作 者 :王国昌,孙晓玲,董文霞,蔡晓明,陈宗懋*
期 刊 :生态学报 2010年 30卷 24期 页码:7016~7028
Keywords:herbivore-induced plant volatiles, ecologically regulating functions, phytophagous insects, natural enemies, neighboring plants, priming,
摘 要 :虫害诱导挥发物(herbivore-induced plant volatiles, HIPVs)是植物受害虫胁迫后释放的挥发性物质,是植物与周围环境进行信息交流的媒介。环境中的天敌、害虫和植物通过感知HIPVs所携带的信息,对各自的行为或生理生化反应做出相应的调整。介绍了挥发物的种类及主要的生物合成途径,概括了影响天敌依据HIPVs搜寻寄主和猎物的主要因素。综述了这类挥发性物质对植食性昆虫寄主选择或产卵行为的影响,介绍了植物地上部分和地下部分受害后对彼此间接防御的影响,讨论了多种害虫加害同种植物后对天敌搜寻猎物或寄主行为的影响。另外,作为损伤信号,HIPVs还能诱导同株植物未受害部位和邻近植株的防御反应。最后,对HIPVs在害虫防治中的应用现状及前景作了介绍和讨论。
Abstract:Plants could release herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) into atmosphere or soil when they are damaged by herbivore insects. These volatiles serve as a language that plants use for their communication and interaction with the surrounding environment. HIPVs are mainly represented by terpenoids, fatty acid derivatives including lipoxygenase pathway products, benzenoids and phenylpropanoids, and various nitrogen and sulfur containing compounds. These chemical compounds have been demonstrated to act as indirect defenses to protect the emitting plant from herbivores and as direct defenses by repelling herbivores or deterring oviposition. That is, the signaling plant can recruit natural enemies of pests by the defensive strategy, thus minimizing further damage to it. Some factors including plant varieties, insect instars, and natural enemy’s learning and experience,influence natural enemies to locate their hosts or prey. In fact, most plants are commonly attacked by more than one herbivore. Understanding on natural enemy responses to volatile blends induced by multi-species vs. single-species herbivore is essential to get more realistic situation in volatile composition in an ecological context. The chemical signals also mean that the plant has produced toxic metabolites and proteins, there are more enemies in the vicinity, and the food is scarce and falling, so HIPVs may serve as direct defenses by repelling herbivores or deterring oviposition. On the contrary, Herbivores might also exploit these chemical signals, either to locate suitable food plants or mating partners or to avoid competition, parasitoids, or predators. Generally, roots are attacked by as many, if not more herbivores than above-ground parts. Recent studies have shown that HIPVs emitted from below-ground plant parts could also attract natural enemies of root herbivores, and also to affect aboveground indirect defense and vice versa. Therefore, HIPVs have important ecological roles in intraplant or interplant communication. HIPVs as internal signals allow damaged tissues to warn their neighbors about the presence of herbivores, and trigger an increase in direct and indirect defenses in undamaged tissues. Simultaneously, the neighboring plants could “eavesdrop” the intraplant messages to elicit their own defenses. As an alternative mechanism, the chemical signal might not induce defenses immediately but rather sensitize or ‘prime’ the neighboring plants for a quick and intense response when damaged by herbivores. Recent published studies suggest that green leaf volatiles, terpenes, MeJA, and MeSA are good candidates for the real airborne signals. The mechanisms responsible for priming against herbivores and ecological function of priming are reviewed. In addition, the main ways that applied volatiles to control pests, their merits and demerits, and some considerable problems in the practical application are discussed.
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