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The effects of incubation temperature on embryonic metabolism and hatchling behavior in the Red-banded Snake, Dinodon rufozonatum


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摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 生 态 学 报
摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 (SHENGTAI XUEBAO)
摇 摇 第 32 卷 第 18 期摇 摇 2012 年 9 月摇 (半月刊)
目摇 摇 次
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象山港人工鱼礁区的网采浮游植物群落组成及其与环境因子的关系 江志兵,陈全震,寿摇 鹿,等 (5813)……
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海洋酸化生态学研究进展 汪思茹,殷克东,蔡卫君, 等 (5859)…………………………………………………
纺锤水蚤摄食生态学研究进展 胡思敏,刘摇 胜,李摇 涛,等 (5870)………………………………………………
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嗜中性微好氧铁氧化菌研究进展 林超峰,龚摇 骏 (5889)…………………………………………………………
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孵化温度对赤链蛇胚胎代谢和幼体行为的影响 孙文佳,俞摇 霄,曹梦洁,等 (5924)……………………………
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期刊基本参数:CN 11鄄2031 / Q*1981*m*16*322*zh*P* ¥ 70郾 00*1510*36*
封面图说: 冬天低空飞翔的丹顶鹤———丹顶鹤是鹤类中的一种,因头顶有“红肉冠冶而得名。 是东亚地区特有的鸟种,因体态优
雅、颜色分明,在这一地区的文化中具有吉祥、忠贞、长寿的象征,是传说中的仙鹤,国家一级保护动物。 丹顶鹤具备
鹤类的特征,即三长———嘴长、颈长、腿长。 成鸟除颈部和飞羽后端为黑色外,全身洁白,头顶皮肤裸露,呈鲜红色。
彩图提供: 陈建伟教授摇 北京林业大学摇 E鄄mail: cites. chenjw@ 163. com
第 32 卷第 18 期
2012 年 9 月
生 态 学 报
Vol. 32,No. 18
Sep. ,2012
http: / / www. ecologica. cn
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(31070339); 浙江省重点科技创新团队项目(2010R50039)
收稿日期:2011鄄08鄄18; 摇 摇 修订日期:2012鄄02鄄07
*通讯作者 Corresponding author. E鄄mail: linlh@ yahoo. cn
DOI: 10. 5846 / stxb201108181217
Sun W J, Yu X, Cao M J, Lin L H. The effects of incubation temperature on embryonic metabolism and hatchling behavior in the Red-banded Snake,
Dinodon rufozonatum. Acta Ecologica Sinica,2012,32(18):5924鄄5929.
孙文佳,俞摇 霄,曹梦洁,林隆慧*
(杭州师范大学生命科学学院杭州市动物适应与进化重点实验室, 杭州摇 310036)
摘要:研究了赤链蛇(Dinodon rufozonatum)在孵化过程中卵的生长、孵化期、胚胎代谢和孵出幼体行为表现的热依赖性。 结果显
率和幼体吐信频次。 孵化期随着孵化温度的升高而缩短,孵化过程中,24 益终末卵重和胚胎代谢率显著大于 30 益,而 27 益与
其他两个温度没有差异;27 益孵出幼体游速较 24 益快,30 益孵出幼体与其他两个温度孵出幼体的游速无显著差异。 上述结果
显示:24—30 益是赤链蛇适合的孵化温度范围,与赤链蛇所处的生境温度相近。
The effects of incubation temperature on embryonic metabolism and hatchling
behavior in the Red鄄banded Snake, Dinodon rufozonatum
SUN Wenjia, YU Xiao, CAO Mengjie, LIN Longhui*
Hangzhou Key Laboratory for Animal Adaptation and Evolution, School of Life Sciences, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou 310036, China
Abstract: We collected adult females of Dinodon rufozonatum ( Colubridae) from a population in Zhejiang, Southeast
China, to study the effects of incubation temperature on embryonic metabolism and hatchling behavior. We incubated eggs
at there constant temperatures ranging from 24 益 to 30 益, and weighed containers and eggs at 5鄄day intervals. The
duration of incubation, measured as the number of days to pipping, was recorded for each egg. Eggs were measured for
changes in size and embryonic metabolism at 5鄄day intervals. The response to chemical cues, respiration metabolism and
sexual phenotype were determined for each hatchling. Because physiological and behavioral performances are highly
sensitive to variation in body temperature in reptiles, we conducted all trials at the body temperature of 28 益 . This was
achieved by placing hatchlings in an incubator at the test temperature for approximately 1 h prior to testing. We presented a
cotton鄄tipped applicator soaked with cologne water to the lip of hatchlings and recorded tongue flicks for 1 min. Tongue
flicking was measured because many reptiles flick their tongues frequently to detect both predators and prey and to gather
information about other members of their own species. The behavioral character is therefore a potentially important indicator
of fitness.
