/Tr, Tr represents transpi-
ration rate) were calculated; tempera-
ture (Ta) and air relative humidity (RH)
were concluded from measurement.
Statistics and analysis of data
Variance analysis of single factor
was conducted with SPSS 11.0 (P≤
0.05) to compare differences of photo-
synthetic characteristics of young tree
in different seasons.
Results and Analysis
Relative air humidity and tempera-
ture in three seasons
As shown in Fig.1, relative air hu-
midity (RH), which increased with light
intensity, achieved the highest in fog-
cool and rainy seasons (70%-80%);
RH was significantly lower in dry-hot
season (60%), which also increased
with light intensity. For temperature,
however, it was the lowest in fog-cool
season (lower than 20 ℃ ); tempera-
tures in dry-hot and rainy seasons
were similar, at 26-27 ℃, significantly
high than that in fog-cool season.
Photosynthetic response for yo-
ung tree of B. macrostachya
As shown in Fig.2 and Table 1,
the biggest photosynthetic rate (Pnmax)
of the young trees achieved 4.08
μmol/(m2·s) in rainy season, followed
by dry-hot and fog-cool seasons at
2.89 and 1.81 μmol/(m2·s) in tropical
monsoon forest; LSP and LCP ach-
ieved peaks in fog-cool season at
369.78 and 17.38 μmol/(m2·s), respec-
tively; LSP was a little higher in rainy
season than that in dry-hot season,
but LCP was higher in dry-hot season.
In addition, dark respiration rate (c)
achieved peak in foggy season, follo-
wed by dry-hot season and rainy sea-
son, at 1.25, 1.11 and 1.05 μmol/(m2·s),
respectively; apparent quantum yield
(a) was the lowest in fog-cool season
(0.023 7) and the highest in rainy sea-
son (0.067 4).
Photosynthetic response of physi-
ological property of young trees
As shown in Fig.3, intercellular
CO2 concentration (Ci) achieved the
highest in fog-cool season, at 360-455
μmol/(m2·s) and the lowest in dry-hot
season, at 243 -410 μmol/(m2·s); it
was 303-390 μmol/(m2·s) in rainy sea-
son. In three seasons, Ci changed
from increasing to decreasing under
artificial light and ascended again
when light was at 500 μmol/(m2·s). In
addition, stomatal conductance (Gs)
achieved the highest in rainy and fog-
cool seasons, at 0.07-0.18 and 0.06-
0.17 mmol/(m2·s) and Gs in rainy
season was higher than that in fog-
cool season. In dry-hot season, it was
only 0.03-0.04 mmol/( m2·s).
Transpiration rate (Tr) achieved
the highest in rainy season at 0.45 -
1.59 mmol/(m2·s), which was signifi-
cantly higher than those in dry-hot
season and fog-cool season. In addi-
tion, Tr in rainy season was higher
than that in dry-hot season when light
was over 800 mmol/(m2·s) and it was
Fig.1 Changes of relative air humidity (RH) and temperature (Ta) in tropical monsoon for-
est in three seasons
Fig.2 Photosynthetic response of young trees in three seasons
Agricultural Science & Technology
Vol.13, No.6, 2012 Agricultural Science & Technology
Fig.3 Photosynthetic response of intercellular Ci, Gs, Tr, and WUE of young trees in three
contrary when light was lower than 500
mmol/(m2·s); Tr in three seasons all
increased with light intensity. For
WUE, it achieved peak in dry-hot sea-
son, followed by rainy and fog-cool
seasons, which were 7.35, 6.74 and
3.58 μmol/mmol, respectively. Fur-
thermore,WUE changed from increas-
ing to decreasing with light intensity
and the intensity at inflection point was
200-500 μmol/(m2·s).
Conclusions and Discus-
In general, young trees in tropical
monsoon forest are slow in growth and
only grow in a rapid speed when gaps
are formed[12]. In the research, charac-
teristics of photosynthetic response of
young trees were observed under arti-
ficial light, suggesting that Pnmax was
the highest in rainy season, signifi-
cantly higher than those in the other
two seasons. However, LSPs were all
lower in three seasons, at 200 -500
μmol/(m2·s), and Pnmax stopped growing
although light intensity increased. In
contrast, photoinhibition occurred
(Fig.2 and Table 1) and photosynthet-
ic plasticity showed common. Further-
more, LCP of young trees in the forest
was also lower, indicating the young
trees are shade-tolerant. Efficiency of
light energy utilization was the highest
in rainy season (Table 1), which will
contribute to Pnmax increase.
