作 者 :Zhao Zuo-Cheng
期 刊 :植物分类学报 1988年 4期
Keywords:Hydrocharitaceae, Blyxa, Seed characters,
The present paper reports seed characters of 14 populations in Chinese Blyxa,
examined using light microscope and scanning electron microscope. The internal structures
of seeds were observed under light microscope after being prepared by paraffin section.
The results show that differences between populations of different species are more dis-
tinct than between those within a species. The 14 populations in Chinese Blyxa are grouped
into 4 species, i.e. Blyxa echinosperma (G. B. clarke) Hook. f., B. auberti Rich., B. leiosper-
ma Koid., B. japonica (Miq.) Maxim.