Incubation temperature affected incubation length, mass gain and energy consumption of eggs during incubation and
locomotor performance of hatchlings, but not the rate of embryonic metabolism, hatchling success and tongue flicking.
Incubation length decreased exponentially as incubation temperature increased. All eggs gained mass during incubation due
to absorption of water. Incubation temperature affected water exchanges between eggs and their surroundings, thereby
affecting the hydric conditions inside the egg. Eggs incubated at 24 益 gained more mass and comsumed more energy to
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hatch than did eggs at 30 益, but eggs incubated at these two temperatures did not differ from eggs incubated at 27 益 in
mass gain and energy consumption during incubation. Swimming speed was greatest in hatchlings incubated at 27 益 and
lowest in hatchling incubated at 24 益, with hatchlings incubated at 30 益 in between. Hatchlings incubated at the three
temperatures did not differ from each other in tongue flicking.
The carbon dioxide breathed out by eggs decreased as incubation temperature increased. The amount of energy
consumed by embryos developing at 24, 27 and 30 益 during incubation was 6. 63, 4. 42 and 3. 42 J, respectively. This
result better explains why hatchlings incubated at lower temperatures are larger in snout鄄vent length and heavier than those
incubated at higher temperatures. Though the rate of embryonic metabolism did not differ among three temperature
treatments, incubation length was longer at lower than at higher temperatures so that embryons at lower temperatures needed
more energy to complete development. This explains why hatchlings from eggs incubated at lower temperatures had more
residual yolks than did those from higher incubation temperature.
Our results reveal that incubating eggs at temperatures ranging from 24—30 益 does not have important effects on
embryonic metabolism and hatchlings behavior in D. rufozonatum. This temperature range seems like temperature at habitat
of D. rufozonatum.
Key Words: colubridae; Dinodon rufozonatum; duration of incubation; metabolism; swimming speed
生境利用、运动和地理分布等[2鄄4]。 而胚胎发育期间所经历温湿环境的变化甚至会持久而深远地影响到爬行
动物后期的生理和行为。 大量的研究结果证实孵化温度会影响爬行动物后代的运动、嗅觉、生长和幼体存活
率等[5鄄7]。 但孵化温度对胚胎发育过程中能量投入的影响研究甚少,仅局限在少数几个物种[8鄄10],如鳄目
(Crocodylus johnstoni)在孵化温度 29 益时的代谢率和后代大小大于 31 益,东方强棱蜥(Sceloporus undulatus)
在 28 益下幼体孵化总的代谢支出大于 30—34 益的能量支出。 然而,在普遍存在着孵化温度和后代大小存在
赤链蛇(Dinodon rufozonatum)隶属于游蛇科(Colubridae)链蛇属(Dinodon),主要分布于我国的华北、华
中、东北和朝鲜、日本等地[11]。 有关赤链蛇的研究主要涉及孵化温湿度对赤链蛇后代表型的影响[12鄄13]。 而孵
径。 本文主要检测孵化温度对赤链蛇胚胎发育过程中能量代谢和孵出幼体行为表现的影响,希望通过上述数