In the research, Gs and Tr were
both higher in rainy season than those
in the other seasons, and they
changed similarly, which suggested
that Gs had significant effect on Tr. In
addition,WUE was higher (Fig.3) when
Pnmax achieved the highest (Fig.2). In
Xishuangbanna, inhibited by water in
dry-hot season, plant would improve
WUE to adapt environment. Further-
more, WUE declined significantly un-
der highest light intensity, showing that
WUE of young tree was under pres-
sure. In contrast, Ci changed in an
opposite way with that of Pnmax, for ex-
ample, when Pnmax achieved the
highest (Fig.2), Ci of young trees was
the lowest (Fig.3).
Physiological adaptability of yo-
ung trees would be shaped by differ-
ences of environmental factors among
seasons (Fig.1) and young trees differ
in photoresponse features in different
seasons although under same artificial
light (Fig.2, Fig.3 and Table 1). It is
clear that young trees have formed
corresponding adaptability features,
which can be found in researches
on other young trees [ 8 ] . The adap-
tive characters will be reflected in
large-scale aspect, for example, influ-
enced by monsoon, tropical monsoon
forest in Xishuangbanna showed sea-
sonal characteristics[13].
This work is supported by Eco-
system Localizer Station of Tropical
Forests in Xishuangbanna, CAS. We
thank SONG Qing-hai for supporting
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(Continued on page 1259)
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Vol.13, No.6, 2012 Agricultural Science & Technology
(Continued from page 1253)
栗忠飞 1, 2*,郑 征 2 (1.西南林业大学环境科学与工程学院,云南昆明 650224;2.中国科学院 西双版纳热带植物园昆明分部,云南昆明 650223)
摘 要 [目的] 了解热带季节雨林幼树个体光合光响应的生物学特性,为全球气候变化下热带雨林保护提供科学依据。[方法]在西双版纳热带季
节雨林中选择林下云南玉蕊幼树,分别于雾凉季、干热季、雨季,测定其光合光响应特征的季节变化动态。[结果]云南玉蕊幼树林下 Pnmax为雨季最
大,干热季和雾凉季次之,分别为 4.08、2.89和 1.81 μmol/(m·s),季节间具显著差异;Gs和 Tr以雨季相对最高,WUE以干热季为最高,Ci以雾凉
季为最高,它们在人工光源下的最大值分别为 0.18 mmol/(m2·s)、1.59 mmol/(m2·s)、7.35 μmol/mmol和 455 μmol/(m2·s);Ci随光强及季节的变化与
WUE呈相反趋势,而 Gs与 Tr变化趋势基本一致。[结论] 热带季节雨林云南玉蕊幼树林下光合光响应特征有明显季节性,雨季中有比其他季节
关键词 季节雨林;云南玉蕊;光合特性;西双版纳
基金项目 云南省科技计划项目(2009ZC084M);云南省教育厅科技计划项目(08C0093);西南林业大学生态学校级重点建设学科项目(XKX200902);国
作者简介 栗忠飞(1976-),男,内蒙古乌海人,讲师,从事植物生态学研究,E-mail: lizhongfei@sohu.com。*通讯作者,E-mail: lizhongfei@sohu.com。
收稿日期 2012-05-11 修回日期 2012-05-15
Responsible editor: Xiaoxue WANG Responsible proofreader: Xiaoyan WU
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丁 玲 1,彭镰心 2,刘 圆 1* (1.西南民族大学民族医药研究院,四川成都 610041;2. 成都大学生物产业学院,四川成都 610106)
摘 要 [目的]研究维药巴旦木种仁中无机元素的含量分布特征,为巴旦木的品种质量评价提供新的试验方法和科学依据。[方法]采用电感耦合
等离子发射光谱法(ICP-OES)同时测定巴旦木种仁中的 26种无机元素 Al、B、Be、Ca、Co、Cu、Fe、Mg、Mn、Mo、Na、Ni、P、Pb、Si、Sn、Sr、Ti、Zn、Cd、As、
各元素的绝对含量存在显著差异;经主成分分析得出 5个主因子,其累计方差贡献率达 84.371%,第一、二和三主因子的方差贡献率为 67.546%,
故它们所对应的 Fe、Ti、Pb、Na、Se、Cu、Mo、K、Zn、Ni、Ca、Sr是巴旦木种仁中的特征元素。[结论]该方法简便、快速、准确,适于分析测定维药巴旦木
关键词 ICP-OES法;巴旦木;无机元素;主成分分析
基金项目 国家科技支撑计划项目(2012ABI27B07);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目优秀科研团队及重大孵化项目(11NZYTH02);四川
作者简介 丁 玲(1986-),女,辽宁黑山人,硕士研究生,研究方向:少数民族药物研究工作。*通讯作者,教授,博士,从事少数民族药物的研究和
收稿日期 2012-04-14 修回日期 2012-04-21

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