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New Microorganisms from the Gaoyuzhuang Formation of Northern Taihang Mountains, China

A new diverse assemblage of microorganisms has been discovered in black bedded, nodular and lenticular cherts and dark chert of domical stromatolites in dolostone of the Gaoyuzhuang Formation in Lingqiu County, northern Taihang Mountains. The geologic relationships, biostratigraphic correlations, and available radiometric age determinations place the age of the Gaoyuzhuang Formation at approximately 1 400-1 600 million years in age. Eight new species, three unnamed species, and two emended genera of oscillatoriacean, nostocacean, and chroococcacean cyanobacteria are described. These data coupled with reports of others indicate that the diversity of taxa in the Gaoyuzhuang Formation reaches 100 species. The Gaoyuzhuang Formation contains one of the richest Mesoproterozoic communities of microfossils. The following new and emended taxa are described: Oscillatoriaceae: Eophormidium orculiformis sp. nov., E . sp., Siphonophycus caudataceous sp. nov., Palaeolyngbya complanata sp. nov., P. capitata sp. nov., P . sp. and Oscillatoriopsis sp..Nostocaceae: Veteronostocale vaginata sp. nov.. Chroococcaceae: Maculosphaera giganta sp. nov. and Gloeotheceopsis grandis sp. nov. Incertae sedis: Myxococcoides limpida sp. nov.


(1. 中国科学院植物研究所,北京100093;2. Department of Geological Sciennces,Preston Cloud Research Lboratory,University of California,Santa Barbara,CA  93106,U.S.A)

摘要:长城群高于庄组主要分布于我国华北地区 ,地质年龄约在 14~ 16亿年。主要描述了华北太行山北段灵邱县境内高于庄组白云岩中的层状和扁豆状透镜体燧石及穹隆式叠层石的黑色燧石中的颤藻、念珠藻和色球藻植物的 8个新种和 3个未定种 ,其中还有两个新修订属。这些新的种群再加上前人在高于庄组地层中已报道的汇成了近 10 0个种生物组合 ,进一步证明高于庄组是地球上中元代微化石类群最丰富的产地之一。以下是该组新发现和新修订的分类类群 :颤藻科 (Oscillatoriaceae) :Eophormidium orculiformissp .nov.,E .sp .,Siphonophycuscaudataceous sp .nov.,Palaeolyngbyacomplanata sp .nov.,P .capitatasp .nov.,P .sp .,Oscillatoriopsissp .;念珠藻科 (Nosto caceae) :Veteronostocalevaginatasp .nov.;色球藻科 (Chroococcaceae) :Maculosphaeragiganta sp .nov .,Gloeotheceopsisgrandis sp.nov,;分类位置未定的类群:Myxococcoides limpida sp.nov.

关键词: 华北;太行山;高于庄组;微化石

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