1. 摇 材料和方法
1. 1摇 动物的收集和饲养
于 2010 年 6 月从浙江杭州和睦水乡和西溪湿地采集 14 条赤链游蛇(体长 71. 5—91. 5 cm)母体。 随后
动物被运到杭州师范大学两栖爬行动物中心实验室,饲养在室内 60 cm伊 45 cm伊50 cm(长伊宽伊高)的铁丝笼
内,室内温度控制在 (28 依 2) 益。 期间提供充足的食物 [中国石龙子 (Eumeces chinensis)和泽蛙 ( Rana
1. 2摇 卵的收集和孵化
实验室内赤链蛇的产卵时间为 7 月 16 至 7 月 31 日。 从产第一窝卵开始每天至少检查两次蛇笼以便及
时收集和测量新生卵。 母体产卵后测量其体长、尾长和体重以计算母体的生育力,并及时测量卵的大小(精
确至 0. 01 mm)和重量(精确至 1 mg)。 14 条母体共产卵 114 枚,本项研究用的赤链蛇每窝产卵 5—13 枚。 我
们取其中的 28 枚(同窝卵只取其中 1 枚,且尽量选取不同产地来源的卵)进行本项研究,这些卵被随机分配
到 3 个孵化温度进行孵化。 28 枚赤链蛇的卵被随机分成 3 组分别置于加盖的 250 mL塑料孵化盒中,盒内以
蛭石和水(质量比为 1颐1)做孵化基质[14]。 卵长径的 1 / 3 埋在孵化基质中。 为保证孵化盒湿度一致,孵化盒每
5295摇 18 期 摇 摇 摇 孙文佳摇 等:孵化温度对赤链蛇胚胎代谢和幼体行为的影响 摇
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5 d称重 1 次并补充因卵吸收和空气蒸发而损失的水分。
将孵化盒置于 3 个不同温度的恒温室进行孵化,室内温度分别设置为 24、27 和 30 益。 为减少恒温室不
1. 3摇 卵代谢和后代行为
从产卵到幼体孵出的时间作为孵化期,并记录每个卵的孵化期。 每 10 d 称 1 次卵的重量随后测量其呼
吸代谢。 作者测定卵的呼吸代谢时均在每个卵所处的温度下测定,测定代谢率先将卵取出孵化盒并称重。 每
个卵均置于无菌纸上,放入 Qubit公司生产的呼吸仪(RP1LP鄄FCM Low Range Respiration Package)内进行代谢
率的测定。 操作方法完全按照产品使用说明书要求的步骤进行,实验数据由计算机软件 Logger Pro 3郾 7 采集
并加以分析。 代谢率的测定以卵在呼吸过程中平均每分钟所产生的二氧化碳毫升数为标准进行计算。
为雄性。 所有个体在测完形态数据后 12 h内进行行为表现的测定,由于生理和行为表现在爬行动物中的热
敏感性,作者在测定幼体行为前 1h将幼体置于 28 益恒温室进行驯化。 通过测量后代吐信频次和游泳速度来
评估其运动表现。 由于许多爬行动物都是通过吐信的方式收集周围环境中的信息吐信行为可能是适合度的
重要标志,而且它会随着爬行动物体温的变化而变化[15鄄16]。 因此测量幼体的吐信频次用于检测孵化温度对
幼体行为的影响,测量方法是用蘸有花露水的棉签置于幼体吻端前 1 cm处记录 1 min内幼体的吐信次数。
游速在 1. 5 m 伊 0. 15 m 伊 0. 45 m (长 伊 宽 伊 高)的跑道里进行,跑道内放入高 25 cm的水,一人用毛笔
强烈驱赶小蛇(笔头频繁碰触蛇尾,并避免笔杆碰触蛇尾),另一人利用数码相机(松下 NV鄄DS77)由上而下进
行拍摄。 实验期间用 WMZ鄄3点温计测量跑道内水温,并把水温控制在(28 ±0. 5) 益。 用 MGI ViedoWave 软
件(MGI Software, Canada)分析拍摄的小蛇游泳的录像,确定在 25 cm内不间断的最快游泳速度为最快速度。
1. 4摇 统计分析
用 Statistica 8 软件包进行统计分析,由于性别对数据结果没有影响,因此合并两种不同性别的数据。 数
据作参数统计分析前,分别检验其正态性(Kolmogorov鄄Smirnov test)和方差同质性(F鄄max test)。 用 G 检验检
测 3 个温度下的孵化成功率和性比差异。 重复测量方差分析(repeated measures ANOVA)分析孵化温度对卵
重的影响。 由于卵重对呼吸代谢的结果有影响[17],因此用重复测量协方差分析(repeated measures ANCOVA)
分析孵化温度对胚胎呼吸代谢的影响,双因子方差分析(two鄄way ANOVA)检验温度和性别对吐信频次和运动
表型的影响,用 Tukey多重比较检验多样本各处理彼此间的差异。 文中所有描述性统计值均用平均值 ±标准
误表示,显著性水平设置为 琢=0. 05。
2摇 结果
2. 1摇 孵化温度对孵化成功率的影响
14 条赤链蛇母体窝卵数范围为 5—13 枚(平均 8. 6 ±0. 7),窝平均卵重范围为 5. 40—7. 61 g (平均 6. 32
±0. 2)。 窝卵数和窝平均卵重与体长无明显的相关性(P > 0. 22)。 3 个孵化温度下的初始卵重没有差异
(one鄄way ANOVA; F2, 24 =0. 09, P=0. 91)、孵化成功率和性比均没有差异 (G 检验, P > 0. 05; 表 1)。 线性
回归显示孵化期与卵重无相关性( r2 =0. 004, t=0. 24, df=16, P=0. 82)。 不同温度下孵化期差异显著(F1, 15
=119. 4, P<0. 0001),高温孵化期最短,低温最长(表 1)。
2. 2摇 孵化温度对卵代谢率和后代行为的影响
线性回归检验结果发现代谢率(每分钟呼吸产生 CO2 的微升数)与卵重和孵化时间呈正相关(P <
0郾 0001)。 孵化期间随着孵化时间的延长卵因吸水增重显著(图 1)。 以初始卵重为协变量孵化温度为因子
的协方差分析显示幼体孵出前的终末卵重差异显著(F2, 15 = 4. 00, P = 0. 04),24 益 下的终末卵重(10. 17 g)
显著大于 30 益 的终末卵重(8. 68 g),而 27 益 的终末卵重(8. 87 g)与这两个孵化温度无显著差异(图 1)。
孵化温度对胚胎代谢率没有影响(one-way ANCOVA, P > 0. 05)(图 2)。 胚胎发育所产生的 CO2 量在
24 、27 益和 30 益下分别为 0. 33、0. 22 L和 0. 17 L,经计算这 3 个孵化温度卵代谢所消耗的能量分别为 6. 63、
6295 摇 生摇 态摇 学摇 报摇 摇 摇 32 卷摇
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4. 42 J和 3. 42 J。
表 1摇 孵化温度对幼体孵化期和和孵化成功率的影响
Table 1摇 Effects of incubation temperature on incubation length, hatching success and the sex ratio of hatchlings
孵化温度 / 益
Thermal treatment
Number of incubated eggs
孵化期 / d
Duration of incubation
孵化成功率 / %
Hatching success
Sex ratio (意意/裔裔)
24 10 78. 4 ±2. 3摇 67—82 70. 0 (7 / 10) 2 / 5
27 8 54. 9 ±0. 4摇 54—56 71. 4 (6 / 8) 2 / 4
30 10 45. 1 ±0. 4摇 44—46 60. 0 (6 / 10) 3 / 3
摇 摇 孵化期的数据用平均值依标准误和范围表示
图 1摇 在 3 个不同的恒温条件下卵重的时间变异
Fig. 1 摇 Temporal changes in egg masses incubated at three
constant temperatures
数据用平均值 ±标准误表示,卵重每 10 d称量 1 次
图 2摇 在 3 个不同的恒温条件下二氧化碳呼出量的时间变异
Fig. 2摇 Temporal changes in CO2 production of eggs incubated at
three constant temperatures
数据用平均值 ±标准误表示,二氧化碳呼出量每 10 d称量 1 次
摇 图 3摇 在 3 个不同的恒温条件下孵出的赤链蛇幼体的游速(cm / s)
和吐信频次(次 / min)
Fig. 3摇 Swimming speed ( cm / s) and tongue flicking ( numbers /
min ) of D. rufozonatum hatchlings incubated at three
constant temperatures
数据用平均值 ±标准误表示
孵化温度对后代吐信频次无显著影响 ( one鄄way
ANOVA, F2,16 =0. 11, P = 0. 89),但对泳速影响较显著
(one鄄way ANOVA, F2,16 = 4. 65, P = 0. 03) (图 3)。 27
益下孵出的幼体游速较 24 益快,30 益孵出幼体与其他
两个温度没有差异(图 3)。
3摇 讨论
直接影响幼体的适合度。 例如极端高温不仅能降低孵
响[18]。 赤链蛇在 24—30益的孵化期随着温度的升高逐
(表 1)。
7295摇 18 期 摇 摇 摇 孙文佳摇 等:孵化温度对赤链蛇胚胎代谢和幼体行为的影响 摇
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于产柔性卵的有鳞类爬行动物[14, 19鄄21],卵在孵化过程中,与周围的环境进行水分交换净吸水导致胚胎增重,
吸水的速率与周围热环境有明显的相关性,随温度的上升吸水率逐渐下降。 赤链蛇在胚胎孵化过程中,也有
相似的结果,随温度的上升胚胎吸水率下降(图 1)。
爬行动物的代谢与其体重、体温、年龄和个体状态有密切的关系[22鄄23]。 赤链蛇在整个孵化期间胚胎发育
所产生的 CO2 量和消耗的能量数随着孵化温度的上升而减少。 这一点与张永普和计翔的研究结果相一致,
他们的研究结果显示 30 益下孵出幼体的剩余卵黄大于低温孵出幼体的剩余卵黄。 原因主要是由于高温下孵
较差[18, 21, 24]。 本研究说明赤链蛇对 24—30 益孵化温度的影响不敏感,孵化温度对赤链蛇孵出幼体的行为影
响较小,仅 27 益孵化温度孵出的幼体游速好于 24 益 (图 3)。 比较赤链蛇的其他研究结果[12鄄13]和 2009—
2010 年野外赤链蛇活动区的温度发现,24—30 益没有达到赤链蛇活动区温度的临界值,这一温度范围适合其
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9295摇 18 期 摇 摇 摇 孙文佳摇 等:孵化温度对赤链蛇胚胎代谢和幼体行为的影响 摇
ACTA ECOLOGICA SINICA Vol. 32,No. 18 September,2012(Semimonthly)
Hyperspectral characteristics of typical subtopical trees at different levels of simulated acid rain
SHI Qilong, JIANG Hong, CHEN Jian, et al (5621)
Wind fields and the development of wind corridors in the urban metropolis of the Pearl River Delta
SUN Wu, WANG Yiming, WANG Yuelei, et al (5630)
Dynamics of canopy structure and understory light in montane evergreen broadleaved forest following a natural disturbance in
North Guangdong OU Yuduan, SU Zhiyao (5637)…………………………………………………………………………………
The influence of 4 species of preys on the development and fecundity of Orius similis Zheng
ZHANG Changrong, ZHI Junrui, MO Lifeng (5646)
Woody seedling regeneration in secondary succession of monsoon broad鄄leaved evergreen forest in Puer, Yunnan, Southwest
China LI Shuaifeng, LIU Wande, SU Jianrong, et al (5653)……………………………………………………………………
Scale鄄dependent spatial variation of species abundance and richness in two mixed evergreen鄄deciduous broad鄄leaved karst forests,
Southwest China ZHANG Zhonghua, HU Gang, ZHU Jiedong, et al (5663)……………………………………………………
The spatial heterogeneity of soil nutrients in a mid鄄subtropical Castanopsis kawakamii natural forest
SU Songjin,LIU Jinfu,HE Zhongsheng,et al (5673)
Effects of Vetiveria zizanioides L. growth on chemical and biological properties of copper mine tailing wastelands
XU Decong, ZHAN Jing, CHEN Zheng, et al (5683)
Effects of different irrigation regimes on characteristics of transpiring water鄄consumption of three desert species
SHAN Lishan, LI Yi, ZHANG Ximing, et al (5692)
The response of euhalophyte Salicornia europaea L. to different nitrogen forms
NIE Lingling, FENG Juanjuan, L譈 Sulian, et al (5703)
Dynamic analysis on spatial pattern of dominant tree species of cold鄄temperate coniferous forest in the succession process in
the Pangquangou Nature Reserve ZHANG Qindi, BI Runcheng, ZHANG Jintun, et al (5713)…………………………………
Effects of AM fungi on the growth and nutrients of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. under different soil water and fertilizer conditions
HE Xueli,MA Li,MENG Jingjing,et al (5721)
The dynamics of soil respiration in a winter wheat field with plastic mulched鄄ridges and unmulched furrows
SHANGGUAN Yuxian, SHI Ripeng, HAN Kun, et al (5729)
Cattle dung composted by different methods had different effects on the growth and quality of soybean
GUO Liyue, LIU XueMei, ZHAN Lijie, et al (5738)
Nitrogen budget modelling at the headwaters of Urumqi River Based on the atmospheric deposition and runoff
WANG Shengjie, ZHANG Mingjun, WANG Feiteng, et al (5747)
Evaluating the ecosystem sustainability of circular agriculture based on the emergy theory: a case study of the Xingyuan circular
agriculture demonstration site in Fuqing City, Fujian ZHONG Zhenmei, WENG Boqi, HUANG Qinlou, et al (5755)…………
Effects of cold exposure and recovery on viability and energy consumption in the sub鄄adult female giant spiny frogs (Paa spinosa)
LING Yun, SHAO Chen, XIE Zhigang, et al (5763)

A comparison of night鄄interruption on diapause鄄averting among two populations of the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera
CHEN Yuansheng, TU Xiaoyun, CHEN Chao, et al (5770)
Effects of soil erosion control measures on soil organic carbon and total nitrogen in a small watershed
ZHANG Yanjun, GUO Shengli, NAN Yafang, et al (5777)
Comparative analysis of Lugu Lake watershed ecosystem function under different management authorities
DONG Rencai, GOU Yaqing, LI Siyuan,et al (5786)
Relationship between fish community diversity and environmental factors in the Lianjiang River, Guangdong, China
LI Jie, LI Xinhui, JIA Xiaoping, et al (5795)
Effect of dissolved oxygen level on metabolic mode in juvenile crucian carp ZHANG Wei, CAO Zhendong, FU Shijian (5806)……
Community composition of net鄄phytoplankton and its relationship with the environmental factors at artificial reef area in Xiang鄄
shan Bay JIANG Zhibing, CHEN Quanzhen, SHOU Lu, et al (5813)……………………………………………………………
Emergy appraisal on the loss of ecosystem service caused by marine reclamation: a case study in the Taozi Bay
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Assessing the visual quality of urban waterfront landscapes:the case of Hefei, China
YAO Yumin, ZHU Xiaodong, XU Yingbi,et al (5836)
Review and Monograph
Advances in ecological genomics SHI Yongbin, LI Junmin, JIN Zexin (5846)…………………………………………………………
Advances in studies of ecological effects of ocean acidification WANG Siru, YIN Kedong, CAI Weijun, et al (5859)………………
Advances in feeding ecology of Acartia HU Simin, LIU Sheng, LI Tao, et al (5870)…………………………………………………
Research progress on ammonia鄄oxidizing microorganisms in estuarine ecosystem
ZHANG Qiufang, XU Jirong, SU Jianqiang, et al (5878)
Recent progress in research on neutrophilic, microaerophilic iron(域)鄄oxidizing bacteria LIN Chaofeng, GONG Jun (5889)…………
A comparison study on primary production in typical low鄄latitude seas (South China Sea and Bay of Bengal)
LIU Huaxue, SONG Xingyu, HUANG Honghui, et al (5900)
Advances in leaf maximum carboxylation rate and its response to environmental factors
ZHANG Yanmin, ZHOU Guangsheng (5907)
10鄄years of bird habitat selection studies in mainland China: a review JIANG Aiwu, ZHOU Fang, QIN Yue, et al (5918)…………
Scientific Note
The effects of incubation temperature on embryonic metabolism and hatchling behavior in the Red鄄banded Snake, Dinodon
rufozonatum SUN Wenjia, YU Xiao, CAO Mengjie, et al (5924)…………………………………………………………………
Sensitivity analysis and dynamics of soil microbial biomass carbon, nitrogen and related parameters in red鄄yellow soil of tea garden
with different fertilization practices WANG Limin, QIU Shanlian, LIN Xinjian, et al (5930)……………………………………
Effect of fertilizers on cd uptake of two edible amaranthus herbs LI Ningyu, LI Zhian,ZHUANG Ping, et al (5937)…………………
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